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05-10-2014 11:04 PM
Calgary Herald May 10 2014
This week, as Ottawa got ready for the National Day of Honour to mark the end of the Afghan mission, Gordon Moore, the Royal Canadian Legion dominion president, got angry.
Moore told reporters that the government was unnecessarily secretive, that the Legion wasn’t given enough time to plan events across Canada, that many veterans and their families would not participate because they are angry about how they are being treated.
Moore was also upset that the prime minister was to be presented with the last Canadian flag to fly over Kabul.
“Governor General David Johnston is the commander-in-chief of the Canadian Armed Forces,” Moore told Maclean’s magazine's John Geddes. “He and he only should be receiving the last Canadian flag that flew in Afghanistan.”
Moore was right. Stephen Harper was being unacceptably presidential, and he wisely backed down at the last minute, and agreed to pass the flag to Johnston.
But I wondered briefly if Harper would back down or go after Moore.
It’s an absurd idea. You can’t attack the Legion. But the prime minister’s ever-growing list of enemies includes unlikely names.
His former chief of staff, Tom Flanagan, writes in his new book: “There’s a dark, almost Nixonian, side to the man. He can be suspicious, secretive and vindictive, prone to sudden eruptions of white-hot rage over meaningless trivia.”
The list of officials who have felt the sting of Harper’s white-hot rage is long: Remy Beauregard, Marty Cheliak, Richard Colvin, Sheila Fraser, Linda Keen, Paul Kennedy, Marc Mayrand, Adrian Measner, Kevin Page, Munir Sheikh and Nigel Wright.
Then there are the political opponents. Harper has systematically bombarded Stephane Dion, Michael Ignatieff and Justin Trudeau with simple-minded attack ads.
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05-11-2014 01:32 AM
Earlier in the week, according to your thread title, Moore spoke for all of the military. According to the title of this thread, he speaks for Canadians in general. Wow.
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05-11-2014 04:23 AM
If we can be snippy and pedantic with each other as the PM spreads the margarine of sour discomfort, the thread title allows anywhere between two and all Canadians.
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05-11-2014 11:03 AM
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05-11-2014 12:15 PM
My mistake...
The other thread does not have the same title as the newspaper article quoted so I assumed (which I should not have done) that this thread would be the same.
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05-11-2014 03:06 PM
I wouldn't have re-done the other thread because it had been locked. I posted this one because although there is an element of the flag story, it's really more about the public's increasing dislike for his attitude and finally as long as he has managed to hide it, it's finally coming out. He was this way before he was elected and it is my firm belief that when he finally was elected one of his handlers told him to be quiet and say little because he reveals who he is when he gets talking. However with a majority government under his he increasingly felt invincible. Silly wabbit, there's a new rabbit in town.
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05-12-2014 11:59 AM
REALLY??? Again WRONG on the FACTS? what are the odds?/ seem increasingly higher and higher
Tories (33%), Liberals (33%) All Tied Up for First Time Since Fall 2013
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Toronto, ON – For the first time since the fall of 2013, the Federal Tories and Liberals are all tied up at 33% of the national vote each, according to a new Ipsos Reid poll conducted on behalf of CTV News.
In May 2013, following the election of Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader, the Liberals catapulted ahead of the Tories. For September and October the two parties were essentially tied, never drifting more than two points away from each other, but throughout the entire winter the Liberals held a lead – but not anymore
This article seems to say YOU are 100% wrong and people are getting sick of Trudeau and his popularity is dropping since being elected leader.
But why go with the FACTS when your fiction sounds so much better. Well in your mind it does.
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05-12-2014 12:09 PM - edited 05-12-2014 12:11 PM
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05-12-2014 12:30 PM
Justin competition?
Given the mess the Provincial Liberals have left Ontario in this speaks well for the Federal Conservatives in 2015.
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05-12-2014 02:08 PM
One of the many reasons that Hudak is not getting the support is because people don't want Harper with a stronger foothold and a puppet in the Premier's office in Ontario.
Hudak and Harper are a new kind of politician. I call them Bush Conservatives. It's a sad statement to make but I feel a lot, not all, but a lot of supporters of Hudak or Harper are greedy people without a conscience who don't care who gets walked on as long as they win. Hudak wants to put a 100,000 people out of work and give more money to already rich corporations. Harper, well he has a long list of lies, manipulation, cowardly actions and no respect for democracy. But some people still support these two because their supporters are just like them. It's a disgrace we have come to this in a once great country, but as Harper said, when he was finished we wouldn't recognize Canada. I don't like people who lie to the public. I don't like people who are greedy or have no conscience. I detest hatred and prejudice. I don't surround myself with people like that and I sure don't want the province or the country ruled by people like that.
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05-12-2014 02:18 PM - edited 05-12-2014 02:19 PM
What I like about Hudak is his repeated promise to create one million jobs in Ontario.
One million?
Yes, one million he repeats.
OK - he will start by laying off 100,000 public servant. No problem.
Then with the money "saved" on these salaries and benefits, he will create one million jobs.
I am almost ready to vote for him and his party.
According to Statistics Canada, there are only 550,000 (give or take a few) Ontarians currently unemployed.
How do you create one million jobs when only half of them are available?
I guess Hudak went to the same school as his Conservative friend Rob Ford who "saved" Torontonians one billion dollars in the last three years (disregard that municipal taxes in Toronto actually went up, that is irrelevant)

