Can't Revise any of my listings???

Is anyone else getting this problem?  It's been happening since at least mid week. Nov 4th

I can't revise any of my 2000+ listing new or old.

I get the follow Error" Feature Unavailable"  I have tried different browsers, both &,  different computers, different devices, even different locations  with no success.  

Customer service has started a report. So far my only work around is to end the listing I need to change and pay to relist.

See attached screen capture


Message 1 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Have you tried closing (an experimental few) and then using Relist?

How about closing and using Sell Similar?


I am presuming you know that this will probably reset your asking price from US dollars to loonies.

As in if you were asking $10 USD, it will change to $10CDN (about $7.50USD).



Message 2 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

This is also occurring to me since about the same time you mention.

I am still getting the same message you are.

quite frustrating.


Message 3 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???


Look at this one

Warbird 03-07 Ski-doo MXZ Custom Graphics Sled Wrap Decals for Your Snowmobile


When I look at it on your list

the asking price shows as $277.89CDN


When I click on it-- and I did because I was surprised decals would be that expensive-- it was $34.95 USD and about $45CDN.



I hope this is not important.


I really hope I am misinterpreting this.






Message 4 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

My guess is that these troubles (including the ridiculously slow and jerky site problems) are all connected with what's going on behind the scenes at eBay currently.


I anticipate we'll see more and more features that become "temporarily unavailable" the closer eBay gets to February 20th.  


Just imagine the overhaul those programmers must be doing in the background to: 


(a)  Completely redesign everything about the defect system; 

(b)  Completely replace a number of seller features with the new "Hub"; 

(c)  Redesign the SYI form (apparently it's being "simplified"); 

(d)  Update everybody's dashboards with the appropriate data; and 

(e)  Prepare whatever is on the agenda for the Spring Seller Update. 


Hold onto your hats.  I suspect the next 3 or 4 months are going to be a rough ride.  

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

@reallynicestamps wrote:


Look at this one

Warbird 03-07 Ski-doo MXZ Custom Graphics Sled Wrap Decals for Your Snowmobile


When I look at it on your list

the asking price shows as $277.89CDN


When I click on it-- and I did because I was surprised decals would be that expensive-- it was $34.95 USD and about $45CDN.



I hope this is not important.


I really hope I am misinterpreting this.


That listing (is a variation type) has about 10-15 different options you can choose from the drop down list, Prices range from 34.95 US to US $208.95 US depending on how much of the lit you want. If you search sled wraps/decals you find the range in price all the up to $500 US.

Message 6 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

I can close and relist all or any of items and make changes in the listing then, but that incurs  a listing fee.  I just want to be able to revise to correct spelling errors and such and not cost me $0.13 every time.   It doesn't matter whether the listing was created a minute ago or 5 months ago, the eBay system will not let me revise any listings.

@reallynicestamps wrote:

Have you tried closing (an experimental few) and then using Relist?

How about closing and using Sell Similar?


I am presuming you know that this will probably reset your asking price from US dollars to loonies.

As in if you were asking $10 USD, it will change to $10CDN (about $7.50USD).



 Interesting note for me,  my relists keep the original currency(US), but sell similar resets the the CND.

Message 7 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

This sounds like one of those hair-pulling errors that is going to mess stuff up for a lot of people. You have my sympathy. I haven't been able to use the Bulk Editor to relist anything where Item Description is being altered for about three months now because if the Product Catalogue finds a match with my UPC, it will ALWAYS move it to the wrong Category and/or add incorrect Item Specifics. The work-arounds for this for me have been an absolute time-gobbling nightmare. 


Message 8 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Hi everyone,


There currently is an emerging issue with Revise Item. We have the relevant teams engaged and working on it. However it should only impact listings created in the past few days. If you have any older listings that go to the Feature Unavailable page when you try to revise them, please send me an email with the item numbers.


Many thanks for your patience as we resolve this.

Message 9 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

I am in Canada and have been unable to revise my new listings for a few days now, and getting worried. I NEED to revise - Will I get punished if I pull them off and relist? SEEMS if EBAY IS THE PROBLEM - THEY SHOULD GIVE US CREDIT!

More WastedTime...Cat Mad


Message 10 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

I can't revise anything listed since Nov. 5th -- very frustrating, as revising is important to me. 

Message 11 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

@red27pete wrote:

I can't revise anything listed since Nov. 5th -- very frustrating, as revising is important to me. 

Same, starting Nov 5th.


I've pinpointed the exact item it started with and has effected every item since, listed or re-listed as Good Till Cancelled.


1026 items effected so far.

Message 12 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Same thing here. Ebay Canada. I cannot revise any of my listings. By the way: "Correct your Errors" is something I have been hoping  Ebay would do for years.

Message 13 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

I'm somewhat confused by this error report because I've been revising items, relisted and otherwise, all weekend and certainly at least some of those relisted items began after Nov. 5......


Except that I've been using the automated 'Relist Once if the Item Does Not Sell' feature for about 12-14 weeks now because the Bulk Editor will add incorrect Product Catalogue Information to my listings and move my item(s) into the wrong category when it finds a match.


Maybe this automated method of relisting can be used as a workaround for those people not yet affected by the problem? 


Message 14 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Or is it only Good Till Cancelled that this is happening with? My GTC revised fine too. They were not new GTC though.

Message 15 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

I have the same problem. Just spoke to CS they said they found the issue and will look into it .. (I hope).. That is all we can do.. Mine started Nov 6th and seems to be spreading to sold items that have multiples on the listing. What is needed is competition for eBay. Otherwise we are at their mercy. I heard Yahoo was looking into it and started one in Japan ?? Any truth?? Rr get Google to Start ...YEAH!!!
Message 16 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Ok. How can I send the email to you bud? wrote:

Hi everyone,


There currently is an emerging issue with Revise Item. We have the relevant teams engaged and working on it. However it should only impact listings created in the past few days. If you have any older listings that go to the Feature Unavailable page when you try to revise them, please send me an email with the item numbers.


Many thanks for your patience as we resolve this.


Message 17 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

@cska_moscow_fan wrote:

Ok. How can I send the email to you bud?



Message 18 of 27
latest reply

Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Hi everyone,


The issue with Revise has been remedied. Please let me know if any of you are still experiencing it.


Thanks for your patience as we worked on fixing this.

Message 19 of 27
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Re: Can't Revise any of my listings???

Great news, thank you. If I may ask, will you be hosting Board Hour tomorrow? Or will it be postponed due to Remembrance Day?
Message 20 of 27
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