Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Hi, first, I have to say that I thought about that situation for weeks before to decide to ask other sellers, as I am doing today. I just can't understand what is going on, and why, maybe you guys can help me understand, and possibly give ideas or suggestions to help me find a solution for my business.

I am a seller of collectibles, more precisely very old coins, and it's my main incoming since 2006. I'm doing very well so far, with a perfect reputation and 99,9% score, DSR 4,9 to 5,0 in average. I'm providing a very personalized service, as I am in the collectables field, but since the beginning profit has compensate for the extra effort. I have an eBay store since the beginning, offering auction style listing and also items at fixed price. About the auctions, the market price for my category of items (ancient roman and greek coins) has been almost the same since 2006. The high exchange rate (I am selling in USD$) has been very exciting these last years when withdrawing in CAD$, but of course we all know that this is over now. Profit gets thinner for most of us. But that's not my real problem, exchange rate is just not helping another situation. Strangely, since last Christmas, prices are dropping when sold auction style. What usually sold approximately $150 now sells $80 or $90, what sold $30 now sells $15 or $20, and so on. Now all the time, but I see a huge difference in my incoming, that's what I know.

I have many repeat buyers, I have as many watchers on my items as before last Christmas. In appearance, nothing changed, excepted for the profit. End prices for my auctions have always been the same since 2006, I felt all these years that no bidder was missing an item ending below the market price, but some evenings of ending auctions, I feel that my items are sometimes selling very low, like if no bidder was present at that moment. It never, ever happened before January 2010... It was almost the opposite as it was before, my items were selling very often OVER the market price.

Now I work the same amount, provide the same great service, but I'm struggling. What happened ? A different eBay search tool ? Economic crisis in the USA (majority of my buyers are Americans) ? Any idea of what may have caused that very strange new situation ?

Thanks !
Message 1 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Thanks for your input Pierre...

Thing is, I want to turn FP, but they are not selling very well because the end prices in auctions are so low, I believe my competitors and especially my main competitor is also feeling that change.

By the way, I noticed that nothing really changed in the amount of similar items in the categories I am selling. Same ratio of FP vs. auctions than last year, 500-600 items in that category is not a lot, auctions are not hard to find (approx 450 FP and 150 auctions in that category, like it's been for years)... And as I said, I have as many watchers on my items as I did before... Nothing changed in appearance in my niche, only the buyers habit...
Message 21 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"Take a look at this Link "

Hope that will happen again, because it happened to me as a seller to sell very high sometimes.

Pierre, you mentioned AdCommerce. I am creating a campaign right now, but I am wondering what would be a good cost per click and what would be a good daily budget to start and see if I get some results before to put a high daily budget, in case it brings more members in my store, but not necessarily buying my items...
Message 22 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

A similar question was asked yesterday on the "eBay Stores" discussion board.
Take a look at this

"good cost per click and what would be a good daily budget "

There is no template answer to the question. It depends on your financial ability to spend money to make money. Advertising seldom pays immediately. Name recognition makes a difference on the very long run.

In the late 20th century (no kidding) I used to run an ad in the local newspaper "Buying stamp collections and accumulation" with my name and phone number.

A few months ago (Spring 2010) I received a call from an old gentlemen, recently widowed and now ready to move to a nursing home and needing to sell his stamp collection. When asked where he got my name, he pulled an old yellowed piece of paper he had clipped and saved from 1999 !!!

Yes, advertising pays off.... sometimes, you need patience!
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Pierre, about your link :

"At the beginning, I recommend you avoid "keywords:" and concentrate on sub-categories within the "magazines" category. I would also concentrate on eBay.COM exclusively at first. You can always add other sites later, if it works on .com."

About concentrating on eBay.COM, I have been asked where the listings have been started, and chose "Ebay Canada (english)". I don't remember to have been asked another time about listing on eBay.COM... Have I done the wrong thing ?
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

When you start your "campaign", on the very first screen, AdCommerce asks you

Name of campaign

Target Country - that is where you select USA (
Message 25 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Thanks for the info Pierre, I just checked and campaign is set to "US"...

