09-25-2010 02:04 PM
09-25-2010 08:55 PM
09-25-2010 09:59 PM
See my earlier post "Shipping calculator glitch".
09-26-2010 08:50 AM
09-26-2010 12:53 PM
09-26-2010 01:08 PM
09-26-2010 01:51 PM
09-26-2010 04:37 PM
Hi Judy.
Most of my transactions are for items from multiple listings. For example, last week I sold 675 items to 112 buyers and have not experienced that problem.
All my listings indicate additional purchases receive free shipping and my Shipping Preferences are set up accordingly:
Offer combined payments and shipping Yes
Combined shipping discounts
Flat shipping rule - Add an amount for each additional item: US $0.00.
Promotional shipping rule (applies to all listings)- Charge a shipping cost of US $0.00 for multiple purchases totaling over US $25.00
Offer flat shipping Yes
Offer promotional shipping discounts Yes
On the listing form (SYI3) you need to select:
Combined shipping discounts
Apply my flat shipping rule with profile name:
Apply my promotional shipping rule.
10-07-2010 12:21 PM
10-11-2010 11:49 PM
This shipping cost glitch is really frustrating as it now affects about 1/2 of transactions where buyers purchase more than one item (of the same item or different items).
The nasty emails I wake up to every day like "Why is shipping $59.25 when it is supposed to be $3.95?" ... grr.
Some buyers even pay it all and then complain.
10-12-2010 09:38 PM
10-13-2010 11:46 AM
10-13-2010 11:57 AM
Your customer probably has a few screws loose.
There is no conspiracy.
If she paid you 5x over 2 months then that is what she did. No one waits 2 months and pays all at once.
Paypal cannot put holds on her bank account either, that is nonsense.
10-21-2010 08:16 PM
10-21-2010 08:35 PM
10-21-2010 09:00 PM
10-21-2010 11:17 PM
10-22-2010 12:10 PM
10-22-2010 09:26 PM
Today was the first morning I got to work and not a single shipping cost glitch despite heavy overnight volume.
Did they fix it or was is mere luck?
10-23-2010 02:34 PM
Today was the first morning I got to work and not a single shipping cost glitch despite heavy overnight volume.
Did they fix it or was is mere luck?