Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

Purchased a coat for $127... Came to $171 after using GPS, item described as worn only 3X! Item arrived was covered with dog hair, not looking 'worn 3X...maybe 300X!) . It also had writing inside on name label of two different names in 2 diff. brightly coloured permanent markers BOLD. The seller also used a stock photo from ( I did an image search) vs a photo of actual coat. Spoke to eBay agents several times ( have ref#s) and was assured the seller would have to refund and send shipping label since they misrepresented item. Seller already agreed to refund item but before not return shipping label.
Seller asked ebay to step in... I could not ask them to until dec 11?!
Just got an email re; ebays decision in favor of seller.
I have appealed but this makes no sense to me after countless phone conversations assuring me I would be refunded in total etc...
Does anyone see the logic or havs any one had success with an appeal?
Thank you

Message 1 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

The box or envelope used to ship the coat, was it damaged?

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

No , it looks ok
Message 3 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

@trudylookinglass wrote:
Purchased a coat for $127... Came to $171 after using GPS, item described as worn only 3X! Item arrived was covered with dog hair, not looking 'worn 3X...maybe 300X!) . It also had writing inside on name label of two different names in 2 diff. brightly coloured permanent markers BOLD. The seller also used a stock photo from ( I did an image search) vs a photo of actual coat. Spoke to eBay agents several times ( have ref#s) and was assured the seller would have to refund and send shipping label since they misrepresented item. Seller already agreed to refund item but before not return shipping label.
Seller asked ebay to step in... I could not ask them to until dec 11?!
Just got an email re; ebays decision in favor of seller.
I have appealed but this makes no sense to me after countless phone conversations assuring me I would be refunded in total etc...
Does anyone see the logic or havs any one had success with an appeal?
Thank you

Since this is a GSP transaction, you could try contacting eBay employee katherine_hfrgsp via personal message. She's currently responsible for handling GSP-related issues. Hopefuly she'll be able to help you. Good luck! (And steer clear of GSP listings!)


You can also leave appropriate feedback for the seller. Don't mention the GSP or anything related to shipping, or else it will be removed. Leave calm, factual feedback about the condition of the item compared with the description in the listing. You can also ding the seller's "Item as described" star. If you communicated with the seller and were told to take a hike (even in more polite terms), you can also ding his/her communication star. I wouldn't leave anything for the other stars.


But don't forget that feedback is the very last step; it comes after everything else.

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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again. Persistence DOES pay! ( in this case)
I just spoke to an account specialist and have had the decision reversed in my favour and been refunded in full.
The refund was in two separate transactions to my Paypal account:
1.Total paid for item plus shipping ( courtesy of fraudulent seller!)
2.Import charges (from private shipping company)
EBay will block you from getting them to call you at any length once you have been labeled a 'nuisance' in other words you have called too many times). I have had them disconnect me, put me on hold infinitely, answer then connect me to a 'specialist' only to loop me back to the original queue.
Instead of going through 'Contacting Ebay' (on website) re: Buyer- item not as described (or anything related to case), you must go through 'Contact Ebay'- 'Accounts' - closing your account. They will call you back pronto!
Always ask for a name and reference number for any conversation you have with an agent re: disputes ( they are recorded).

I provided the info and the Account Specialist listened to the conversation while I was on hold.
I cited another reference number when he questioned refunding the import charges as I was told it would be refunded in total.
I'm not sure if I will be provided with a return shipping label. If not, It will be donated to a low income family.
My only complaint is not being able to leave FB to warn other buyers of this seller's dishonest selling practices.
Thank you 00nevermind00! and others made suggestions.
I hope this is of assistance to anyone with similar Ebay issues- please do not give up! ( that is what Ebay wants you to do).
You should also get your GPS payment back as I did.
Message 5 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

Ebay issued me a 'courtesy refund' therefore she refunded nothing
Stay away from her(l
isa) and other fraudulent sellers

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

If the damage occured during transit after it left the GSP warehouse, you would have been entitled to a full refund too and the seller would have kept his money. Since the item was already damaged, I am not sure how it works. But I'm glad it did work out for you 😉


Why do you say you cannot leave feedback?

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Appealing beaus decision re; item not as described

Thanks and yes I am glad that after jumping through so many hoops and wasting so much time repeating my story to numerous Ebay customer service agents - finally I was given a refund.
Why can't i leave FB? Good question!

Ebay decided in Sellers favour
I appealed Ebay's decision
Ebay reversed outcome of case and decided that Ebay was at fault and issued me a courtesy refund.
Since the seller was not required to refund any amount, technically- it was still a transaction.
The seller clearly omitted many flaws with the item thereby describing the item inaccurately.
It was deceptive and one might even call it fraudulent. Especially since they used a stock photo of a new coat from an online store vs a photo of the used jacket being sold.
It is my understanding that the purpose of leaving feedback for sellers is to aid other potential buyers by giving a factual account of your experience with seller.
I was denied this right and though the seller sent an item 'not as described', there were no repercussions for their selling practices. They did not lose money nor was their reputation effected.
They we're let off scot-free.
I will peruse this matter with Ebay.
Thank you for bringing it to the forefront ; )
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