There are a few truths that you need to realize and deal with...
1. You live in and operate out of Canada and are trying to succeed in a North American retail environment.
2. ebay is heavily invested in the American (.com) market. While they love to dabble in any other market that they can make money in, .com remains their "cash cow".
3. employees are a great bunch of people that would bend over backwards to help you if they could.
4. Despite point #3, will not allow to "even out the playing field" by...
a) lowering the shipping DSR requirement for PS status for Cdn sellers, or
b) offering some sort of fee reductions that would essentially put us on an even playing field with American sellers (Jordon tried and was soundly "spanked" for his efforts).
In order to be successful, you are going to have to adapt to the situation as it is and tailor your business strategy to accommodate these restrictions.
The folks at are more than willing to help you out where they are able...and they are able in a lot of areas. Contact them directly when you have legitimate account issues or you are seeing a competitor violating the rules. They CAN and WILL help rectify these situations much quicker than the .com folks.
They don't however, have any control over policies implemented by Berating them for that inability to control the situation does nothing to help out any of us over the long term.