This, like so many others, sounds like a particularly unpleasant individual. I wonder if sharing the identities of such persons with other discussion board members would be beneficial in saving ourselves some grief by blocking them?
Is it likely that, among a burgeoning 80 million EBay users, any of these unpleasant characters would buy from us? From me – I don’t know. From us collectively - seems reasonably possible.
Should a buyer suffer farther-reaching penalties beyond that which may come directly from an isolated transaction? It would be, after all, only one side of the story. Also, a buyer could, through the one incident, have learned his lesson. Depending on the story I personally have little sympathy for most, if not all, of these cases and definitely don’t want to encounter any possibility of having an unpleasant transaction with them.
Is it possible that a PS could present their best customers as nasty ones to avert competition? Anything’s possible but I suspect that becoming a PS, via the FB rating requirement, suggests that a PS has generally higher integrity.
The biggest downside may be, when reading or writing about unpleasant buyers, to have to dwell on them too much. There may be a lot of them.
An upside may be to provide some greater satisfaction to the complainant as well as the knowledge that they could be doing the larger community some good.