Is there a way to know how many items sold because a buyer found my store by actually clicking one of my ads, to know if it's working well for me, in case something else is responsible of a positive change in my sales performance ? (example: I am not starting new auctions and will mostly sell FP from now on)
Message 26 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

" prices are dropping when sold auction style. "

Take a look at this

That is the other side of the coin: a buyer complaining prices have gone up too much!

My hubby buys and sells high-end used hockey skates on eBay (another ID). Prices have never been higher, auctions have multiple bidders, etc. Even, now, in the "off season". He usually saves his skates and starts selling in Aug. for the upcoming hockey season, but he has decided to list them now, as they are really selling hot.
So I think each market is different.
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"Is there a way to know how many items sold because a buyer found my store by actually clicking one of my ads,"


It takes a week or so before the number start to register. They are available under "reports".

It will take at least two months to get a "real picture" of results. The report will show show how many impressions, clicks, items purchased and value of items resulting in transactions in the 30 days following a click. That information will be matched against the cost of each campaign.

I run different campaigns on most sites. In the first five months of this year, one campaign "retirement sale" on eBay.COM cost me $144.40, resulting in 12,549 clicks for 1,460 transactions involving 1,694 items worth $7,610.60 (a ratio of 52.71:1 - meaning I sold $52.71 for every dollar spent on that campaign)
Message 28 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Pierre, thanks for the information about the reports. And impressive results in your case, I hope I'll get such positive results after a few months of "practice" using AdCommerce...

What do you think about the UK site visibility feature, do you think it's a good investment compared to the same amount invested in AdCommerce ?

I just sold two fixed price items I usually only offered in auctions, a good transaction, to one of my German repeat buyers who emailed me something like : "Thanks for offering these items at fixed price, please let me know if you list more". It's probably a very good idea to cut on the auctions, no more headache. No chance to loose money as I did in the last days, from now on.

Pierre, do you run a .COM website outside of eBay to sell your stamps, or only invest your time and money in listing on eBay and promoting on eBay ?

Thank you very much for your time, by the way. I really appreciate your help, it's encouraging.

Message 29 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"do you think it's a good investment " NO

"please let me know if you list more". "

Advise the buyer to subscribe to your mailing list. It is a great marketing tool and it is free to store owners.

Make sure to offer some price reduction on some items on a regular basis (weekly works great) using the Markdown Manager - another free tool available to store owner. You can use one of your store "Promotional Box" for the Special of the week or month or whatever; another one for the "auction of the week" for the buyers who prefer the auction format.

I have several hundred buyers (and I expect a few competitors) on my mailing list. It is amazing the number of items sold within 24 hours of a mailing! 🙂 But, like everything else, it took a while to build.

I also subscribe to many of my competitors mailing lists (using my wife's ID). Important to know what is happening in the trade.

"do you run a .COM website outside of eBay to sell your stamps"

eBay accounts for less than half my total volume. Most of my sales come from repeat customers (collectors and dealers) and my website where prices are generally lower than on eBay.
Message 30 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Thanks again for your help Pierre !

I started my campaign June 8, but it's only showing results on the chart for June 8 and June 9, the line is at the bottom for June 10 and June 11, like if there had been no activity at all, but my campaign is suppose to end in July (A one month test with that campaign). I understand that June 11 is not finished yet and it's normal to not see the results yet, but about yesterday I have no results at all on the graphic chart, is it normal that I have seen the exact same chart, with same details about the clicks for the last two days, no update at all ? (The campaign is ACTIVE)

Also, I read what was explained about the Smart Tags (Keywords or Categories), but I can't find an example of what it is supposed to look liked. Do I place the keyword to actually replace a word in my ad ? Is is visible to the viewer ? I don't understand how to make it working, my first ad with Smart Tags has been rejected by AdCommerce, but I don't know why...
Message 31 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

" is it normal "

It most likely is the result of another seller now bidding more than you do and getting the third spot.

Give it a few days to see if he or another seller drops out.

"Do I place the keyword to actually replace a word in my ad ?"

