Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Recently tried to come back as a Seller on ebay after quitting for a few years from sheer disgust at how biased it is in favour of the buyer. They have to be protected & as a BUYER myself I'm all for it but does ebay have to make it so easy for them to cheat & ruin a seller with just a lie?


A fellow bought a makeup primer without asking one single question. I gave him great feedback & 8 free samples as I was so grateful for his business. Upon receipt he claimed the colour was off in my photo. In order to keep him happy & avoid the dreaded negative feedback he got no argument from me. I accepted the blame. Said I would refund him. Then I called CS only to learn that nowadays I have to pay the return shipping as well. I let the buyer know that I had agreed so readily to the return only because I didn't know about the new returns policy & would he accept a partial refund instead. Told him to name any amount he thought was fair. Advised him that this neutral primer was invisible once applied & could be worn by anyone. Even so he refused my offer & told me not to worry about the return shipping. ?? He said he hadn't opened the bottle and it was still in Brand New condition. I was prepared to give him all of his money back plus the RS.


What he actually returned to me however was a bottle that had 1/4 of the product missing & damaged packaging to boot! In Canada we cannot sell USED cosmetics so I can't even re-list it now. He knows & I know that he pulled a switch on me! Either that or he needed it for some occasion and now that he was done with it he thought he would get someone else (like me) to pay for it all. My first email was to ask him if he had any explanation for this as it's possible it was an unintentional mistake. I included photos showing the usage & damage as well as his packing material proving no spillage/damage had occurred during shipping. He immediately escalated his case & won by phone. He then left negative feedback warning off potential customers. I dropped from 100 to 93.8%. I wasn't able to work things out because he wouldn't engage in civil conversation. He just ranted and name called and got very vicious. Anyway by this time I knew I had got TOOK!  No wonder he was careful NOT to ask any questions about colour BEFORE he bought it. That was his ruse to get me to accept the return. And no wonder he wouldn't settle for a partial refund when he knew it was so easy to get a full refund + Shp.


Ebay refunded his $ instantly but for about 24 hrs they were messaging that the case was still in review. Ha! I lost & buyer was the first to know. Called for an appeal. I lost. Asked to speak to a supervisor. Lost again within 2 mins. I tried to take exception to his saying that for all they know this could have happened in the mail, I tried to tell him about my photos of the return packing materials that clearly showing no spillage/damage during shipment . He snapped at me to stop talking over him as he wanted to say what he had to say quickly. He didn't talk with me .. he talked at me. Told me to take action outside of ebay if I'm not happy. And he told me to have a nice day. 


Is there anyone higher up on ebay that I can appeal or protest to? Someone who will be more respectful and impartial?  I think I may be leaving this shark tank called ebay but just the same, I would like to know all the places where I went wrong on this transaction. I know I made a lot of mistakes. My listings need work too. Item was BNIB ... so what could go wrong I thought? I would appreciate any helpful critique and guidance. Thanks so much!

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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

@**oldcherrylane** wrote:
Am thinking that you and Pierre should write an easy to understand online Seller's manual that you could update as needed. I'm getting a lot of good practical advice from you guys and I really appreciate you giving me your time.

Pierre has always been self employed. I was retail for 35 years plus doing this for the last twelve..


To us, this is purely, 100%, business. My eBay room is a separate room. It is not allowed in the rest of the house. We separate business from personal.


One of the the best lessons I learned in 12 step was "Be an actor, not a re-actor". Always stop. When ever you go to write anything, follow the four steps: think it, write it, read it, delete it.


In the old days I used to think "What is the best way I can make this spin wildly out of control and just make everything worse"? I followed that lock-step for years. Now? I don't do that.


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Message 20 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

"....should write an easy to understand online Seller's manual that you could update as needed."


Actually the book is written and updated... daily, right here on these discussion boards.


You will find a large number of posters (some more regular than others, depending on time availability) participating and offering solutions and ideas to a wide range of questions, inquiries, problems and challenges experienced by other members. 


On boards you find answers of specific interest to Canadians.


Now, let's be honest, not all answers posted on these boards are the right for you.   Many posters have different opinions on many subjects or approach challenges from different perspectives and personal experiences. I suggest you make it a priority to set aside ten or fifteen minutes daily to review these boards. Soak in all that information!  If you are a seller, take a look at the buyer's board to better understand the other point-of-views, the "other side of the coin".


Good Luck

View solution in original post

Message 21 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

"Is there anyone higher up on ebay that I can appeal or protest to?"


Yes, there are many levels of management you can send your comments to.  However, that will not change the policy.


In online shopping, the buyer is always right.  End of story.


"so what could go wrong..."