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05-12-2014 04:20 PM
It doesn't make any sense Pierre and Hudak knows it. Promises, empty promises, manipulations, diversions and outright lies like a majority of politicians do. He tries to appeal to those who aren't really thinking, or are out for revenge, the same as Harris his trainer did and his idol Harper.
Sometimes you know, I just feel like not caring. What's wrong with this stinking world can people not be honest, caring, and find a molecule of integrity? If people aren't going to stand up to these employees of the people who crown themselves kings and queens after an election then why should I be concerned one iota. I'm at a point some days that if Ontario or Canada burns while politicians play their fiddles then I'll just take care of my own and anyone who steps on my toes it will be the worst mistake of their miserable lives.
The politicians have laid out the game board so we play their games and we have no real choice. Short of a real revolution we can't even change the game board without their permission. There's a woman I met who has fought the Liberals for 4 years. This woman has more courage than a lot of people I know, but it has taken it's toll on her and her family, so they're moving out of the Province. When the Liberals are gone if Hudak wins then 100,000 will lose their jobs and Hudak will make the rich richer with his tax breaks. He can cure nothing in this world economy and the deals made by politicians with the wealthy and governments like Communist China. The little guy on the bottom end of the food chain gets nothing, never has, never will, as long as we have people running our lives who will sell themselves off for money or the feeling of prestige to stroke their egos.
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05-24-2014 10:05 AM
The Champlain Bridge in Montreal has seen better days. Opened in 1962, it’s in need of replacement. Oddly, the federal government built and continues to own this local bridge. The Harper government has generously offered to build a $5 billion replacement bridge, which would be financed, over time, through tolls (just as the original bridge was until 1990).
However, Quebec’s top politicians (Premier Couillard, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre, NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau) are all fighting against the tolls. They want Canadian taxpayers to foot the $5 billion bill as a gift to Quebec and Montreal.
Elsewhere in Canada, cities and provinces pay for local bridges. The $3.5 billion Port Mann Bridge in metro Vancouver, the world’s widest bridge, was completed in 2012 with no federal taxpayer money, and is financed entirely by tolls. The $1 billion Golden Ears Bridge, completed in 2009, is also financed entirely by tolls paid by Vancouver motorists.
It’s unclear why the federal government is willing to build a local bridge in Montreal in the first place, but if Quebec politicians get their way, it will be completely financed by taxpayers all across the country.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper needs to hear from Canadians who think local bridges should be built by provinces and cities, not the feds. Further, if the feds are going to build a new Champlain Bridge, it had darn well better have tolls to recoup the costs.
Can you take three minutes and drop the prime minister an email and let him know your thoughts on the Champlain Bridge? You can also call his office.
While you’re at it, you might want to cc Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair.
Thanks for all you do,
- Gregory, Shannon, Scott and the entire CTF team
P.S.: Unlike Quebec politicians, the CTF doesn’t want, or get, any money from government. We rely 100% on donations from people like you. Can you chip in $25 today to help us continue to be the counter-balance in Canada against those who want to spend your tax dollars? You can make your donation today through our secure donation website.
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05-24-2014 10:23 AM
Anything wrong with your memory valve?
The Harper Conservative government allocated funds for the Champlain bridge in the last federal budget.
What is the fuss now about blaming all other parties (provincial and federal)?
Same sold, same old.

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05-24-2014 11:10 AM
"Together with the Jacques Cartier Bridge, it is administered by the Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI), a federal agency which is a fully owned subsidiary of the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited.
With nearly 160,000 daily crossings, the Champlain Bridge is the busiest bridge in Canada."
A little bit of recent history about the Champlain bridge. You will notice that the Harper conservative government takes full credit of all announcements:
"In August 2008, the Transport Canada, the federal ministry of transportation, confirmed that studies and scenarios were ordered to build a new bridge within 10 or 15 years. The new structure would likely be 8 to 10 lanes wide and include a light rail train to connect the South Shore to Montreal.
On January 27, 2009, the Government of Canada announced in its 2009 Economic Action Plan that it would be allocating $212 million to renew the bridge.
On March 18, 2011, the Government of Canada announced $158 million will be spent on a major repair and maintenance program as concerns mount it is at risk of collapse. Montreal's La Presse newspaper cited two leaked engineering reports prepared for a federal bridge agency that suggest sections of the structure are in a severe state of deterioration that will be progress exponentially. The report concludes that a partial or complete collapse of the span should not be ruled out.
On October 5, 2011, The Honourable Denis Lebel announced that the Canadian Federal Government will proceed with a new bridge across the St. Lawrence River in Montreal.
On December 1, 2013 Federal Transportation Minister Denis Lebel announced that the replacement Champlain Bridge would be finished by 2018. The rapid development precluded a call for an international design competition, and the designer, Poul Ove Jensen, had already been selected by the government."
And now you blame politicians from other political parties because of the ever increasing cost of building the bridge announced six years ago by the Harper conservative government.

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05-24-2014 04:04 PM
And why not blame the opposition Pierre with election coming on in another year. Besides I support the CTF and expect them to dig up this type of ammunition.