There is a way to do it but it should be pre-planned for all your auctions as well as your "Me" and store home page.
I have created a whited "anouncement.gif" file that I have loaded to my server. On a daily basis it is just a whited file that you cannot see unless you were to right click on it.
When I want to insert a vacation notice into all of my auction I just created a new file with the message I want and named it "anouncement.gif". Once it is loaded to the server it overwrites the existing file and will appear in the place of the original whited file. When holidays are done just reverse the process.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so have a look at two auctions I am running. First, check out #3154093052. Specifically, the "Lest We Forget" graphic is loaded on my server as "anouncement.gif" Now check out item #2357942477. If you look in the same location on the page you will see that there is a large white spot there. It is actually a graphic file but it has a different name and so it is not affected by the change to "anouncement.gif" on the server.
Its really much easier than I make it sound. Point being, with a little pre-planning and some consistency being used in the templates for your auctions, you can easily post vacation notices, seasons greetings, advertise a sale in your store, etc.
Hope that helps.