I have also noticed that for awhile now many U.S. buyers are paying the International shipping rate instead of the U.S. rate which is less.
Check your listings.
If you have N and S America or USA checked off in the list of international countries you will ship to, eBay will default to the international rate for the USA even though you also have a separately listed rate for the USA |
As we have been doing for years, we have 3 shipping categories. One for Canada, one for USA (as International) and another International one for all countries outside of USA and Canada.
Only recently have some (and only some) buyers in the USA been given 2 choices."
I have had the same 3 categories as Bernie for the past 4 years and very rarely had a buyer pay the international rate in the past...although it did happen on occasion. Lately, though, it seems to be happening more often.
Maybe the buyers get confused when they see U.S. in the category and choose the international rate because it is being shipped from Canada. Or perhaps they think they will get a faster shipping service by choosing the more expensive of the two. At any rate, I didn't know they were given a choice. It should be automatic when they purchase from the U.S.