Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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Sold an expensive collectible item for $692. Something was fishy about the sale from the get-go. Buyer had all the classic signs of someone who wasnt serious - low feedback (13), asked a ridiculous question in the dying minutes of the auction and still bid before I could answer, already had one neg for bidding and backing out, and bought similar items (in the same field) but for MUCH less money. (Oddly enough, I can distinctly remember saying to myself I should remove this guy in case he wins - always go with your gut feeling on big transactions)

The Paypal payment type is instant. The item was shipped Xpresspost fully insured for $800 CAD. Is signature required for this? I ve forgot. Buyer emails and admits delivery, but comes up with the obvious " Im not happy with item" lie and wants 'full' refund stated just like that with no explanation why or anything. He took two weeks to pay initially and said he was on "vacation" - I had suspected it was BS - all the telltale signs he obviously didnt have the money and had to drum it up somehow. Probably thought ' Ill pay and then just ask for it back'. Well sorry, jack. Im tired of getting pushed around. Selling this item again, I'm sure I would'nt even get within $150 of the last sale.

Any how I smell a charge back coming on. I havent answered him back yet. How about this scenario? - Fully colse down the paypal account now. The current Credit Card I have on file with Paypal is invalid - it expired and I have two new ones since then. I didnt update it on purpose, thank goodness. The bank account I have on file with Paypal is a US one that I could easily close (it has no money in it) and re open another one all done online in minutes. All avenues to my wallet would effectively be shut down. Could this possibly close off all routes to a chargeback? I could sign up with Paypal again in couple of months, it really doesnt matter to me personally. The type of customers I have dont mind sending Money orders, and I survived for years this way beofre starting to accept Paypal about a year ago (years ago I also even set up multiple names on ebay and all have good FB just to prevent retalitation from sales gone wrong)

Ya I know it all sounds drastic, and I've given refunds before, but this time I've just had it. Would this work?
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Go for it !! I just got robbed by a buyer and PAYPAL on a chargeback. I followed Paypal guide lines with seller protection (sent package with Canada Post tracking # and confirmed signature) and still lost the case. (And read by feedbacks on Ebay... I am 100% honest with ALL my clients). I have had know with PAYPAL they are fraud company...

So again if you have a chance to stop the chargeback "Go for it !!"
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Community Member
Hmm...if it was an instant payment, I don't think you have to worry about a chargeback. Paypal will side with you if you have delivery proof online and shipped to a confirmed address.

The only screw-over comes when you do all the above and the buyer does a chargeback through his/her credit card (assuming the original payment was made by cc). The CC company will always side with the buyer if no signature was acquired. Paypal will never take the loss, so they will do a chargeback on you despite your proof of delivery.

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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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But without a paypal account to charge or a valid credit card from me to charge how can they charge me?
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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I would think for that amount it would end up with a collection agency hounding you.
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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i am afraid paypal will take money from your account if you register a new acocunt with a new credit card finally.....
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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I've thought of doing that in a situation as well. My ccard was about to expire and I wasnt going to renew it (as I was getting a different one). But if it means a collection agency going after you and ruining your credit history, is it really worth it to you? Thankfully I have never received a chargeback via Paypal, but if I did I would seriously reconsider using the service... especially if it was a $680 chargeback.
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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I got charged back by Paypal once and I was so helpless. I felt so insecure using Paypal. Paypal says everythng! They won! They said the buyer was fraudulent and that was it; they charged me back a month a half after the money was said to be received in my account. I wrote emails and that was useless! They told me to call them at some number in the US if I disagree with the charge back. I just gave up!! I did not have time for that! And they probably knew it! What can I do!!!!
So ellingtons, if you have a way to avoid being charge back by Paypal, go for's your money and you work hard for to earn it!!!
I am fully for you!!!
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Community Member
I doubt PayPal would hire a collection agency to try to collect on a chargeback. To the person who said that it would hurt your credit history -- I used to work in collections and merely being called by a collection agency does not affect your credit history -- we would just say that to scare you. 😉

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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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i also have painful experience of paypal chargeback....
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

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:-) LOL!

