Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Community Member
PayPal is set to announce that they will officially back the use of a little piece of free software that, when installed, places a small icon next to the email to signify that the sender is genuine. Conversely, lack of the icon may suggest it is fake.

The software from Iconix currently has more than 350 major companies signed on and works with most email programs (including web-based). I tried it this morning and.... dang... the thing works. I did find that it placed the icon next to about 95% of the emails that I have received from eBay and PayPal and have saved. It missed a couple end of auction emails - no problem there. It also seemed to go back as far as Novemeber 2007 to insert the icons.

Iconix can be found here for more info:


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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Community Member
what a great idea! until the scammers start creating their own 'fake' icons next to the emails to resemble the genuine ones...
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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Trust Bill to source innovation. Thanks for sharing that with us!

Kat has a valid point but, surely, Iconix must have something "unique" built in? But then, perhaps not...

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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Nice idea,

Now I will start putting a image of my face into all emails so they know its genuine email from me. Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Community Member
It's just not the appearance of an icon. If you hover over the icon more info is revealed. PayPal has been testing it for a few months. Their seal of approval should indicate that the technology has some merit and cannot be easily duplicated.

But you are right in many ways Kat. In time the scammers may find a way around it. Until then we have this tool that IMO is worthy of use. It doesn't not mean that we can afford to let our guard completely down.


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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

haa haa you're right, i've seen fake emails with the verisign icon on them
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Another tool in the war on phishing scams...

Community Member
Very cool little trick.


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