I cancelled my pick up service with CP as they changed the way they billed me.
For a year they picked up my articles twice a week without charging for the service.
If I had 30 items they picked up and no charge. If I had 1 item, again picked up without any charge. Then all of a sudden they started charging me. If they picked up 20 or so items I got a $6 charge, sometimes with only 5 items picked up a $16 charge.
Of course under my billing cycle, I was already into 6 weeks of new shipments before I got the first bill.
I quickly figured that it was not worth it so I cancelled the service over a month ago.
Twice a week for over the last month, the same truck driver pulls up to pick up my stuff and is told twice per week that the service was cancelled in February.
He wont stop unless he is officially told by someone at CP and CP fails to tell him.
So who do they expect will pay for his twice weekly stops to pick up nothing as it sure as heck wont be me!
What a massive and useless government machine CP is.