He finally backed down. Damn, after almost 8 years on ebay, I swear I could be a psycologist for sniffing out the quacks. I sized him up, figured he was young, and inexperienced and decided to use the 'bad cop' routine and it actually worked! Now all I have to do is wait for him to stab me in the back 2 months from now when I'm not looking 😉 Josh

For those interested, Check out my long-winded exchange where I had my feathers ruffled:

I'm very unhappy with your item & would very much like to return it, for a full refund. The reason being, it likes like a total reproduction. I mean the chrome looks brand new, the parts all look repaired & replaced, therefore, not making the lighter a vintage piece from the era of the 30's or 40's. Please contact me a.s.a.p. to discuss refund options

From: "ttt ttt" <----------->
To: ----------------
Subject: RE: Refund
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 08:22:46 -0400

This must be a joke, but I certainly aint laughing. To even suggest such an utterly ridiculous thing to me is not only insulting, but shows that you lack even the slightest knowledge of vintage Ronson's, lighters or this field in general. I have been a collector my entire life, and and a dealer for over 20 years with a government registered business. I have sold countless lighters and high end collectibles. I have NEVER sold a fake item EVER on ebay. This lighter comes directly from an estate of an original owner and is completely vintage top to bottom. Without question. Period. Anyone who's ever seen a touch tip would know that immediately. Of course the condition looks good - it was well taken care of and cleaned. What's more likely, is you either couldnt afford this or never were a serious buyer in the first place and are just trying to get your money back. You already have a neg for backing out of a deal. I operate this business on my own time, and this is not a store where people try to make frivilous returns. If you were sent the wrong item or something that is a different story, but this item is exactly as described in the auction, was delivered on time and safely in good condition. If you really don't want it, or cant afford to keep it, then you are more than welcome to sell it again yourself on ebay. Even though I shouldn't, I'll even allow you to copy my pictures and description if needed, but dont try to give me some crazy excuse of me selling fakes, as if I dont know what I'm selling.

From: "----------" <------------>
To: ----------------------
Subject: RE: Refund
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 07:17:07 -0400

I would rather send the item back to you & receive my full refund right away. If it's possible? Again, I'm very unhappy with your item. Please reply. (Notice him weakening)

From: "ttt ttt" <------------------>
To: -------------------
Subject: RE: Refund
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 08:36:57 -0400

Look, I'm trying to be nice about this, but lets be realistic. Firstly the item is genuine as is everything I sell - see my feedback. Second, This auction was up for an entire week - I had displayed large, very clear pictures for any potential buyer to make up their minds, so theres no way you could say you didnt know what you were getting. Take responsibility for your actions. You bid and won, its yours. Not to mention, The item cost $19.95 just to be featured on ebay, over $30 in ebay auction ending fees and another $20 in paypal fees, plus our time and effort. Like I said, youre free to sell it again yourself if you cant afford to keep it, but I'm not running a 'try it on' and return it service.

O.k... I've decided to keep the item, it is a beautiful lighter, but I just wanted to make sure the item is definitely authentic. I will leave positive feedback on your ebay. Hopefully, you will do the same for me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Community Member
And, doubtless, you will indeed leave him a positive? :^O ]:)
. Glenda
To Golf or Not To Golf? What a stupid question!

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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

You should do customer service for our store 😉
Message 13 of 15
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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Community Member
LOL, Glenda. Hmm.... I might, but then again, RED has always been my favorite color.. X-( 😉

I actually was a 'customer service rep' or 'sales engineer' or whatever they're calling it these days, and I got fired from that unholy nightmare of a job, no kidding.

But Like Russell Crowe always says: "Let he who is without sin cast the first phone"

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Could THIS Possibly Stop a PAYPAL Chargeback? - LOOK

Community Member
:^O :^O :^O
. Glenda
To Golf or Not To Golf? What a stupid question!

Click here to go to my Store
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