Emails to My Messages Not Being Received
Community Member
Good morning,

For those who I have not met, my name is Miriam, and I am the new Community Manager and Lead Pink for the Canadian Discussion Boards.

I see several posts on this board about people not receiving their emails in My Messages. I understand there was a problem with email delivery to My Messages over the weekend, and that it has been resolved. The techs are working on delivering the messages that didn't get sent to your mailboxes over the weekend. I apologize for this inconvenience.

A word on board moderation (since it's a hot topic right now) ... the boards are monitored by a third party, not by eBay. Their job is to remove posts that are in violation of the eBay Board Usage Policy ( Just a reminder that discussing previously removed posts and threads is against the usage policy.

So if you don't want your posts to go "poof", please stick to the usage policy and you should be fine.

If you have any questions regarding Community issues, please do not hesitate to email me at


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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Just a reminder that discussing previously removed posts and threads is against the usage policy..... But isn't that what you are doing now?
Message 2 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Community values
The eBay Community is guided by the following five fundamental values:

We believe people are basically good.

We believe everyone has something to contribute.

We believe that an honest, open environment can bring out the best in people.

We recognize and respect everyone as a unique individual.

We encourage you to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Message 3 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
If you believe that we are basically good, why are you taking away our ability to leave correct and honest feedback for our customers?? Rather you are assumung we are all bad and incapable of operating within an even system.

If you believe we all have something to contribute, why has no one ever, in 4 years asked what I think? Rather you impose rules that make my life harder with no consultation ever. No phone number no address no way to communicate with you.

If you believe that an honest open environment brings out the best in people, why do you pay a third party to censor what we say here??

You do not recognize the individuals here, or respect them You operate on the belief that we are small and you are big and there is nothing we can do about it.

If I treated you, the way Ebay treats it's sellers, you would hate me, and want nothing to do with me.

Has anyone at Ebay actually tried following their own policies??? Look forward to your response Miriam.

Message 4 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
I'd like to contribute, that your company's decision to take away feedback, was the reason I closed my Ebay store.

I'd like to contribute that I won't be giving Ebay 200-500 dollars a month anymore.

I'd like to contribute that I'm afraid to sell anything on Ebay after May.

I'd like to contribute that your company made me feel that way.

I'd like to contribute that I'm one of many who feel this way.

Please recognize and respect my opinion, and know that I am basically good.

Message 5 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
In the spirit of honest and open environment I'd like you to know that Ebay is losing market share to other online auction sites. There are at least 3 new ones out this week, amn most of the others that existed before have made huge gains in the number of listings available.

I respectfully submit that those listings are migrating from somewhere.

Also openly and honestly I have to say that here on the farm we know that if you milk a cow 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and don't feed it, and allow the neighbours to kick it should they want to, that cow may die.

I respectfully submit that I feel Like a cow! MOOOO MOOOOO
Message 6 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
I hope you won't mistake my "Uniqueness" for anything other than that, and pull all these thoughts and sluff the blame off on a third party.
Message 7 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Because I Know that you respect me as a basically good, open, honest,unique individual with something to contribute.
Message 8 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Enjoy the new job Miriam, I hope cutbacks that are sure to come in May, don't put you out of a job. You know what they say last hired, first.....
Message 9 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
phil-i don't think your hahaha was long enough-you need to go back and add some more ha's...

..honest to god, i LOVE you for making me laugh every time i read your posts-i'm suuuuuuuure going to miss you :-x
Message 10 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Odd not to see a response from Miriam or any other person from eBaY - perhaps the non-eBaY moderator would like to get in on the action - so Moderator please comment on TPT's postings both previous and past.

Message 11 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Feeling better now Tea?

Deeeeeeeep and out.


Message 12 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received
Community Member
Hello tea_past_times,

Having been reading this board daily since the changes were announced, I have a very clear idea of where you stand. While I don't agree with many of the conclusions you have drawn, I respect your opinion and your right to move your business elsewhere.

I will tell you what I can and can't do in my position.

I can listen - to all of you. My email address is I may not necessarily be able to get back to you on a moment's notice, but I read all the mail I get.

I can connect you with resources and people who might be able to help or provide further information because I do not claim to have all the answers.

I can pass suggestions directly to our Country Manager, Andrew Sloss.

I can't guarantee your posts won't be removed - I covered off how the boards are moderated in my initial post, and nothing's changed since then.

I can't change your past experience with eBay, nor can I force you to trust eBay, me or anyone else. But I can extend the invite to get to know me, which is what I'm doing now.

I hope we can find some common ground to communicate on.


Message 13 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Welcome Miriam.

I, for one, don't hold this whole fiasco against you. I used to chat with Jordon occasionally and after I watched how .com turned him into a glorified puppet, I really don't expect that you or Andrew would have the ability to help much with the current situation.

No offense intended here...I just understand the reality of the situation.


Message 14 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Welcome Miriam.

Hopefully you are not dissuaded from regular visits to this board by the overtly aggressive welcome from a few. Many of the long standing PS'ers would welcome some attention from Pinks on this board.

Understandably some PS'ers are very concerned about many of the changes announced. Less understandable is the manner in which they appear to hold you personally responsible. Like Monique, I know better than to shoot the messenger.

Hopefully you are not regretting the job switch with Izzy and, in time, cooler heads will prevail.


Message 15 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Welcome Miriam.

Message 16 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Way to suck up ppl - next time bring an apple too.
Message 17 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Sorry ftl... not all of us find it necessary to be ignorant and rude. If that makes some of us "suck-ups" - so be it. I prefer to view it as some of us have the ability to get our points across without the need to insult others. You might consider giving it a try.


Message 18 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Yes, professor Bill, I will certainly try to lead by your example --> roflmao -- Ya OK!
Message 19 of 30
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Emails to My Messages Not Being Received

Community Member
Here we go again

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