04-16-2013 12:05 PM
I don't know what is happening but, in the last 2 to 3 months, my lettermail packages from Winnipeg to Ontario (even major cities like Toronto) are taking a very long time -- two weeks or more. And I've issued several refunds (in the $15 to $20 range) which is a heavy hit on the pocketbook. They used to take 4 to 5 business days -- at most.
These are small cosmetic items sent in bubble envelopes with the address clearly shown and the correct postage affixed. They have never been returned to me and have never reached the addressee, to my knowledge.
Now, prior to this, I've never received a complaint about shipping delays or an INR and I have no reason to believe any of these buyers are being fraudulent. They have all been very patient and very understanding.
Anyone else experiencing problems? The biggest percentage of my Canadian buyers are from Ontario and I'm getting a little nervous.
04-16-2013 01:48 PM
I haven't noticed any issues lately, but I'm going the other direction. (From New Brunswick)
Most of my customers are quebec, with ontario being a close second
04-16-2013 02:17 PM
I received a cheque in the mail last Friday that had been mailed four days earlier by a customer in BC.
Four days across the country from a small town to a small town seemed about right to me.
04-16-2013 02:29 PM
I received a cheque in the mail last Friday that had been mailed four days earlier by a customer in BC.
As it should! My packages to Quebec and Atlantic Canada arrive quickly -- and those to the West Coast as well. It's Ontario that's the problem.
04-16-2013 03:17 PM
I am in Vancouver and have had erratic delivery times using Lettermail Oversize to the East (Ontario and Quebec) ever since the Postal Strike. I can get 5 bdays to Ontario and Quebec or it can be 10 bdays. I got a low shipping time DSR of 3 from someone in Quebec when it to 13-14-15 business days to get there. Light Packet USA and International is faster than Lettermail Oversize to the East Coast from Vancouver many times.
Lettermail Oversize within Canada is a parcel service without any priority in my opinion. It is not treated like regular Lettermail with 2-4 days delivery time across the country as per CP web site. I also think some of it is hand sorted because it is parcels.
Anyone know for sure how Lettermail Oversize is treated by Canada Post?
04-16-2013 05:01 PM
Yes the mail in Ontario has been poor since Feb. 18/2013 when they de-mechanized several Ontario plants and around the country. Canada Post will only have 7 plants mechanized in the country by the end of this year, before there was 14 major centres.
In Windsor, they de-mechanized the plant and local mail now takes 4 business days or more. It use to be next business day. They also started to pick mail up by 3:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m. to send it down the road to return someday. Great plan! My neighbour works there and he said the truck they use to load the mail to go down road to get processed is half of size as it use to be and only one truck instead of 3 tracker trailers yet the mail just sits there until there is room for it to be shipped. Or until management calls for an extra trucks to take it out, usually on Fridays. Windsor rallied and petitioned against this but no result.
This is happening throughout the country, some areas have less mail so they are not as affected as Windsor is. I get an average of 8 pieces of mail per day, no not just bills and ad mail, actual letters too.
If you are unhappy about the service call Canada Post and let them know. I do know Windsorites are calling frequently, it is all over my social media sites.
04-16-2013 05:49 PM
"If you are unhappy about the service call Canada Post"
I intend to now that I know it could possibly be due to the de-mechanization of plants in Ontario. I thought perhaps it was a temporary problem, but it's costing me money and potentially unhappy customers. Thanks for the info.
04-16-2013 07:10 PM
Was just thinking that its been so long since I've gotten a "its not here yet" from anywhere that I can't remember when it was.
04-16-2013 08:43 PM
Yes ! Bad delays. I am also in Winnipeg. Toronto and Metropolitan area around it. Horrible service. It started going bad for me around November. And 1 missing package. 2 week + delivery is the new normal on this route for some reason.
04-17-2013 11:19 AM
Try being where i am ... I have had parcels EXPEDITED take 2 weeks to get to a town 40 min drive from me ...
i experience more delays sense i moved to holtyre then EVER before..
it doesn't matter if a parcel is going 20 minutes from me it goes to a major sorting facility 8 hr drive away from me first then goes to the destination ..
I experience alot of slow shipping to the west ...