Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

A price increase for parcels appears to be coming as of January 11, 2016.


However,  nothing can be found  with respect to what the cost of shipping will be as of this date.


Usually we get a lot of information by now.


The recent exchange rate increase will most likely cover any increase in postage, something similar to what happened in 2015.



Is there any published information about January 11, 2016?

Message 1 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

I posted information I found way back in Mid December 2015 in 2 or 3 topics. I will post it all here as to what I found out.


The first document is a general Canada Post news release saying how much the Parcel services in 2016 increased overall.


Average price increase

Annual price adjustments are consistent with industry practice and are necessary for Canada Post to retain a competitive position in an ever-changing marketplace.

Domestic Prices for Domestic Parcel Services will increase by an overall average of 4.0% for most customers.

USA/International Prices for USA/International Parcel Services will see an average increase of 2.0% for most


Also insurance rate for is going up slightly.


Increase in price for additional Liability Coverage (insurance)


The price of additional coverage will increase from $2.20 to $2.25 per $100 declared value.

The price of additional coverage will also increase from $2.20 to
$2.25 per $100 declared value.

Priority Worldwide:

The price for additional coverage will remain the same at $3.50.


Here is a specific Canada Post document on the parcel rate changes rate changes to each service except Light Packet. No mention of Light Packet. I have called Canada Post Customer Service about Light Packet rates (last time was Monday this week) and they do not know about any increase other that Lettermail increase being cancelled.


If you check some of the prices for Small Packet, they went up 3% it seems and not the 2% average quoted in the earlier document.


Small Packet USA


0-250 g     $8.36 (from $8.13  +$0.23  +2.83% )

251-500 g  $11.07 (from $10.79  +$0.37  +3.43%)

501 g - 1 kg  $16.65 (from $16.23  +$0.42   +2.59%)


Small Packet Air International (Just region 2 Europe posted) (Too lazy to post all the weight breaks up to 2 kg)


0-250 g $9.78  (from $9.49  +$0.29  +3.06%)

251-500 g $19.55  (from $18.98  +$0.57 +3.00%)


The rates for Tracked Packet went up about 2%


For Tracked Packet US, it looks like the base price also went up a small amount.
Tracked Packet USA
0-250 $15.42 (from $15.12 +$0.30  +1.98%)
251-500 $16.07 (from $15.75  +$0.32  +2.03%)
501-1kg $18.55 (from $18.19  +$0.36  +1.98%)
Tracked Packet International (Just region 2 Europe posted) (Too lazy to post all the weight breaks up to 2 kg)
0-250 $41.86 (from $41.04  +$0.82 +2.00%)
251-500  $44.64 (from 43.76  +$0.88  +1.97%)


The increase for Light Packet for 2016 is not available. I have been looking for it and have called Canad Post twice asking about it.  There is one document online in the Etsy forums where it is stated that Light Packet USA first weight break (200 grams) went from $5 to $5.70, an increase of 14%. The same document shows Light Packet International increasing from $7.50 to $8.78, an increase of 17%.


Here is a link to the Esty page showing example rates for different services and packages with their 2015 and 2016 rates. Please note the weight in the example are weight of the example packages and not the weight class breaks. In the example, you see Light Packet USA with a 100 and 500 gram package and also for Light Packet International 100 gram and 500 gram.


Please read carefully. It is a list of example packages. It is not a rate table to use for shipping.


Also announced in December was the proposed increases for Lettermail services within Canada will not be increased because the new Canada government asked it to be stopped. How it affects Letter-post USA and Letter-post International I do not know. They also may not change.


I hope I did not make any typos above. If so, please correct me. If you know the Light Packet rates, please post!

Message 2 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

This link was what I was looking for


Prices do not include the fuel surcharge.


Message 3 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

Today's fuel surcharge is 4.25 %


Will have to wait until Monday  to see if my listed postage will go down....or stay as is...

Message 4 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

One year ago, the exchange rate was $1.18. Today it is $1.41.


That is a change of 19.5% in our favour.


I use "free" shipping, primarily, and avoid all that postal rate stuff.