I do not use keyword ads. I find it much more productive (and less competitive) to ignore "keywords" (all other sellers want the same thing!) and concentrate on sub-categories.

"Smart Tags "

I do not know what that is.
Message 32 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Thanks Pierre,

It's Sunday, always a flat line at the bottom of the chart. But I'm not sure if it's because another seller is bidding higher, because my campaign is made of 6 ads, each one in a different subcategory, and in the report it shows that the average cost per click is $0.07 or $0.08 (I offered $0.10 per click for each ad). I checked the report of each ads, results are different of course for each one, but activity stopped at the same time for all of them...

The Smart Tags are what creates the code for keywords and categories, I don't understand at all how to use that feature, there are general explanations, but no example to show how to do it correctly. Anyway, glad to see that you get great results without adding anything. I'll continue that way.

I think I will simply cancel that campaign and start a new one, as time is money. By the way, Offering more Buy It Now items and only a few auctions gives interesting results so far. Now I need more listings (working on it) and more traffic (not so easy).

But I am now confident about the long term results, just need to adapt and work differently from now on.

Thanks again for all the suggestion and comments !
Message 33 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"my campaign is made of 6 ads, each one in a different subcategory,"

That sounds like a lot of work!

I have one campaign I run on (retirement sale) that runs with the same ad in over 200 different sub-categories (everything in "Stamps". No keywords selected.

In which sub-categories are you running your ads?
Message 34 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"I have one campaign I run on (retirement sale) that runs with the same ad in over 200 different sub-categories (everything in "Stamps"."

My mistake, I thought I was creating an ad that was going to be shown in only one subcategory, just noticed that I can check a ton of check boxes to choose the subcategories. So I created a new more generic ad, and selected many subcategories. I will have my ad shown in each ancient coins related subcategories, same thing with antiquities, historical memorabilia, cultural and ethnicity, etc.

About my campaign performance, I emailed AdCommerce customer service yesterday to not waste too much time finding the problem. It was a good idea to do so, here's the response I just received :

"Thank you for contacting us regarding the ads performance.

I have looked into your account and found that your ads have indeed not
received any impressions since June 10. I?ve escalated the issue to our
technical team. We are working to resolve the problem as quickly as
possible; thanks very much in advance for your patience. "

Hope they'll fix this issue very shortly...

Can't wait to see the results !

I have a question : what is a good Avg CTR ? I had 0,16% in the first two days, I suppose it is not very good... What is a good percentage, showing clearly that your ad is actually catching buyers attention ?

Thanks !
Message 35 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"I had 0,16% "

That is much better than me. I run 0.03% regularly, month after month.

CTR is irrelevant in my opinion. The only test is how many clicks do I generate and how many of those clicks lead to a sale.

So far I average 14% this year, meaning one clicker in seven will buy something from my eBay store within 30 days of clicking.
Message 36 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"So far I average 14% this year, meaning one clicker in seven will buy something from my eBay store within 30 days of clicking."

Wow, impressive ! I wish I could achieve the same performance, that would be very profitable...

About the daily budget for my campaign, I suppose more is better, once you get clicks that lead to sales ?
Message 37 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

"About the daily budget for my campaign"

You can always start with $10 a day. Odds are you will not spend that much (at $0.10 per click for example, you would need 100 clicks in a day to spend $10). If 100 clicks bring you 5 sales, I would think you would not mind having spent $10 !

If spending $10 a day for a few weeks (lots of clicks) does not generate any sale, then you have to rethink your campaign or what you are offering potential buyers when they reach your link (eBay store homepage I presume)

I hit my viewers with FREE SHIPPING and "Retirement Sale" as soon as they open the link. Many obviously continue to find out more about it! 😉

It is all about marketing your store, yourself, your products, your service!
Message 38 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

I hit my viewers with FREE SHIPPING and "Retirement Sale" as soon as they open the link. Many obviously continue to find out more about it! 😉

Pierre, I had a look at your home page and you are only a few months younger than DH. We just celebrated his 65th birthday. Here is a picture of his cake. He is a former hockey referee.

Message 39 of 49
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Collectables sellers, I need your opinion about a situation here

Awesome cake!
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