Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Hello Canadian Sellers,


Special announcement to conclude this very eventful week: the shopping cart has been updated. As of now, any eBay item, regardless of which site it was listed on, will work in the shopping cart on


What does this mean?


This means that US buyers (or any buyer who shops on will now be able to purchase multiple items from you via the shopping cart and have these items automatically combined into a single order.


More details here:


I'd like to thank those of you who have been directly impacted by the limitations that afflicted the shopping cart for your patience as we worked to get this update to materialize.


Have a great weekend!


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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Wow...thank you!

Message 2 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

To say we are ecstatic is an understatement. I stumbled across the fully-fuctioning DotCom Shopping Cart earlier this afternoon and almost birthed a litter of kittens as a result. And, best of all, my combined postage calculations are working perfectly within it. Thank you thank you thank you. 


p.s. The Shopping Basket on works too.

Message 3 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

GREAT NEWS!! Thank you.

Message 4 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

This is great news, and it would be nice if our US customers were aware of this great improvement.  I see the announcement on  I would love to see an announcement about this on .com, but I do not see one.  Don't you think it would be nice if all those US buyers who have previously been turned off Canadian sellers because of the cart limitations, could be made aware that they can come back to shop with us as seamlessly as they shop with American sellers?

Message 5 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

My expectation is that those USA buyers will notice nothing the next time they go to add one of our items to their cart. They'll simply be able to checkout and leave happily. 

Message 6 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

How do I take things OUT of my cart?

Message 7 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

US buyers are turned off by CAD funds... so the cart update is a little too late. Let .ca users list and be visible to potential buyers in USD funds viewing and checking out on .ca again to take advantage of calculated shipping and all the cart fix will actually be of any use or add calculated shipping for Canada post to .com Then Canadian sellers will be on track to compete on a level playing field.

Message 8 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

A 15th Anniversary present for rose-dee!!

Message 9 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Yes, I almost went berserk with joy when I saw this, but then I realized it's too late for me, now that we can no longer list in $USD on .ca anyway.  


'Merritt' is absolutely right, our U.S. customers want to see $USD prices.  Anything else confounds them.  Those of us who depend on U.S. sales are going to be reluctant to move back to .ca for this reason.  Things have been working so well for me listing on .com in $USD and having my promotional discounts actually function as they should.  


I lobbied and asked and pushed for this for so long and it would have been the ideal solution if we could still list in $USD.  Quite frankly, I don't know what to do now.   



Message 10 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

If USA sellers and USD currency is the most important feature of your business model, is the right place for you regardless of your country of origin. That is clear.

For those of us who are faithlful to and CAD, this is inarguably good news.
Message 11 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Raphael, I know you're gone for the weekend, but I want to ask what this will mean for mixed listings.  For example, if a buyer purchases 2 of my items listed on .ca and 2 listed on .com: 


1) Will promotional shipping rules set up on .com automatically apply to the .ca items?  Or do separate rules have to be set up on .ca?


2) If my buyer is purchasing from the .com site, will they be able to combine everything into one cart and make a single payment at checkout?  



Message 12 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

The answer is no. No cart can combine currencies.
Message 13 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!


Message 14 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Pardon me. cart. Same message. image.png

Message 15 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

@mjwl2006 wrote:
The answer is no. No cart can combine currencies.

Yes, but it appears 2 or more items with different currencies can be placed in the .com cart now.  I believe that's a change, and it's a positive one.  Before the .com cart was fixed, a buyer couldn't even see all purchases in one place.  This may make a difference in terms of splitting listings between .com and .ca (as I do currently). 


I'll wait to hear further from Raphael on this on Monday.  I'd like to know what the actual checkout stream looks like from the buyer's perspective after the point where the items are in the cart.  It may also have been updated and streamlined, along with the .com cart.  


The question would be whether even this improvement would be enough to avoid discombobulating an American buyer.  

Message 16 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

@rose-dee wrote:

Yes, I almost went berserk with joy when I saw this, but then I realized it's too late for me, now that we can no longer list in $USD on .ca anyway.  


'Merritt' is absolutely right, our U.S. customers want to see $USD prices.  Anything else confounds them.  Those of us who depend on U.S. sales are going to be reluctant to move back to .ca for this reason.  Things have been working so well for me listing on .com in $USD and having my promotional discounts actually function as they should.  


I lobbied and asked and pushed for this for so long and it would have been the ideal solution if we could still list in $USD.  Quite frankly, I don't know what to do now.   



You're right, of course.  That was my last post before bed and when I got into bed, I realized that the cart issue was not about two currencies but about purchases made on two different sites.  For sellers like yourself who have moved lock, stock and barrel to .com, the cart is already working for you.  Sellers like myself who probably only keep a handful of listings on .ca, may see some benefit in that once the buyer views the items she has placed in her cart but also sees that she will have to make two payments, may want the items badly enough that she may be less likely to hit the back button.

Rose-dee, your efforts did come to fruition, albeit a little bittersweet.

Message 17 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

@rose-dee wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:
The answer is no. No cart can combine currencies.

Yes, but it appears 2 or more items with different currencies can be placed in the .com cart now.  I believe that's a change, and it's a positive one.  Before the .com cart was fixed, a buyer couldn't even see all purchases in one place.  This may make a difference in terms of splitting listings between .com and .ca (as I do currently). 


I'll wait to hear further from Raphael on this on Monday.  I'd like to know what the actual checkout stream looks like from the buyer's perspective after the point where the items are in the cart.  It may also have been updated and streamlined, along with the .com cart.  


The question would be whether even this improvement would be enough to avoid discombobulating an American buyer.  

I've never found my American buyers to be at all discombobulated by CAD. This will allow them to buy more than one item at a time while using, so that's all the good news I need.


In the meantime, however, I can assure you that the message at the top of the cart spells it out in black and white. 'You have more than one currency in your cart, so you'll have to checkout for each currency separately.' Anyone who wants to put this to the test and checkout regardless in order to see what happens has my blessing to do so. Please report back. 

Message 18 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

Now can ebay add canada post calculated shipping to .com

There are no advantages with this cart fix now that we are unable to list items in USD on .ca and listing on .com Canadian sellers loose the advantage of calculated shipping. This is just a vicious circle.


CAD as a primary currency on .ca is to make it more appealing for Canadian buyers to buy Canadian. US buyers don't want to make purchases in CAD funds it's a known fact.

It's beyond frustrating it took this long and eBay has thrown in a huge negative factor by retiring USD on .ca that makes the fix irrelevant.

Message 19 of 45
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Re: Attention Sellers! Shopping Cart updated to work with all items!

@merritt-motorcycle-salvage wrote:

Now can ebay add canada post calculated shipping to .com

There are no advantages with this cart fix now that we are unable to list items in USD on .ca and listing on .com Canadian sellers loose the advantage of calculated shipping. This is just a vicious circle.


CAD as a primary currency on .ca is to make it more appealing for Canadian buyers to buy Canadian. US buyers don't want to make purchases in CAD funds it's a known fact.

It's beyond frustrating it took this long and eBay has thrown in a huge negative factor by retiring USD on .ca that makes the fix irrelevant.

You are tossing to the wind the thousands of sellers in Canada who chose to stay in CAD on -- or who like me ALWAYS listed in CAD on -- who will now finally be allowed to sell multiple items to and buyers within one transaction. That is a major step forward. Nothing about this is irrelevant for thousands of us.


Sorry this doesn't float your boat but don't sink mine. 

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