Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
I am really pissed off by this new feedback system.

So I am thinking. from now on, when I purchase any items
I will always leave the negative and lowest DSR, no metter good or not.

Since ebay cannot determin the feedback correct or not.
I think I will keep doing it untill ebay has a rule to stop me.
Message 1 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
I hope everyone can do the same to make the new FB system down or make ebay make some new rule for sellers to balance it.

Before when buyer leaves the negative, he may think he could get the same negative. That will put buyers down and make him talk to solve the problem.

Now, buyers can take out gun just shoot, even don't need think.
Message 2 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
i see your point, but I think it's a bit hypocritical. The new feeback system flat out sucks and realistically, there's nothing we can do about it.
Message 3 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
Hi doufaceb,

You have a 99.9% feedback rating which is because YOUR buyers have been very satisfied with their transactions with you.

Two of the four DSR's that you and all sellers receive ratings on ARE A SELLER'S responsibility. They are Item as Described and Communication. YOU are in control of those items. The shipping DSR's are more of a gray area. You can control what you charge for shipping by NOT overcharging on the handling fees. You can control how quickly you get your items to the post office. You CAN'T, nor can any other seller, control how fast the post office or other delivery service does their job.

Why if you do not like what is happening to sellers via the new feedback changes would you purposely leave negative feedback to harm another seller?

Your feedback is stellar! Think positive and stop worrying about the what-ifs!

Just my .02 worth.

Message 4 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

To answer your specific question......

A jerk!

I had been wondering why the need to increase the BBL to 5000 from 1000, they must have been thinking about people like you.

Nothing personal of course, just responding to your query.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 5 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?


Congrats on your feedback score. I though I would catch up to you but not anymore:-(

Message 6 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
To momoftwingles2:

Thank you for the reply.

That leaving negative feedback thing is jsut my thinking. I won't do that for sure.

But some people will do it for their own purpose.
Like your competor, for example. Simply loewer your feedback and make himself good.

My main job is sth related to fire safty, so I have to think many "in case". To me ebay's system has too much problem. For seller, it is too easy to be screwed up. I think they should do some thing to make it more safer for us. The bsed on honor feedback system only exists in people with "pure spirit".
But now it has to face all kinds of people.

Anyway thank you, I will think positive in ebay
Message 7 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
To recped:

Thank you for the reply.

But you see the BBL is sth you can do after.

After you loose money from paypal dispute and get negative from ebay, then you put the buyer to BBL.

What is that point?

It is just too later.

There should be sth to be set ahead, not after.
Message 8 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Why on earth would a competitor do this to you???

I genuinely don't understand!

My "competitors" I view as "colleagues" who are trying to make a buck selling like product.

I often bid on and win their items. Seems as if they also buy from me (I mostly see through their buying ID's).

Also, competition is very good as it creates excitement for a product, therefore creating more customers than for an "oddball" product that is not perceived as popular.

I realize this flies in the face of traditional teachings but it's time these teachings were revised.

Message 9 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
"Why on earth would a competitor do this to you???"

Are you living in a real world?
Message 10 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

30+ years self-employed in sales and marketing, you bet I live in a real world.

We have owned several B + M stores over the years and the first thing we always did when a competitor opened doors, is bring flowers and welcome them to the community.

Good competitors work together and everyone thrives. The bad ones, they come and go...

Message 11 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
That is aa terrific attitude - good for you!
Message 12 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Why on earth would a competitor do this to you???

Have you watched mine?

Also, competition is very good as it creates excitement for a product, therefore creating more customers than for an "oddball" product that is not perceived as popular.

Or it creates too much supply for the demand driving down the value of the products. An item that is easy to get loses its appeal especially when someone floods the market with multiples of the same product.

Great attitude Xena and until recently I would have agreed with you.
Message 13 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

I was thinking to do same, give neg feedbacks to the sellers, somethink like : slow, did not like the item , wrong color etc
Message 14 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
To cilset

Someone even received negative only has one word.

And ebay won't remove it.
Message 15 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

I know , I wish somebody like google opens something like ebay and we all move to them. Guy left me neg. because I sent him 1 item instead of 2. I might have made mistake but he did not contact me at all, just left feedback. Ebay is really screwing us.
Message 16 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
Sometimes we just need a talk with buyer.

Not take out gun and just shoot.
Message 17 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

Community Member
OMG iv never heard such crazy ideas of treating your competitor nice lol lol

LOL Destroy your competitor then jack the prices thats a real world scenario gosh . id bring him flowers at his bankruptcy sale after i buy all his product for 90% off ROLF .
Message 18 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

centralmetalcorp: Here I was, feeling sorry for you and you burst my bubble with this statement: OMG iv never heard such crazy ideas of treating your competitor nice lol lol !
Message 19 of 29
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Can I do this? Am I a jerk?

If someone has not hurt you, then you should not be hurting them either. Competition or not, treat them with the same respect you would expect your buyers to treat you.

I am going to give all the sellers I buy from a perfect score and hope it will help them get them the 15% discount.
Message 20 of 29
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