Law of average dictates that all sellers will come across difficult buyers at times.  This is retail business and like all retail business there will be losses from time to time.  Their overall costs could be in the 1% to 2% range (most retailers allow 2% for pilferage and shoplifting) on average. Some product lines may have substantial higher costs.  When preparing your business plan and budget, allow for it.


It is not personal and you should not take it personally.  It is business.


When a customer contacts me to indicate there was a problem with a product sold I have two optional answers: 


"I am truly sorry this transaction did not meet with your approval.  A full refund will be issued through PayPal today.  My apologies for the inconvenience."


"I am truly sorry this transaction did not meet with your approval.  Please return (the product) and a full refund will be issued through PayPal immediately upon receipt.  My apologies for the inconvenience."


You wrote: "I would appreciate any helpful critique and guidance. "



In one of your listings I found: "As a thank you I will include 2 collectible pencil toppers in silver colour, Wolfman and Frankenstein."


For fifteen years on eBay (until my retirement a few years ago) and twenty-five years in the mail order business  I included a "free gift" with every order. A "small token of my appreciation".  However, I feel it is counter-productive to tell buyers ahead of time. Some people may be disappointed based on high expectations.  A "free gift" is always better coming as a surprise as it creates goodwill and helps minimize the risk of bad feedback when there is a problem with the transaction.


Another listing shows "Nars Laguna bronzer. BNIB. Full Size." as description.  Nothing else!  What does "full size" mean?  3", 5", 12", 48" ????  Descriptions in a listing are there to sell and promote the product.


"The seller will not accept returns for this item."


That is always the best way to have a buyer hit the "back button" if noticed. Most potential buyers never read it in any case and eBay and PayPal policies protect the buyer, not you the seller.


"Will usually ship within 3 business days of receiving cleared payment "


Most of your competitors ship within 1 business day.  They also receive better placement in Best Match because of it.


Another listing shows "FREE SHIP USA" in the title.


Yet the item is located in Montreal and you charge Cdn$ 12.00 to ship it within Canada.  Many Canadian potential buyers may not be too happy with that policy.


A final note:  I do not know how you calculate your shipping costs to Canada but, considering you price them in US$, they seem rather high to me and appear to be well above what your postal out-of-pocket costs should be.  Sellers are free to charge whatever they want (within reason) but high shipping costs are the first deterrent in this highly competitive marketplace.







Message 2 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

What Pierre says. Plus, if you will notice, Pierre kept it 100% business. You made the transaction personal. Contact the buyer with accusations? What did you think would happen?


My request for return rate runs about less than 1%. This is what I say "return for refund". Nothing else. I refund and forget about it. It is not worth the emotional hassle that you are going through.


The customer never contacted you with questions. Why should they? When you go to a store, every item you pick up, do you question the store manager about it?


You made business to be personal. Pierre does not. I do not. We have loss rates built into our overhead. All businesses do. So, you got one right off the bat, you may never have another one.


Advice? Put it behind you and move on on as a professional would. Carrying it around like a millstone around your neck will wear you down to nothing.

Message 3 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

At this point all you can do is report the buyer for abusing the return system. Chances are he has done it before and the more he is reported the better chance ebay might do something about it in the grand scheme of things.


Did you see the other thread about a bad buyer putting a cd in a microwave to get a refund? It's a really sad reality but ebay will probably side with the bad buyer.

Message 4 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

I agree with much of what other posters have said as accusing or confronting a buyer rarely ends well. It is also a really really really bad idea to call a buyer out in feedback or in a reply to feedback as many future potential customers will read that. It's unlikely that I would buy from a seller who called a buyer a scammer in feedback because it's unprofessional and it is a he said/she said scenario...I would have no idea who was at wrong.  The buyer said you didn't refund and you did so you could have replied with a reply stating that the product shown was sent and that a full return was given.



However, I do have to wonder what the buyer expected because as far as I know, primer doesn't usually come in different colors as it is for underneath foundation. But perhaps others have seen it in different colors.


As far as your listings.....your pictures could use some work as some are out of focus and the colors aren't very crisp. If you have a macro setting (a flower icon) on your camera, using it would help the out of focus problem.

Message 5 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

"The seller will not accept returns for this item."


That is always the best way to have a buyer hit the "back button" if noticed. Most potential buyers never read it in any case and eBay and PayPal policies protect the buyer, not you the seller.


A minor quibble, pierre. 

Since OP sells makeup, returns are difficult since the used product cannot be resold.

'The seller CAN  NOT accept returns for this item.' might work better, or not.



Of course, 'returns' are not the same as 'refunds'.

And demanding a return does help a little with buyer remorse or with outright 'get it free' scams.


Message 6 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Also, OP refers to the buyer as 'he'. 

