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Message: Good Morning.
It was my understanding that Ebay was going to remove negative feedback comments from Sellers Feedback Profiles, if the members that left them were now unregistered/or suspended.
On November 17th 2007, member teapothk left a negative comment for me after he was a non paying bidder. His status soon became NOT A REGISTERED USER. However, the comment remains in my profile, and affects my feedback score.
On May 27th of this year, I contacted live help and was told the comment should be removed from my profile. I was provided a link to the Ebay feedback Removal team, however I could not use the link because the screen says the item number is too old. The item number was: 230184239683
Please could you, in accordance with your own policies, follow through and have this comment from an unregistered user removed ASAP?
Thank you. Please don't forward a link, as I've tried that and it doesn't work. Please forward this yourself to someone who deals with this matter. Thank you kindly. -PHIL