08-10-2015 02:26 PM
Why is Ebay allowed to have a money back guarantee for buyers and then take that money from the sellers?
If we charge regular shipping and buyer says the item does not arrive, Ebay takes our money.
If we charge tracked shipping (which is too high), even if the buyer purchases the item knowing the shipping and then leaves poor feedback - Ebay takes your money by refusing to remove the feedback which then effects your discount rating. If you have poor ratings you don't get good sellers discounts. PLUS you are paying more money to Ebay for the 10% fee on the shipping charges.
How is that fair to the honest sellers that are selling life long treasures at a fraction of what they are worth and then getting ripped off by Ebay by having to pay 10% on the item, 10% on the shipping and then they even take away the sellers discounts that they so PROUDLY advertise!
IT is just a SCAM to get everyone's money!!
Seriously I am so sick of this company, someone really needs to SUE them for theft!
I wonder how fast they will remove this comment from there site? I can guarantee that it will fall under their "policies guidelines" to have it removed.
08-11-2015 02:19 AM - edited 08-11-2015 02:20 AM
OP, your main problem seems to be that you are simply not selling enough for the amount of work you do, and you are finding some way to blame ebay for this.
The fault is not in your stars, Horatio, but in yourself.
Your listings contain many aspects that would cause good buyers to hit the back button. Disclaimers of responsibility and 'no returns' are well known sale killers, as are very long and unreasonable sale conditions. The items offered are really not worth selling, as the unsold ratio indicates. They are best dropped off at a charity shop, and you should concentrate on items of more real value and easy shipability if you have any.
It is not worth trying to have TRS status if your sales are so low your fees are a matter of a few dollars, but your shipping costs are through the roof. In effect you are preventing sales to save money on fees that you won't be paying because you have no sales.
Sending anything abroad by surface mail is simply impractical in an ebay world. The occasional item will get lost or broken, you just have to live with that. It should not exceed 1% of sales and is a cost of mail order selling of any kind.
The key to success is to work out what would to you be an ideal seller with the most attractive policies and try to be that seller. Your present attitude is akin to a fly buzzing at a glass pane, it is going nowhere, and will never go anywhere unless it stops the futile effort and heads off in another direction.
08-11-2015 09:43 AM
"Some people like these old fragile items. If you are worried about them arriving safely maybe you should not buy them. Just a thought."
I'm sure some people like those older items. Not disputing that. I'm not worried at all as I don't buy them.
Your original question "Why is Ebay allowed to have a money back guarantee for buyers and then take that money from the sellers?" was answered by a number of people and you don't seem to like the general consensus - when in doubt, sellers need to take the loss, not the buyer. That is called a guarantee. Else you would no longer have online buying. Then you are stuck with local markets only like Kijiji = fewer sales.
You went on a bit of a rant about getting dinged for "false claims". Of your sales (2587?) how many were possibly false claims?
08-11-2015 10:57 AM
So what you are saying is that anything that is worth under a hundred bucks is not worth selling on Ebay?
I'm sure the buyers that surf Ebay and other online sites would drop drastically if all items listed were over a hundred bucks! People are looking for a deal. Not everyone is buying the items that are $50 -$100. Millions of items sell everyday for under $10 this is why Ebay promotes listing your items for a starting bid of .99 cents!
I have sold many items, it has nothing to do with my volume. I would not make a difference to me if I sold 1000 items a month. It is the principle that Ebay is teaching the buyer that it is okay to lie, cheat and steal and they will give them their money back. I don't agree with their policies.
08-11-2015 11:03 AM
Why is Ebay allowed to have a money back guarentee for buyers and then take the money from the sellers?
Actually if you read my subject line is says "Ebay is once again ripping off their sellers w/ enforcing tracked shipping & not backing the seller".
My problem is with them enforcing the tracked shipping so we are covered by their guarantee and when we do so, they allow the buyer to complain about the cost of the shipping. As I previously stated, I have no control of the shipping costs and should not be penalized for it. If a buyer chooses to buy my $5.00 item seeing full well the cost of the shipping then they shouldn't be complaining and Ebay should be removing this negative feedback that is unwarranted!
As for false claims, non of mine are false claims. I have only had 2 people with a problem and both were regarding shipping.
08-11-2015 11:07 AM
08-11-2015 11:12 AM
Ok - I'm a bit confused about what you are saying here...
"My problem is with them enforcing the tracked shipping so we are covered by their guarantee and when we do so, they allow the buyer to complain about the cost of the shipping."
Seems to be two different issues...
1) "enforcing the tracked shipping"... you do have a choice on how to ship, correct?
2) "they allow the buyer to complain about the cost of the shipping."... we are in agreement here - buyers should not complain about shipping costs if seller charges exactly what is in the listing. You can't protest a negative on shipping costs that match listing?
It's 1) above I'm confused about. What makes you say ebay is enforcing the tracked shipping?
08-11-2015 11:13 AM
08-11-2015 11:20 AM
" I am entitled to sell just like any other seller and my cheap breakable products are bought by many people around the world without issues."
Everyone agrees you have the right to do so.
The question is: Is it wise to do so?
You seem to refuse to understand you, the seller, is always responsible to get the goods to the buyer in good condition. Nobody is forcing you to use whatever shipping service you want but the responsibility is always yours to get it to the buyer.