I am making that extra 19.5% on the whole entire sale.

Message 5 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

Tom (toff3) just posted this on another thread


This just in from the Office of the Vice President, Canada Post:


Light Packet rates for 2016:


Up to                   200 g      300 g       500 g


USA                     5.70         8.23        11.75


Other Interntl      8.78         13.46      24.57

Message 6 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

Thank you very much for providing these prices.


Am I correct to understand that light packets' dimentions are changing now from 150, 250 and 500 grams to 200, 300 and 500?


I am very concerned because I have to recheck the weights of so many items!  


Thank you again!  

Message 7 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

@block36 wrote:

Thank you very much for providing these prices.


Am I correct to understand that light packets' dimentions are changing now from 150, 250 and 500 grams to 200, 300 and 500?


I am very concerned because I have to recheck the weights of so many items!  


Thank you again!  

The weights were changed last year in Jan 2015! They did not change this year, just stayed the same as last year. You should have checked your listing weights last year.

Message 8 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Tom (toff3) just posted this on another thread


This just in from the Office of the Vice President, Canada Post:


Light Packet rates for 2016:


Up to                   200 g      300 g       500 g


USA                     5.70         8.23        11.75


Other Interntl      8.78         13.46      24.57

Thanks for posting pj and thanks to Tom for finding out the LP rates.

Message 9 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

Seems I am getting more and more "old fashioned"...

 Interestingly enough I am at my postal office almost daily and never my expectations and pricing on light packets were different from what people there were telling me to pay with reference to their computerized entries.


Thank you very much for sharing prices and measurements.





Message 10 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

I do not mean to rain on anyone's parade BUT I am not so confident that all the information supplied above is correct.


Personally I will wait until Monday to have all the rates from Canada Post for each type of service (light packet, small packet) for each weight breakdown.


Have a nice weekend everyone.

Message 11 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

@pierrelebel wrote:

I do not mean to rain on anyone's parade BUT I am not so confident that all the information supplied above is correct.


Personally I will wait until Monday to have all the rates from Canada Post for each type of service (light packet, small packet) for each weight breakdown.


Have a nice weekend everyone.

I do agree that we should wait until Monday when the new prices are in effect. But one can get a good heads up on what the new prices will be from the information posted so far..


But even after new prices are in effect Monday, past history of Canada Post has shown that they still make mistakes. Remember the incorrect fanfold handouts a year of so ago that were printed in error with incorrect Light Packet rates if I recall correctly and given out by the Post Offices for a week or so until the prices were shown to be incorrect.


So I would suggest to compare all documentation you have available and make sure they all match up on Monday when the prices are official. If they do not, well, more posts to be made, lol.


PS For such a large corporation, Canada Post makes too many mistakes each year with the new rates either by error or omission in their published documentation. You would think they would triple check what they publish. Obviously they are not very good at proofreading their own documentation.


It makes you wonder for the more complicated calculated rates based on size and weight like Expedited Parcel and Xpresspost if they are really calculated correctly on the CP web site all the time. Same for eBay calculated shipping and PayPal calculated shipping cost (programmed by the much loved Pitney Bowes). A seller would only notice if the discrepancy was large.

Message 12 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016


PS For such a large corporation, Canada Post makes too many mistakes each year with the new rates either by error or omission in their published documentation. You would think they would triple check what they publish. Obviously they are not very good at proofreading their own documentation.


It makes you wonder for the more complicated calculated rates based on size and weight like Expedited Parcel and Xpresspost if they are really calculated correctly on the CP web site all the time. Same for eBay calculated shipping and PayPal calculated shipping cost (programmed by the much loved Pitney Bowes). A seller would only notice if the discrepancy was large.

Well said, Poco!


I might add that the Lt Pkt rates I posted were taken from fanfolds sent to me by the CP Vice-President's office. If they contain errors, the VP should be mightily embarrassed.



Message 13 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

It's horrible how much they raise domestic rates compared to International rates. The cost to send packages over 2cm thick within Canada is way too high, because we do not have Small Packet for domestic, and they still keep raising the prices pretty much every year. Sending letter mail within Canada is at an affordable rate. It is more expensive to send a parcel within Canada than it is to send to USA, why?

