02-03-2013 04:00 PM
Corrected post since previous post lost all my corrections when posted.
I do not show eBay counters in my listings. I use the eBay online Sell Your Item form to list with.
I usually have low views so I thought it might make buyers slow to decide if they should buy.
Do any sellers show eBay counters in their listings? Why?
(If you use a third party listing tools like Auctiva, you can only have Sellathon counters. For inkFrog, you have their regular counters or their Smartcounters. Smartcounters are interesting because they give more information on the buyer.)
Buyers! Do any buyers look at the listing counters if they are there? Does it influence a buyer? I would guess that an auction listing with a large view count showing and increasing all the time might influence a buyer's maximum bid.
But for Fixed Price GTC listings, with quantity and items sold, the view count would be meaningless to a buyer, no?
02-03-2013 06:38 PM
In my opinion:
if a buyer sees a counter with a low rate - the figure that no one want to look at the item and either will he/she.
If the count is high the buyer may figure - look at all the people that have clicked on this
item and no one bought it - must be something the matter - either will I.
02-04-2013 12:57 AM
I do because I'm ....retentive. (Another word the eBay censors don't allow).
Since most of my books will be listed for months before finding a buyer, I find the number of views amusing.
02-04-2013 11:42 AM
I use eBay counters and find them helpfull to establish public's interests.
Sometimes very low numbers make me to alter the title (and/or description) in order to meet most popular demands and interests to potential buyers.
02-04-2013 11:58 AM
I never ever had visible counters in my listings.
If it is important to me to have information on the number of viewers for a specific listing, the information is available through the Selling Manager.
From my perspective, there is no benefit with potential buyers or competititors having access to such information.
02-04-2013 12:47 PM
I use the hidden counter myself. I like to see how many people have looked at an item. If I get only 1 or 2 lookers over a period of time, then I do not relist the item singly, but I may repackage it and try again.