I am bemused.

Message 7 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

I agree with much of what other posters have said as accusing or confronting a buyer rarely ends well. It is also a really really really bad idea to call a buyer out in feedback or in a reply to feedback as many future potential customers will read that. It's unlikely that I would buy from a seller who called a buyer a scammer in feedback because it's unprofessional and it is a he said/she said scenario...I would have no idea who was at wrong.  The buyer said you didn't refund and you did so you could have replied with a reply stating that the product shown was sent and that a full return was given.



However, I do have to wonder what the buyer expected because as far as I know, primer doesn't usually come in different colors as it is for underneath foundation. But perhaps others have seen it in different colors.


As far as your listings.....your pictures could use some work as some are out of focus and the colors aren't very crisp. If you have a macro setting (a flower icon) on your camera, using it would help the out of focus problem.

I just read the reply to the neg and cringed. Never, ever, no way, even think of doing something like that. Reply business like or do not reply at all. I learned that lesson many years ago, from other sellers who reprimanded me.

Message 8 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Thanks mr.elmwood! It happened a few days ago and I already feel a lot less upset. Knew it was likely to happen but wasn't expecting it this early in the game. Had a non-payer too but that doesn't bother me at all. It isn't about the money as much as the damage to my credibility. Glad I came here ... puts things into perspective.
Message 9 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Hi Pierre, I want to thank you for all this great advice. Good of you to take the time to give this community the benefit of what you've learned from your years of experience. I've already started to implement your recommendations. I like your return policy statements ... any guidelines on when you ask for a return and when you don't?
Message 10 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Yes I did see it Maximus. Supervisor also said to me, how did they know that I didn't damage and use up the product myself just to not have to pay the refund? Yikes! How do I prove that unless I could hide out in his house and video him putting the USED one into the mailer.
Message 11 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

My return policy was as follows

Refund: Money back.

I modified it to:

Refund: Money back. 45 day warranty.

Why the change? Because many of sales are to men who ask the Mrs if it is okay to buy. She will always ask what about refunds and warranties. where did I get that idea from? Sitting with a table of about ten women at an eBay function.
Message 12 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Thanks for your reply Stamps! This is a tough one. I would like to be able to say I take returns but how can you know for sure you will get your item back in the same condition you sold it. Even if I were allowed I would not want to sell or re-sell USED or damaged makeup.
Message 13 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

That's another reason I sent him so many samples, Stamps! No idea if it was for himself but that made me want to help him even more. Life can be cruel for fellows who like and wear makeup.
Message 14 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

@**oldcherrylane** wrote:
Thanks for your reply Stamps! This is a tough one. I would like to be able to say I take returns but how can you know for sure you will get your item back in the same condition you sold it. Even if I were allowed I would not want to sell or re-sell USED or damaged makeup.

Pierre and I continue to say that return requests run 1-2% of business. Would you not be further ahead to focus on the 98-99% than the 1-2%?


Virtually all sales are the same. They buy, pay, we ship, everyone is happy.


Every single return is different. I refuse to waste my time.

Message 15 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

In my frustration & shock at the 93.8% I reacted right away instead waiting till I calmed down. I wanted to send a message to others thinking of doing the same thing that they will be Called-Out even if they get away with it. WRONG THING TO DO .... you are so right mr.elmwood! Regret it now!
Message 16 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Am thinking that you and Pierre should write an easy to understand online Seller's manual that you could update as needed. I'm getting a lot of good practical advice from you guys and I really appreciate you giving me your time.
Message 17 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Appreciate your helpful advice PJ! Thanks to coming here I'm beginning to see the bigger picture and I do regret my kneejerk reaction. I see now that it will hurt me more than help me. I'm going to try to fiddle with the macro setting again .. seemed to make items appear like they are so granular.
Message 18 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

Thanks for making me smile ... I can just picture it! 🙂
Message 19 of 44
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Re: Can I go higher than an Appeal supervisor on a Buyer Scam?

@**oldcherrylane** wrote:
Am thinking that you and Pierre should write an easy to understand online Seller's manual that you could update as needed. I'm getting a lot of good practical advice from you guys and I really appreciate you giving me your time.

Pierre has always been self employed. I was retail for 35 years plus doing this for the last twelve..


To us, this is purely, 100%, business. My eBay room is a separate room. It is not allowed in the rest of the house. We separate business from personal.


One of the the best lessons I learned in 12 step was "Be an actor, not a re-actor". Always stop. When ever you go to write anything, follow the four steps: think it, write it, read it, delete it.


In the old days I used to think "What is the best way I can make this spin wildly out of control and just make everything worse"? I followed that lock-step for years. Now? I don't do that.

Message 20 of 44
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