Double number of foreign students..............

That's what the Harper government plans on doing.


The Harper government lie however arrives in it's full glory at >>> That will be done “without displacing Canadian students,”


Now if this was a Liberal government doing this, Valve would be having a coronary!  and yes just for valve, it's from Sun media.

Message 1 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

 No problem with more foreign students as long as they are not subsidized by the  over taxed taxpayer.

Message 2 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

I have nothing against foreign students either, but there are only so many spaces in courses in Universities and if they are filled up by high paying international students (because the Universities and teachers want the MONEY), then Canadian students will never get in.

Message 3 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Post secondary education is a growth industry in Canada.


Message 4 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Yes I know, but in what direction and towards whom? It's beginning to sound increasingly like a high end restaurant and if you have the money, you get a table.  

Message 5 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

We're losing manufacturing jobs here, so why not replace those jobs in education?

A high school diploma will get you a job flipping burgers or as a Walmart greeter.


Message 6 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Foreign students  are not subsidized in any way. They pay full tuition and are not eligible for student loans.


Some will apply for landed immigrant status and become citizens.

Some will return home, but it is hoped that they will bring to their privileged class a warm relationship with Canada, which would be good for our exports and for diplomatic relationships.










(Full disclosure- I'm a naturalized Canadian.)

Message 7 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Education, should never be a 'business', it should be equally open and available for all. The way education is increasingly moving, if you have the money you can get a higher education and if you don't, there is always Timmies and Burger King and call centres.

Message 8 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

ORRRRRRR you can be like my sister and spend 4 or 5 years in University and be in debt 50k and be working at boston pizza with all the highschool kids....


Trust me when I say she is insanely smart and ambitious there is no lack of trying ...


Let's not glorify education .. Of couse it is Important but I know 100's of people with just there highschool education laughin there way to the bank well 100's of highly educated peope are crying there way to the bank .... Of Course this can be said the other way around as well..



I rememeber about 6 years ago my Brother Working at future shop talking about the highest paid Commision emplyee in the company gross almost 300,000 for the year yes that is right the guy selling T.V.s with no education ...


Anyways How this was happening was the guys wife work with immigration somewhere ( I am not familiar with immigration at all)  She would give each immigrants who qaulified a 3k check to get a place to live and furnish it and she would also send them to her hubby at future shop to buy the stuff for there new homes...


Is that not crazy... Here is 3k we let you come to Canada and here is 3k for coming ... I have been busting my butt my whole life in this country and I never got no 3k  but my tax dollars help give immigrants some money ..


I am all for the cultures of this wondeful world but hey you come to Canada you pay end of story .. No more man .. The only thing Canada owes is to the Natives which in the big picture is costly enough to the tax payers nevermind immigrants from all over the world ..




Message 9 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

I can't speak for the guy selling TVs or his wife, but technically they're not doing anything wrong. I've done some research on how immigrants get money and they do but based on the government site the money is given to government-assisted or privately sponsored refugees and members of the humanitarian designated groups and the money has to be paid back.

There are also people who do abuse immigration because they come to Canada but still have a business in their country of origin. They go back to the country for money, but in Canada because of their Canadian income they are classified as low income and some even get tax refunds. Is that fair? No. But the problem is as in many areas of life, when you have people in a certain group who abuse the system then everyone in that group gets labelled and condemned when many of them are legitimate immigrants. That breeds anger, hatred, prejudice and even racism.

Also we have full fledged Canadians who do the same things; companies in other countries, companies in the names of relatives or children, money diverted into countries with a "no tell" banking policy, people who register elements of their businesses in other countries in order to avoid taxes. So in the end, anyone with the money and the abilities do it if they can.....will do it...... and some people call it "good business".  

Message 10 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Brock is opening a new campus in downtown Niagara Falls sometimes in the next few years. They stressed out this will not displace any existing programs.


What makes you think he lies ?


Message 11 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

Guess you missed the part that says currently foreign students bring 8 BILLION dollars a year into Canada ! Now double that and they are now bringing in 16 BILLION into our economy. That is additional housing needs and additional food required from our farmers !


OH YA and they have also stated that it WILL NOT take any seats away from Canadians !


sorry you can't pick and choose quotes from articles without reading the whole thing!

Message 12 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

"sorry you can't pick and choose quotes from articles without reading the whole thing!"


Why not?


I see Harper and members of his Cabinet doing that all the times. They take what they like and ignore what does not fit their agenda.


What is good for the goose....

Message 13 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

What is good for the good for Pierre! We all do it projecting one's party affiliation.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 14 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

You actually believe Harper with all the facts about all his lies out there? Really believe him?

What's the sound? PT Barnum laughing.

Message 15 of 16
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Double number of foreign students..............

There is plenty more to this than meets the eye, I'm sure. Considering that Harperism is well known for its book burning and science bashing policies.


90% of what lies below the tip of the iceberg, no doubt designed to further Conservative political or ideological agendas. And it's not only Conservative political agendas that are ruining education.


One thing for sure is that the number of spaces (out of 185 total per year) available for English-speaking Quebeckers at McGill Med School is on a steep decline.


How much of this is due to foreign students and how much due to affirmative action programs (aiding french-speaking, rural and/or disadvantaged socio-economic spheres) is hard to say.


Phil Gold, one of Canada's pre-eminent cancer researchers, who is affiliated with the McGill University Health Centre, said he understands diversity is an important parameter.

But he is also hearing the rumbles about "faculty **bleep**ing that their children with 4.0 GPAs aren't getting in, and I don't know why (that is)," he said in an interview. "I don't have the answer, but if diversity is now trumping excellence, then I have a concern."


(I added the bold)


Meanwhile, McGill ditched its MCAT requirements a few years ago (to make it easier for French-speakers to be admitted, as there is no such French language exam) essentially flushing the reputation of the one Canadian university that actually had one.


When all is said and done, Harper's initiatives will probably fail to even keep us level with the competition and that, likely, with hidden concessions to Conservative ideological programs at every turn.


And, it all kinda makes sense, considering that Quebec separatists and Reform-style Conservatives are birds of a feather in many respects...  







Message 16 of 16
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