Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member

I'm interested in starting to sell items or resell other people's items on ebay rather than simply websites and other internet-related items. Could any of you help me out or give me any advice about dropshippers? I'm not sure where to look or who to trust for this but it's time for me to keep moving forward.

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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member
Sorry Mark, but most sellers are not going to provide you with a lot of help in this respect. No one is going to give away the specifics of their business relationships to help someone else develop as competition.

My best advice is to avoid dropshippers as you remove control from your hands. Start by finding a product niche that you feel comforatble with and then track down manufacturers or master distributors that will sell to you in small quantities.

Many manufacturers are not keen on the idea of selling to people who, in turn, sell on speculation. After all, when it comes right down to it, why do they need you? They are perfectly able to sell on eBay themselves if they want to.

Dropshipping is only favourable to the seller. All the cake and minimal risk. It does nothing for the company that holds the inventory. They have the overhead and the seller reaps the retail rewards.

IMHO, my suggestion would be to invest in your own inventory and control your business. Selling for a drop-shipper does not allow you that modest claim.



Message 2 of 7
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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member

Thanks for the honest advice, I really appreciate it. You are right about dropshippers since everything you said does make sense. I will definitely find a market that has not yet been touched or has very few people involved. I was interested in selling DVDs and video games but I can see that market is already pretty full.

Thanks again,
Message 3 of 7
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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member
No problem but I'll add this one last thought.

Don't be afraid to re-invent yourself every once in a while. The people that do well on eBay generally find a niche they can sell. The 11th commandment is "Thou shalt steal thy neighbours good ideas" so you will find if you have success in an area others will be sure to follow your lead. Once it gets crowded - move on to another area.

Remember - if you are not the lead Husky the scenery never changes.

Good luck



Message 4 of 7
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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member
dropshipping is not a really good way to make money one ebay. You will often only put a few bucks in your pocket for every items you sell. I tried it and beleive me... you'd better find a few Manufacturer and deal directly with them!
Message 5 of 7
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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member
Thanks for the help! I'm off to find something to sell on my own 🙂

Message 6 of 7
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Anyone know of any DropShippers?

Community Member
I agree with all that was said. Besides, using dropshippers will get you LOTS of negative feedback as it can be very unreliable.

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