NUMBER of items sold is now a factor. It's not just about the $$$/
So- if you average 100 items sold over three months- regardless of dollar value, you may become a POWER SELLER. (providing you can put up with all the nonsense it entails)
Sell 1,200, and you will be a POWER SELLER for a LONG time.
Even when youdrop below the threshold- it's likely a WARNING first, and a couple....few....whatever....chance to get your ratings up.
UNSOLICITED ADVICE- concentrate on the bottom line (YOUR bottom line)- IGNORE the DSR nonsense. Be realistic, and don't give in to eBay bullying you into some stupid belief that you can actually RAISE your DSR's by doing something like offering FREE SHIPPING. If it does work- where is the imperical evidence? IGNORE the feedback nonsense- this too shall pass.
Deliver quality product, at a reasonable price, and hope that delivery occurs in a timely manner. Beyond that- good luck during your absence.