If you haven't already read the US PS board this a.m., take a look at the topic "Reminder pop-up for buyers". One of the comments notes that buyers who leave a negative comment now receive a Paypal credit of 10/20 Euros and an apology for their having endured a negative experience while buying. Wonderful........now they get paid to leave negative comments!
One of my eBay friends, a seller/buyer in USA told me that PayPal has given her a $25 gift certificate. She received a bad item, filed for PayPal reversal and was given the $25 to compensate her for her inconvenience. She was also given $25 to have the item authenticated (which she didn't) and got to keep that too!
Based on Ebay's above logic, sellers should get a credit:
Dealing with non-paying buyers: $2.00
Bounced Checks: $40.00
Unfair negs: $20.00
Items that were reported not received, even though we know we sent them: $5.00
Each notice from paypal/ebay indicating our accounts are being suspended (from Spammers): $1.00
do you have a link proving this, if true and it affects me i think this will be the last straw for me i am already exploring other auction sites, any suggestions can be sent to my email let me know how to contact you or check my profile for mine i do not think i am allowed to advertise it here.
There's really not much sense in complaining about what FiendBAy is doing. The sellers of Ebay taught the company in February that they could get away with anything they want to and the sellers will roll over like a whipped dog and take it.