03-19-2013 07:26 PM
03-19-2013 07:41 PM
So less seller fees but bigger listing fees .... GREAT .. Haven't finish reading it all but it does sound good and even better for low volume sellers..
03-19-2013 07:48 PM
Sounds good to me. NO listing fees for my first 500 listings. Lower FVF in my category.
Kinda looks like store owners are being rewarded.
I am GUESSING that their research is showing that store owners: list more, sell more, generate more revenue. The "50 a month" crowd, not so much.
I saw free listings coming. I did think they would be across the board not just for store owners.
I am looking at savings of $70-$100 a month depending on volume.
03-19-2013 08:00 PM
K can some one confirm what this hole $250 FVF Cap is about ... I must be understanding this wrong ebay is not going to charge me a max of $250 a month are they ....I mean that would be great because I pay Roughly $1000 now but I just feel like I am not understanding this properly can someone confirm ..
03-19-2013 08:00 PM
"Kinda looks like store owners are being rewarded."
Not really...the item listing fees went up...for example all listings after the 500 free on a premier store will cost 10 cents each! A c100% increase. Also you have to subscribe by the year to keep the $50 subscription fee...otherwise it costs more.
03-19-2013 08:03 PM
Plus I bet with eBay trying to move more people to stores the frequent free listinf offers will be greatly reduced.
03-19-2013 08:24 PM
Widget, I list 500 a month. What will that cost me? I have had a store for about eight years. How is that a problem for me?
Store owners are rewarded so free listings to casual sellers decrease. How is that a surprise.
03-19-2013 08:24 PM
I would think so.
03-19-2013 08:52 PM
Perhaps it is not a problem for you ...unless you want to increase your listings but it is a major problem for most store owners.
For example with 1400 listings:
now $50 for store plus $70 for 1400 listings at 5 cents each total $120
with changes $50 plus 1400 - 500 = 900 listings at 10 cents each $90 total $140
For 2000 listings:
old $50 plus 2000@ 5 cents = $150
$50 plus 1500@ 10 cents = $200
So owners of bigger stores are heavily punished.
03-19-2013 09:15 PM
You are right.
Like i mentioned previously, i may have to tighten up my store a little bit.
On the plus side, it is still a business expense at year end.
03-19-2013 09:19 PM
brand, the 250 is the cap for FVF on any one item you sell. at 10% it would have to be a $2500 item. Has nothing to do with number of listings
03-19-2013 09:26 PM
Thanks dutch I actually re-read it again and figured that out but appreciate it .. I was happy for a second there .....
So basically I need to keep my store with 1000 listings and no more so it works out so I do svae money from these changes... Anything 1000-2000 is gonna cost more anything 2000 or more would be cost effective by going to anchor store ...
So basically ebay has made it so I will list more on amazon to ensure I save on ebay ...
03-20-2013 03:30 PM
I pay Roughly $1000
03-20-2013 03:42 PM
"So basically I need to keep my store with 1000 listings and no more so it works out so I do save money from these changes... Anything 1000-2000 is gonna cost more"
In my personal opinion, there are way too many comments on these boards about "saving money (pennies) on fees".
eBay is a place for sellers to list and sell stuff. Sellers make money by selling stuff. The more a seller has to offer, the more will sell, the more money a seller will get.
That is the real goal.
To save $20 in listing fees to miss $1,000 in sales.should not even be considered. Waste of time to even think about it.
Anyone with the stuff" list it, sell it, collect the money and ship it. 🙂
Do not worry about the pennies.
My fees will go up with the changes. It will not stop me from listing the stuff I want to sell.
03-20-2013 04:28 PM
You are right, as usual, Pierre.
However, in calculating whether or not I should go with a monthly or annual subscription it really doesn't make much difference for me.
I usually have no more than 700 FP listings.
$50 store fee + $35 FP listing fee (700 listings @ 5 cents each) = $85
$50 store fee + $20 FP listing fee (700 - 500 = 200 X 10 cents each) = $70
With a $60 monthly subscription fee it comes to $80 which is still $5 less than I pay now.
For that meager difference I may stay with the monthly subscription for now.
03-20-2013 04:32 PM
"which is still $5 less than I pay now"
Are you affected positively or negatively by the changes in FVF ?
03-20-2013 05:16 PM
Big changes? Not at all. Stores are not changing, just the fee structure. The fee structure alone causes me a $15 savings. How important is $15, a month, in my life? Consider than $8,000 went through my hands in the last month, in total.
My FVF is going from 10 down to 8.
All in all, the savings equals a week in Las Vegas.
Didn't quite see this concept of it being a membership club.