Because if we do it now, the Gomerey inquiry may die. If Gomery is able to finish his objective and table his report, we may get to the root of the problem and get to some of the bad people in public service including poiticians and beaurocrats.
Right now, it is a tool used by the Bloc and Conservatives to force an election and to form the next Government and opposition without it needing to be completed.
If that happens, they will not have the same need to have it finalized nor more monies spent on chasing the former Liberal ghosts. In fact the last thing eiter the Conservatives or the Bloc would want coming out is that Martin and his current Liberals had no direct involvement at all, otherwise you will see a sympathy swing back to the Liberals.
No after having a spring election, I think you will find that the Gomery commission will die because the Government will not expend enough funds and effort to properly defend Chretien's legal efforts to get Gomery off the commission.
In June, at a date likely to follow a Spring election, Chretien's lawyers will be appealing their case to throw out Gomery. At that point, it would be very favourable for both the Conservatives and the Bloc for Chretien to be successful as the damage of the investigation, without the investigation proceeding further and without Gomeries conclusions being rendered, has been done.
Allowing Chreitien to win his motion to remove Gomerey will provide the final catalyst for Quebekers to vote overwhelmingly for seperation.
The Conservativbes and Bloc are far ahead with resting on existing testimony than waiting for Gomery to perhaps absolve Martin and the current group of Liberals of any wrong doings.
But if it were shown that the former PM was intricatly involved at every step together with several former cabinet ministers and high ranking beurocrats, none of which are part of the Martin team, and those people are then criminally charged for their actions, it is possible, that the people will sway to the Liberals as Martin called the inquiry and saw it through to the point of prosecution.
Quebekers will see Chretien, their own little guy frm Shawinigan, as the corrupt and evil person who stole frm them. It will be a Quebeker stealing from Quebekers and not Liberals stealing from Quebekers. That could mean tha some of those Quebec seats remain Liberal and fewer people vote for seperation.
Look, I know it is only a matter of time before it happens.
Why? Because it is inevitable? no, because Canada has done NOTHING to prevent it. Every distinct Francophone law should be challenged in International courts. Every act of Provincial sanctioned prejudice should be attacked on the grounds of discrimination.
But Martin, Harper and Layton do as everyone has in the past and that is to kiss the a$$ of the separatists, send them more money, patronize them, give them jobs and hope that will keep them in line.
Dont tell me that the Conservatives arent the same. Why else did they have their National Convention in Montreal?
It takes someone like a Trudeau who instituted Martial Law throughout Quebec, arresting thousands and kicked out the French Prime Minister when he shouted out support for their separation in 1967.
We need someone who is not afraid to stand up and to challenge.
Look, you are a long-time Conservative supporter and I have voted Liberal more often than Conservative so I could probably be referred to more as a Liberal than a Conservative, but the issue at this stage is not what policies either the Liberal or conservatives have for Canada going forward follwoing the next election.
Neither one of these parties is dealing with the reality thatr Canada in all likelihood will ot be follwoing the next election, what it is today. At the same time, this is being 100% avoided by both parties, by both leaders.
Why? Are they both blind or ignorant?
No, they dont want to talk reality and for that I dont want either of those loosers running the next Government.
Gilles Ducette speaks freely about what Quebec is doing and with conviction and support of more than 54% of the Quebec people. He has gone out to speak to people in each of our Provinces about future relations between Canada and Quebec as he has done in the US.
Yet this is something that has been totally avoided by the other parties because its would be political suicide.
Sorry, I dont want part of any party who is not taking about this, planning for it and wonderig how they are going to (a) deal with the 50 plus 1 vote (b) deal with the rest of the country and help it to stay together.
Every economic pledge made in the budgets, every plan for daycares and education and fundinds and everythig else goes down the toilet. There will be more time spent on seperation issues than running the rest of the country.
... and the other parties arent dealing with this at all at this time but you and I are worried about it Jeff and how it will affect us.
I dont know if I could, in good concience vote in the next election for any party knowing that a Quebec referendum will occur and none of the parties except the Bloc are dealing with this major issue, an issue larger than anything else we have had to face in recent history, even than in deciding to send our troops into battle during the 2nd world war.