Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I have been doing this for while now and I have run across this area in ebay again. I am looking to find out where many of the Canadian Power Sellers are located in Canada to forge alliances and share information. The ebay forum is a good one for general discussion but still does not provide one-on-one conversations live with a real person who has experienced many of the pratfalls of being a Canadian seller. The forum is a good one, but is a service where information cannot be conveyed in two of three sentences in an message post. I spend many hours doing business on ebay and feel that the email system of communicating is very impersonal and delayed when trying to get answers. I am an honest business person and I am looking for serious people who can communicate and who would like to expand their ebay businesses like myself or take advantage of free insight as well as give some. We have combined knowledge as ebay users and have seen many different situations when buying and selling. I have made contact by chance with other power sellers near my locations and we have incorporated our combined knowledge into our day to day operations. This is why I am now posting this message in the forum to locate others. I am not a new user and I think it is time that we had some one-on-one conversations with each other to take advantage of our shared experiences and personal knowledge. I have a couple of years experience and looking at expanding my knowledge and sharing ideas. This is not a spoof or spam message. I am not soliciting or selling anything so please do not misinterpret this message. I am looking for others with the same goals who are serious. I see this as a benefit to many, since as Canadians and we are likely to encounter similar situations associated with being Canadian sellers. I see our goals as the same in all of the messages posted to grow and expand our common knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Well, all, have fun, and let us know what (if anything) was accomplished. Ontario is -- oh -- about a 4 or 5 day drive from here. Ha ha. 🙂

Message 121 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Talk to AL later on and he mentioned that he will be calling Izzy on Monday to see what she had in mind of HELP.
Message 122 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
But John... it's such a pleasant winter drive across Saskatchewan.:^O

Bill treasure-pot


Message 123 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Yeah, if you start now you should be in good time 🙂
Message 124 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I'm in London, ON
Message 125 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
HI 9692erict

If you are inr=terested in attending this meeting email me directly for information.

Trying to get a list together for all who are attending to keep track of people and materials needed.

Message 126 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
HI to all who are reading this message.

I would like to thank all who have attended the First Canadian Power Seller Meeting held Jan 21, 07.

The meeting was a great success and very productive for all of the people who arrived.

We will be holding another meeting in the future and plan to make this a regular part of our activities.

I was very impressed by the direction that we have already taken in just the first meeting.

As group we have dived right in and are undertaking various projects to help improve the viability of our personal businesses and help each other.

If you would like to be involved then you have to attend and make an effort, and arm chairs are not needed.

I will be sending the minutes of the meeting to participating sellers with a contact list.

Thanks again to all who attended and here's to a great 2007


Fitzheuen International
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

My thanks to AL, LEANNE and BILL for teaming up to coordinate this event - great job guys (and GAL).

Also wanted to thank everyone who attended the meeting today. It was a real nice and productive meeting in not only that we got to put a face to each others userid's but also the information we share proved to be valuable in one way or another.

Given the diversity of our product offerings, one common factor that we ALL shared was the SELLING and SERVICING aspects of our business and how each of us dealt with it in a different yet albeit similar way.

Thanks again to all who attended for openly sharing your stories, ideas and suggestions.


TIM & Kelly
Futuretech Liquidations
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I too want to express my appreciation to those that attended... I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations and look forward to a continued dialogue to our mutual benefit.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 129 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Bill treasure-pot

Thanks again for booking the room at the Holiday Inn in Cambridge.

Your help was greatly appreciated in getting this first meeting underway.

It was good to finally meet you in person after our numerous telephone calls.

The next meeting will be more productive than this meeting with the additional new Power Sellers who have already shown interest.

I would like to also thank Izzy at for the baseball caps and the speedy delivery.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Yup, Those baseball caps made the trip worthwhile ... ]:)

Just kidding, Izzy!
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

maybe for our next meeting we might get matching T-Shirts 🙂
Message 132 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
...eBay secret decoder rings...:^O

Bill treasure-pot


Message 133 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I'm really glad to hear that it went well. I apologize for not making it. I really wanted to but woke up with a killer migraine. 😞 I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I was looking forward to it too. Next time!

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 134 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
We missed you being there Debbi. I'm sure Al will keep you informed as to the next meeting.


Bill treasure-pot


Message 135 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Debbi

Thanks for the information.

I was wondering what had happened to you because of previous emails and your interest in attending.

There will be other meetings coming up in the future.

I will try to keep everyone informed of the next meeting.

Take care

Message 136 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Sounds like a good start. Wish I could have been there but DH was stuck on a train in Windsor. CPR doesn't allow much planning in life.

Please let me know when the next meeting is as I would like to attend. With enough notice...2 weeks or so...I can have DH book the day off.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 137 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
You were missed Monique... Al will certainly email you when we next plan to meet.


Bill treasure-pot


Message 138 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I am in Mississauga
Message 139 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Hi Monique

Sorry we missed you.

Hope to see you at the next meeting.


Hi 2hormy

Thanks for logging into this thread I will keep you informed of our next meeting if you are interested.

I can also be contacted by email and will give you a call if you leave a phone number.

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