01-13-2013 12:09 PM
So I have been venture one client for awhile but never looked so I decided to check things out today ..
I see nothing special ..Shipping is cheaper on paypal.. Envelopes are cheaper everywhere else...
Is there Something good about something Canada post offers that would not be better elsewhere
01-13-2013 12:20 PM
For me is good for ordering labelope, air mail sticker and ebay poly envelope only (25 cent each).
01-13-2013 12:48 PM
Labelope are good but not really needed for me
Airmail Sticker Why buy these ?
Poly Envelopes I buy on ebay 3-12 cents no bubbles and about 20 cents for bubble ...
01-13-2013 12:54 PM
Nope .. only really helps those folks who are not dealing with them for Ebay stuff... everything they sell is major expensive.
01-13-2013 02:08 PM
It is good for checking postal rates and tracking packages. It is not good for purchasing mailing supplies etc.
01-13-2013 02:51 PM
Actually one thing I go there for is to order their free labelopes for packages. That's about it...
01-13-2013 03:11 PM
Airmail Sticker Why buy these ?
It is free and I don't need to go to the PO to ask.
Poly Envelopes I buy on ebay 3-12 cents no bubbles and about 20 cents for bubble ...
Canada post ebay poly envelope size is about 13 X 17. Similar size from uline $31 for 100 pcs plus shipping.
Shippin is free from Canada Pos and I can buy just a few, not must 100.
I buy smaller size from ebay as well, but Canada Post poly envelope has better quality.
01-13-2013 03:57 PM
Uups actually ebay pak is 20 cent each, must be order multiply of 25.
01-13-2013 04:39 PM
OOOOHH! Are the eBay poly envelopes available again? I love those!
They are well worth the extra money, because they look so professional! And when I sell a slightly more valuable item, the recipient is more likely to appreciate it. Smoke and mirrors.
Off to order a bunch before they disappear again.
01-13-2013 05:33 PM
Does anyone have a link for these eBay poly envelopes? I would really appreciate it, because my supplies have run short. 🙂
01-13-2013 05:37 PM
01-13-2013 05:45 PM
Thanks a lot asiahhijab!!