Do You Use AdCommerce?

If you do, check your stats for last Saturday (Nov 21) for unusual numbers.

Mine show a much lower number of impressions (that makes sense considering the Search outage) BUT a much higher number of hits (the highest in a long time).

It does not make much sense and I suspect potential buyers were clicking on the store link, getting no response and clicking again, and again...

Since AdCommerce gets paid by the number of clicks, we are getting screwed.

I wrote to them this morning to alert them of the potential problem and ask if they will adjust the monthly invoice for ALL sellers to take the outage into account.

Their reply was the usual template:

"Thanks for your email about your account. I'm happy to help you with this.

I've escalated your question to the appropriate team. We are working to resolve your issue as quickly as possible; thanks very much in advance for your patience."

You may want to contact AdCommerce and ask for an adjustment if your clicks last Saturday were higher than usual.
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Do You Use AdCommerce?

Count on Pierre, the ex-CRA agent, to track something like this down lol!

My impressions (for my USA campaign) for 21.11 are down but so are the clicks. I don't see the spike you got but it may be different for everyone.

My campaigns for France, Germany and the UK are similarly balanced.


22/11/09 5246 28 C $0.03 0.53% 1.01 C $0.95
21/11/09 3215 14 C $0.05 0.44% 1.02 C $0.70
20/11/09 4093 15 C $0.02 0.37% 1.02 C $0.34
Message 2 of 6
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Do You Use AdCommerce?

When I was checking on our listings during the eBay "outage" I noticed that AdCommerce Ads were still showing and we were still getting sales, not as brisk, but sales none-the-less.

Could it be that buyers were clicking more on the AdCommerce ads because no other "items" were actually showing and therefore the CPC was actually higher because of the relevance of the search that was turning up nothing on eBay?

If this was the case we are just thankful that AdCommerce was bringing _any_ business during the "outage".
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Do You Use AdCommerce?

I do have a slow down on my impressions but I also have a slow down on the clicks. Basically I can not say that the ratio (impressions vs clicks) was offset.

Come to my store
Message 4 of 6
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Do You Use AdCommerce?

CPC was actually higher

CPC should remain the same even if the CTR is higher unless, of course, if someone is also bidding on the keyword(s) and suddenly decided to bid higher.

Message 5 of 6
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Do You Use AdCommerce?

Hmmm, my costs for Adcommerce are steadily going up- I am paying over 60 dollars a month now, and do not seem to be getting proportionate sales out of it.
I may have to revisit this adcommerce idea anyway.

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