Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I have been doing this for while now and I have run across this area in ebay again. I am looking to find out where many of the Canadian Power Sellers are located in Canada to forge alliances and share information. The ebay forum is a good one for general discussion but still does not provide one-on-one conversations live with a real person who has experienced many of the pratfalls of being a Canadian seller. The forum is a good one, but is a service where information cannot be conveyed in two of three sentences in an message post. I spend many hours doing business on ebay and feel that the email system of communicating is very impersonal and delayed when trying to get answers. I am an honest business person and I am looking for serious people who can communicate and who would like to expand their ebay businesses like myself or take advantage of free insight as well as give some. We have combined knowledge as ebay users and have seen many different situations when buying and selling. I have made contact by chance with other power sellers near my locations and we have incorporated our combined knowledge into our day to day operations. This is why I am now posting this message in the forum to locate others. I am not a new user and I think it is time that we had some one-on-one conversations with each other to take advantage of our shared experiences and personal knowledge. I have a couple of years experience and looking at expanding my knowledge and sharing ideas. This is not a spoof or spam message. I am not soliciting or selling anything so please do not misinterpret this message. I am looking for others with the same goals who are serious. I see this as a benefit to many, since as Canadians and we are likely to encounter similar situations associated with being Canadian sellers. I see our goals as the same in all of the messages posted to grow and expand our common knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi! What book are you talking about in post 34?

Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 41 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 42 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hi Bill

I think that setting up a agenda for discussion would be a great idea.

By the looks of some of the comments in here I think that there will be no shortage of topics to talk about if we can get together as a group.

It is up to the interested parties to free up some time and make a trip.

I am seeing many power sellers sign into the discussion areas.

Do you think there is a better way to reach others and form alliances.

Message 43 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Al;

Those that routinely visit the board and are interested will likely have already read the thread and responded in some shape or form. That said, there are many Powersellers who only infrequently even visit the board. This is the only real way to touch base with them as eBay is not going to make a mailing list available.

Provided the thread is bumped up on an occasional basis I expect that a lot more will express interest over the coming weeks. Regardless, there are enough that have expressed interest to now get an initial meeting off the ground.

Perhaps it would make sense to start a new thread calling for agenda topics, a preferred location (city) that would be central for most and convenient date. Based on the numbers that respond with a commitment to attend, a suitable meeting place could be determined.


Bill treasure-pot


Message 44 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Would be nice if we could finalize this today as the weekend is approaching - if not then I guess it will be next weekend.
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

May I suggest a little lead time to give people time to plan;

how about the weekend of the 20/21st jan., either Sat or Sun
Location: Kitchener area, close to 401 exits (maybe Bill can suggest a venue)

Message 46 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
How about the weekend of the 20/21st jan either Sat or Sun
Location Barrie area, close to the 400 exits.

Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 47 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
How about the weekend of the 20/21set jan, either Sat or Sun
Location London area, close to the 401 exits.

Have a nice day! 🙂
Message 48 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
LOL Well this is going well. 😛

How about plug in everybody's location into a program or something and find somewhere equally closest to all participants? Everybody is going to suggest somewhere closest to themself. That's not gonna work. lol :)

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 49 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hey I suggest we all show up at Fritz's place 🙂
Afterall it was his idea
Message 50 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I picked Barrie, that is 50 miles south of my actual location.
Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 51 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Kitchener seems like "the place" since it's in between London, Hamilton and Toronto. We definitely need to do this near the end of January. If Bill is okay with it, we will work together getting the hall etc. We need to set up some sort of schedule so that we can have time slots for each topic of discussion. I will sell tickets on eBay to the event to make sure people are serious about it. The money will go towards expenses, anything extra for snacks etc. How does that sound so far?
Message 52 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Doesn't sound good to me. Kitchener is 140 miles from me.

Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 53 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I'm in London - I suggested Kitchener since it seemed to be fairly central for most people - someone from Windsor was also interested.

Maybe we could book a room in a restaurant and have lunch too.

Message 54 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
You're right, that's a 2.5 hr drive for you. Nice motels start around $50 /night in Kitchener. We might have to figure out the webcast solution. Like someone said, we need to have a tally of where everyone is located so we can pretty much plop it in between all these locations
Message 55 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Weather is also something that has to be considered, no one wants to drive long distance in a blinding snow storm. There is a program called GoToMeeting Not sure if that would be usefull, but its free.

Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 56 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Bill - sorry, but Barrie would be one of the least convenient places for the majority of Powersellers that have expressed interest. Barrie represents a much farther drive for people in London, Windsor, Goderich, etc.

"Booking a hall" seems overkill when we are more likely to have an initial meeting of less than 20 people (more likely 10-15).

Kitchener would be fine although Cambridge probably makes more sense. There is a Zehr's grocery store right along the 401 that has a free "Community Room" that will hold 30 or more people. They are happy to cater lunch (for a small fee) if all who attend are in favour. Saturdays are often spoken for well in advance but Sundays are generally more available. We could probably get the room for a couple of hours on a Sunday if they have a few weeks notice.

I don't like the idea of selling tickets. We are only trying to determine (at this time) if we can even work together. Thus far, the divisiveness that exists over even a meeting location does not bode well. As much as we would all like to have it in our backyard it is just not possible.

My past familiarity with buying groups is that the "host" does all the work to arrange a meeting place and coordinate an agenda. We don't need to pay for a hall for 10-15 people. If we all agree that we are going to have a lunch or refreshments (coffee, pop, water), everyone will need to come with a $10 bill in their pocket. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 57 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
So if we are unable to attend, are we excluded from this group?

Check out my eBay listings for Antiques, Collectibles, Postcards, Books, Mocassins, Prints, Georgian Bay and Lighthouse items
Message 58 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

Neat program but I think it's more designed for desktop sharing and not the visual camera side of things.

We need to somehow get a guestlist going to see roughly how many people might be attending.
Message 59 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member

I wouldn't suggest that anyone be "excluded". It's just not practical for virtually everyone to travel the furthest distance to satisfy one or two.

I'm not sure that we really have anything going here. The sole purpose for a meeting would be to determine if we can work together to our mutual benefit. I, for one, am not interested in a social event exclusively. If it doesn't have a benefit for my business in some form or another I would take a pass.

I also am not interested in spending a lot of my company resources on meeting rooms, banquets, hotels, etc., when I don't even know if we can work together.

djbullet2005 - this thread should give you a pretty good idea as to who has expressed interest. It only needs to be determined where and when a meeting would be possible. It would then be up to the individual to confirm attendance.

So far, the people who seem to be interested are:

laplaya29 (depending on location)

There are others who may just be a little too far to attend an initial meeting. They include:


Bill treasure-pot


Message 60 of 235
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