Message 14 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

@melissasminis wrote:

It's horrible how much they raise domestic rates compared to International rates. The cost to send packages over 2cm thick within Canada is way too high, because we do not have Small Packet for domestic, and they still keep raising the prices pretty much every year. Sending letter mail within Canada is at an affordable rate. It is more expensive to send a parcel within Canada than it is to send to USA, why?

Only for packages 500 g or under is shipping services to the USA cheaper. When you use 501 g or over, the rates within Canada compared to sending to the USA are cheaper (if you use PayPal shipping and get the 18% discount for Expedited Parcel Canada).


Unfortunately, many items are under 500 grams for some sellers so shipping them using Expedited Parcel Canada with a 750 gram minimum with Dimensional Weight kicking in for larger boxes is just expensive for low cost lighter items.

Message 15 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

@toff3 wrote:


PS For such a large corporation, Canada Post makes too many mistakes each year with the new rates either by error or omission in their published documentation. You would think they would triple check what they publish. Obviously they are not very good at proofreading their own documentation.


It makes you wonder for the more complicated calculated rates based on size and weight like Expedited Parcel and Xpresspost if they are really calculated correctly on the CP web site all the time. Same for eBay calculated shipping and PayPal calculated shipping cost (programmed by the much loved Pitney Bowes). A seller would only notice if the discrepancy was large.

Well said, Poco!


I might add that the Lt Pkt rates I posted were taken from fanfolds sent to me by the CP Vice-President's office. If they contain errors, the VP should be mightily embarrassed.



Even if they are right, he should be embarrassed that a huge company like Canada Post can not bother to tell their customer what all of the new rates will be until that actual day.


There's been no real announcement from them (that I'm aware of) that the domestic rate is staying the same not. I was aware of the mention on the news but I don't see anything on their website  Plus they haven't said what is happening with oversize lettermail within Canada and for USA and international letterpost. It's ridiculous that businesses do not have this information at hand a month or two ahead of time.

At one point the new international rates were they're not. 



Message 16 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

There was .....once-upon-a-time-ago .....a year when we could calculate the new cost for postage..


It was a complete "site" like what we have right now... but with the new base costs.


It was available in early December


It was very easy for us  to find out what the new cost or postage  was going to be.


That is .....Base cost multiplied by fuel surcharge. multiplied  by Tax...  for each location, and in relation to the way we do the calculation right now on Canada Post's website


Each year Canada Post has been less ... and less....forthcoming with the new rates..




The best thing to do is wait for Monday morning


Do a quick calculation and make the appropriate adjustments...  if shipping is a fixed cost for all destinations.  in Canada and the US



For those that use a calculation of shipping based on parcel  values of weight and dimensions... then no adjustment in shipping cost


is necessary if the right numbers have been entered into the system.




With the consideration that the exchange rate is constantly changing... the new higher value for the Canadian dollar relative to the US dollar... could mean that no adjustment... upwards atleast....  would be necessary if sellers sell in US dollars.





Message 17 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

Light packet rates are rarely shown until the day of the rate change. That is poor business practice imo. I realize that we can find out the day of the change but if I had 1000's of listings and used light packet or lettermail, it would be difficult to change them all that quickly.

Message 18 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016



Canada Post issued a news release on December 15 announcing that regulated postal rates, i.e. rates for Letter-post, would not be increasing in January 2016. Supposedly this decision was in accordance with the mandate letter to the Hon. Judy Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and responsible for Canada Post. Personally, I don't get it. The only reference to CP in the mandate letter is a call for a review of the Corporation.


The CP news release didn't seem to get much publicity in the media. The Toronto Star did publish "rumours" that rates would not increase (as Pierre pointed out). I'm afraid, except for the business of community mailboxes, Canada Post is of little interest to the average Canadian.



Message 19 of 71
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Canada Post prices as of January 11, 2016

 2 different prices for Tracked Packet USA , guess I'll go by the highest prices for reference until I know for sure.


Page 29 of this link



Page 23 here




Message 20 of 71
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