This has nothing to do with eBay - inasmuch as you are trying very hard to pin the problem on eBay. It is understood by everyone involved in buying/selling by mail, regardless of the type of item you sell.
Some items are simply not worth selling by mail, but the choice is yours.
08-11-2015 11:21 AM
"Mater721: I see that you don't have any sales so you would not understand the issues that sellers deal with. I buy many items on Ebay also, and I understand the process from both ends. Once you have purchased/sold hundreds of items you may have a different opinion on the matter."
Is this like "you don't play hockey/football/baseball so you don't understand the sport"? Seriously?
A number of people who replied to your postings are sellers. Does their opinion matter?
You realize this is the Buyer board right? Maybe if you posted on the Seller board you might get more sympathetic answers. Maybe.
08-11-2015 11:27 AM
"Maybe if you posted on the Seller board you might get more sympathetic answers. Maybe."
I frankly do not think so. Canadian sellers generally understand the mail order industry and accept their responsibility.
08-11-2015 11:31 AM
I am not disputing the fact the the seller is responsible for the items until they get to the seller. I am simply stating that because of the policies in place some people work the system and I'm sure it is done on all types of items. It is easier to scam when the items are breakable.
I don't see how removing negative feedback for (actual) shipping charges is a problem. ESPECIALLY when the buyer can see the costs and choose to buy the item.
And, yes it is Ebay's fault. I'm not tying to pin it on anyone. It is the policies that Ebay has in place. Ebay enforces mailing tracked or you will have to refund if lost. Now when we sell tracked, shipping cost is the issue.
All I simply would like is for Ebay to remove the negative feedback that was unwarranted.
08-11-2015 11:38 AM
I am not looking for sympathy, sorry.
I would like to know how the buyers think that purchasing an item from someone. Seeing the costs attached to the item. Buying the item anyways. Then receiving the item, liking the item. Then complaining about the shipping being too high is okay? And especially leaving poor feedback because of it.
Don't buy the item in the first place if you don't like the shipping cost. It is just that simple.
I want all the buyers out there to know that when you see a seller with "TRACKED" shipping only it is because we have been burnt by bad buyers and are using the policies that are in place. Don't complain that the shipping is too high...... as some put it.... it is the cost of doing business. If you want to buy online then your going to have to pay the expensive shipping costs. Otherwise get your Christmas decorations and kitchen cups at Walmart!
08-11-2015 11:41 AM
"If we charge regular shipping and buyer says the item does not arrive, Ebay takes our money."
"As for false claims, non of mine are false claims. I have only had 2 people with a problem and both were regarding shipping."
You weaken your real issue by the statements above. Ebay does not take your money - you even admit that, with only two people complaining about shipping.
I've seen some of your listings - that wall of text you have is a huge red flag. No buyers want to read that. It makes it seem like you want to absolve yourself of any responsibility.
08-11-2015 11:42 AM - edited 08-11-2015 11:43 AM
"negative feedback that was unwarranted."
Why do you feel it is unwarranted? I understand you charged whatever was shown in the listing but....
How much exactly did you charge the buyer for shipping in US$ ?
What was your exact cost of postage in Cdn$
Was there a cheaper shipping option available that would have cost the buyer less for this low value lot? or was the purpose of the higher cost postal service to protect you the seller, not the buyer.
08-11-2015 11:52 AM
08-11-2015 11:55 AM - edited 08-11-2015 11:56 AM
"cheapest "tracked" "
Once again, we dance around the same question. Why insist on "tracked for a item worth only a few dollars?
Tracked or not tracked a seller does not get any protection for this type of fragile item in case of damage.
08-11-2015 12:00 PM
Your correct, if damaged it is not covered. But if the seller states that they did not receive it (which is what my previous shipping issue was) then there is tracking to prove that they did.
Once again....this buyer had the option of NOT buying this item if they thought the shipping was to high. Instead they did buy it, complain, and Ebay allows it.
It is unfair practice towards the sellers!
08-11-2015 12:08 PM
" then there is tracking to prove that they did."
... for a few dollars! Frankly it does not make economical sense to have a buyer pay so much more to protect your interest against fraud.
But it is your business and you are quite free to continue your policies until eBay eventually tells you you cannot hold buyers responsible in case of loss or damage.
As far as the recent neutral you received, I do not see how eBay can remove it. It does not violate any of their policies and it is largely irrelevant as a neutral does not count towards the feedback rating percentage. I feel your response "Poor customers make tracking a must" was insulting to the buyer for a $2.99 item.
The negative was a long time ago and it is too late to do anything about it.
08-11-2015 01:20 PM
08-11-2015 02:15 PM
Many buyers out there WILL buy an item for $2.99 with tracked shipping to ensure it arrives safely. I have myself!
How does tracking ensure that the package arrives safely? There is no special care taken for a package with tracking versus without.
Tracking may benefit you as a seller in some cases but how would it benefit you as a buyer?
There are people that are dishonest and who may say that they didn't receive the item but those people are in the minority so it doesn't make sense to me to make all buyers pay high postage prices just because of the odd dishonest person. I would save the tracking for the more expensive items. Seriously, how many people are going to rip you off for a $3 item?
As far as it being fair that a buyer can complain about the shipping cost....just because they were willing to pay it doesn't mean they have to be happy about paying that much. Most buyers aren't aware that their comments (especially a neutral) are going to affect you in any way so I don't agree with ebay that you should get penalized for that neutral.