Can any seller offer a work-around for the ongoing malfuction of the shopping cart?

The shopping cart is broken. Ebay is aware of this and I am told it affects some sellers for some reason but not others.


Buyers have not been able to combine purchases from me for several weeks (if not months) and have to pay for each item separately if they don't think to buy-it-now directly and request-a-total from seller. It applies equally to domestic and international buyers.


Obviously, this is creating a tremendous problem for me and, each time I call ebay to report it and/or provide the error messages the buyer has given me, I am placated with, ' We are aware of the problem and working on it, thank you for your time'. I don't even want to consider how many buyers are simply too annoyed to proceed when they meet this error and dump their cart and leave without buying anything they planned to purchase.


So... as I'm growing weary of waiting for someone from ebay to fix this problem, I am now searching for the common factors from other sellers who are experiencing the same shopping cart malfunction. Is it calculated shipping? Flat-rate shipping? The fact I've some items listed in each? 


This affects shoppers who may be trying to make two or more flat-rate shipping purchases as well as shoppers who are trying to purchase two or more calculated shipping items but not actually mixing those together in the same order. On my end, all my boxes are checked that need to be, believe me. I've looked.


Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you for your time.



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Re: Can any seller offer a work-around for the ongoing ma...

Yes my friend we are experiencing same problem and losing sales weekly. We have USA buyers messaging us every single week stating that when they click "buy it now" software responds with seller does not ship to USA or other idiotic messages as that.


This has even happenned to some of our returning USA customer, shame on you ebay!


All of our listings have USA shipping option enabled and we ship to USA on a daily basis. We get the same rhetoric as you when we communicate with ebay.


Antiquated software, phone reprensantatives that have no ambition or care about ebay, and the same usual indifference from ebay since they still make their money from the insane amount of publicity sold on this sorry excuse for a software platform.


Solution: Hurry and find a new site/way of selling internationnaly because as long as ebay gets their $ then everything is running smooth according to them.

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Re: Can any seller offer a work-around for the ongoing ma...

Thank you for sharing your experience. However much that I am extremely reluctant to start from scratch on another e-commerce sales platform, I'm finding myself closer and closer to be pressed to do so.

Ebay sales slumped the last quarter as I understand it; how can this NOT be a contributing factor? People spend hours shopping online and if, as a buyer, I invest my precious time filling my ebay shopping basket and then discover at the moment I am standing there cash-in-hand (so to speak) that I can't buy what I want...? It's unfathomable.
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Re: Can any seller offer a work-around for the ongoing ma...

YES..........................IT IS PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH ME TOO....



Message 4 of 5
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Re: Can any seller offer a work-around for the ongoing ma...

The shopping cart problem is a headache for sure.

I have called Ebay and was told the problem is on the buyer's end. The buyer then contacted Ebay and was told the fault lied on my end. I called back and all I got was the run-around.


This problem is happening on a regular basis.

Does Ebay not realize that by costing us sales they are also losing money?

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