Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I have been doing this for while now and I have run across this area in ebay again. I am looking to find out where many of the Canadian Power Sellers are located in Canada to forge alliances and share information. The ebay forum is a good one for general discussion but still does not provide one-on-one conversations live with a real person who has experienced many of the pratfalls of being a Canadian seller. The forum is a good one, but is a service where information cannot be conveyed in two of three sentences in an message post. I spend many hours doing business on ebay and feel that the email system of communicating is very impersonal and delayed when trying to get answers. I am an honest business person and I am looking for serious people who can communicate and who would like to expand their ebay businesses like myself or take advantage of free insight as well as give some. We have combined knowledge as ebay users and have seen many different situations when buying and selling. I have made contact by chance with other power sellers near my locations and we have incorporated our combined knowledge into our day to day operations. This is why I am now posting this message in the forum to locate others. I am not a new user and I think it is time that we had some one-on-one conversations with each other to take advantage of our shared experiences and personal knowledge. I have a couple of years experience and looking at expanding my knowledge and sharing ideas. This is not a spoof or spam message. I am not soliciting or selling anything so please do not misinterpret this message. I am looking for others with the same goals who are serious. I see this as a benefit to many, since as Canadians and we are likely to encounter similar situations associated with being Canadian sellers. I see our goals as the same in all of the messages posted to grow and expand our common knowledge.
Thanks in advance.

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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I understand that, but he has two other accounts so all I am saying is that the Fitzheueninternational one is most likely closed down recently.

He did mention to me that he was restructing his business and consolidating his accounts.

His two other accounts are:

palmrepairs and secondeclipse


Tim @ FTL
Message 221 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Fitz shorten his user ID some time ago to fitzheuen...his site is still up and running. Try


Trinkets in Time
Message 222 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

gifts_of_elegance, you fit right in on this board ]:)
Message 223 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
oh brother! Do any of you read the rules or the Chatter or the help files or follow things eBay?? Holy crow!

If someones posts on a discussion board who's user name is JOE and then they change it to BOB the old posts will still show as JOE. 6 months later you click on JOE's ID. It will say USER NOT FOUND because JOE doesn't exist anymore. It's standard procedure. It's not a scam. It's not hiding anything. Nothing nefarious is happening.

Scam....gimme a break! More like someone not knowing what they're talking about and jumping to wild ridiculous conclusions. sheesh

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 224 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I'm telling ya all, with the evil lady at my day job who is only happy when she gets good people fired...this board is feeling like work. Let's all be happy and play nice...please, please, please...please say pretty please (okay, so the day job is getting a tad stressful, it's true :_|). All I'm saying is...take a deep breath and play niiiiiiiiiiiiice :-p.
Message 225 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Or good instincts. ]:)


Message 226 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
LOL you're so bad!! :-p

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 227 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
That whole accusation was pretty random and far fetched...I didn't understand what it was based on either since he wasn't asking for any personal information, $$ (unless planning to rent a space), trade secrets, etc...just a general idea in who might be interested in taking some of these discussions offline...
Message 228 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
I am in Montreal, Québec!! lol Am I the only one from Québec on this forum?? Would also be very interested in sharing informations!!
Message 229 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Nope Home-Shopping, theres 2 others on the last page alone...
Message 230 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

I doubt very seriously Fitzheuen (AL) is looking at starting this up again give the amount of work and time involved.

Our first two meetings were good - decent turnout and good discussions - but in the end not much was accomplished and most if not all of the action items were never done nor followed-up on.

We did manage to get a YAHOO forum setup and some postings were made = I do not know if the forum is still available - you could send an email to AL and inquire.

I personally think that it is a good idea to have an off-site Canadian Powersellers Forum where ideas, comments and suggestions can be freely exchanged without the fear or Big Brother watching us.

I especially like the idea of being able to alert my fellow PS's will name and id's of known scammers so at least they can choose to act or not - on the current forum you are limited as to what you can and cannot say & post.


Message 231 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
HI All

I am still alive and kicking in Niagara Falls now contrary to some of the comments.

Still unpacking the cardboard sea of boxes and now trying to find product in the stock rooms.

Thanks for those who have come to my defence in the message string.

As far as a SCAM give me a break !!!

I would not be typing in here if I was not a Power Seller and have been for 4 years.

For clarification I did shorten the name some time ago due to I was getting TOO many overseas scammers trying to bid on items or expecting me to ship to their location.

Having the wording International in the user name became more of a pain than a help.

Another chuckle to give me a laugh and break up the dull day 🙂

Fitzheuen International
Message 232 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hello, We're located in Ottawa (west end). Ghis
Message 233 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Hello all: i am in downtown toronto. ebay used to have a page listing all the hottest items sold, is that still available? i am lost with all the "new" ebay tools that were available.
Message 234 of 235
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Canadian Power Seller Alliances and Selling Locations

Community Member
Do you mean eBay Pulse?
Message 235 of 235
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