Back to AOL not accepting emails.... we had a similar problem a few months ago however it was with Cogeco. Something had happened that my ISP had been listed on some independent list that named sources of spam and junk mail that Cogeco subscribed to (the list not the spam) and as a result, anyone sending from my ISP to a Cogeco account was blocked and got an error message.
After having about 20 Cogeco destined emails returned, I got on the phone to my ISP to find out what the heck was going on.... it just started all of a sudden....I know talking with my ISP, they found it very frustrating....however within 24 hours they were able to have their name removed from the list and everything is now a-okay....(during the 24 hour period, they gave me access to another mail server that apparently hadn't been on the list.... it was a little slower, but it got the job done until things were back to normal).
Further to the mention of multitude get outa debt free and longer penis I get a million of those a day without hotmail......anyone wanna buy a remote control helicopter for Christmas.... thats the newest one I get about 10 times a day.... Now if I didn't want to buy it with your first 100 emails, why do you think another 1000 will make me change my mind....