Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Wondering if anyone knows of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?  I hear Turbo Lister may do this, but have never used it.  Any helpful info would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Message 1 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Check the announcement.  eBay has indicated a tool will soon be available to convert.

Message 2 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Betcha a nickel it will convert $9.99 USD to $9.99 CDN as a default.


Anyone? anyone?

Message 3 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

and same for shipping

Message 4 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

And for sellers that don't notice, the only one to make money will be Ebay at seller's expense!

Message 5 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Actually the announcement says it will be available in "early May".  I'd like to relist before then.

Message 7 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Message 8 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Thanks for the link Pierre,  much appreciated.  Unfortunately I don't see any info on changing currency when bulk relisting, but I did leave a question about it on that thread.  Hopefully some of the ebay staff will respond.  Thanks again!

Message 9 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

If you want to start using Turbo Lister, we can give you the step-by-step instructions for converting the listings from USD to CAD - it's not an official TL function, but once you're set up it's quite fast and easy to do. How many listings do you have?

Message 10 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

About 450.

Message 11 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Start by downloading Turbo Lister and importing your listings and get a feel for the program. Once you've got them ready, the conversion is really quick. Make sure you've got Excel or a similar program for that part.

Message 12 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

@reallynicestamps wrote:

Betcha a nickel it will convert $9.99 USD to $9.99 CDN as a default.


Anyone? anyone?

My thoughts exactly!  Either that or the price will be one of the blanks needed to be filled in manually but that would not be much of a converting program if thousands of listings had to be priced individually.  There is no way the system will switch the listings with a converted current exchange rate price.  To get that the seller will have to change each price.  That is what I get from "The Official Response".


If Canadians want $9.99 USD they don't want $9.99 CDN.  They don't want $100 CDN instead of $100 USD either.  



Message 13 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

"Start by downloading Turbo Lister and importing your listings and get a feel for the program. Once you've got them ready, the conversion is really quick. Make sure you've got Excel or a similar program for that part."


Could you give detailed instructions?


In all my years of using Turbo Lister, I have NEVER been able to edit my listings by means of exporting them into Excel or Open Office and then importing them back into Turbo Lister.  I've spent a great amount of time searching Google and the TL forums for an answer with no avail.


I CAN export listings onto my computer and save them as a csv file, not touch it, and immediately import it successfully back into Turbo Lister.  However, if I open the file with a spreadsheet program and save it, that file is not recognized by Turbo Lister and will not be imported.


Some might chime in and say to use File Exchange, but that is a new kettle of fish with its own learning curve, and it would probably be faster for me to just manually edit my listings individually.

Message 14 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Not applicable

We need it NOW! NOT LATER!!! 

Message 15 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Patience.  It will be available in due course, after the tool is properly tested..

Message 16 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Here are the instructions skylarstuff provided me last fall - it's worked perfectly for me:


Step 1
First try and group items that have the exact same shipping
Place these in a separate folder make sure you use separate folders in TL for auction and fixed price
Under edit "Select All" the items from your inventory that you want to export
Then under file header select Export
Next you will see a box come up, select the middle option that reads
Turbo lister format CSV and click the Export button

Step 2
Open the file using Excel
Under the site tab change the numbers to 0 for USA or 2 for Canada
all of the numbers in that column need to be the same
Once you have done that save the excel file

Step 3
Go back to Turbo lister and under File... select Import items
That will now import the files back into Turbo lister where they will be now USA or CDN depending on the code you used (0 or 2)

Step 4
Now Select "Edit Multiple Items" under the Edit tab
Than change all of the shipping to be the same for Canada....than USA and than rest of the world
Once you have changed the shipping Turbo lister will let you now save the inventory in the new country format.
If anything is missing Turbo Lister will alert you to what it is
Very important.........Gallery Plus is Free for use in the USA site under collectibles but not in Canada.
If you select Gallery Plus in Canada you will be charged a listing fee.

Message 17 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Thanks for your instructions,  but it doesn't work for me.


Like I said before,  once I use any spreadsheet program to save the csv file,  TL will NOT import that file.  I have NEVER been able to import an edited csv file into TL --- NEVER!!!.


So, I get stuck between step 2 and 3 of your instructions.


Obviously,  all my spreadsheet programs are saving the csv file in such a manner that TL does not recognize them, and I do not know the special and specifc manner to save the edited csv file.


PS: I've tried this with both Open Office and Microsoft Excel


Message 18 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Sorry to hear it. How long ago did you install TL? Maybe an uninstall and complete version update would fix the issue. I know mine was way out of date in the fall when I first tried converting the site and currency to take advantage of the CAD listing promotion.

Message 19 of 22
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Does anyone know of a way to bulk relist items from US to CAN $$$?

Completely new version of TL - downloaded it yesterday.  Running on Windows 10.  Spreadsheet programs are up to date also.


Like I said before, I have never been able to import edited csv files into TL - no matter what TL version I was using.


Message 20 of 22
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