End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

Ebay will change rules on June 1st 2014 : http://announcements.ebay.ca/2014/04/30/7598/


Auctions are not the good way for me to sell on ebay.


As seller, but also as a buyer I much prefer the fixed price items.


Am I the only one who is not happy by this change of rules that do not correspond at all to my needs as ebay member ?


I am very demotivated by this change.

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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

Well I decided to go for it. Im signing up for the  year on a  basic store. For the cost its worth trying to increase sale. Hope it works.

Message 21 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

His math is right for what he is selling.  Without a store and with his TRS he's paying 8%, with a store he'll' pay 7.2%.  Only a 0.8% FVF saving


With his category, price/shipping ratio and volume he's as hard a hit by the various fee changes in recent years as anyone on ebay.  Before fees on shipping, and increase from 5.25% fvf, he'd be paying close to 2/3 less before the extra he'll have now

Message 22 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

@jerseywithstats wrote:

Well I decided to go for it. Im signing up for the  year on a  basic store. For the cost its worth trying to increase sale. Hope it works.

That is exactly the type of attitude they want, they encourage, and will cause your sales to increase.

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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

.8 divided by 8 is a 10% saving.


On a $1000 they used to pay $80, now $72. That is a 10% saving.

Message 24 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

"I already recieve 20% discount without the store. Do I lose this if I decide to now go to a store?"


The 20% rebate given Top Rated Sellers (TRS) is not related to having or not having an eBay store.

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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

How does my items get displayed?


No change except they are also shown in your store in addition to the regular search result pages.


Does the buyer actually have to go to my store to find my items?


No.  The buyer can buy from the search result pages or from your store


Does my listing still show up on searches , just the same as if I didnt have a store?




Basically, an eBay store is a collection of all your eBay listings, regardless where listed (eBay.ca, eBay.com, eBay.uk, eBay.au, etc...).  With a store, you have the advantage of grouping your items in store categories of your choice.  You can display your items on the front page using whatever order you wish (I show highest price first because I want to showcase my highest priced items but every seller can do as they see fit).


I suggest you take a few minutes and browse through a few stores to see what other sellers are doing.

Message 26 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

@jerseywithstats wrote:

Well I decided to go for it. Im signing up for the  year on a  basic store. For the cost its worth trying to increase sale. Hope it works.

Sign up on the monthly plan at 19.95. Do not get the yearly plan and the 1 year commitment. There are early termination penalties for cancelling the store before the year is up which is large in the first few months.


I have read on eBay.com (maybe one or two sellers here on eBay.ca) that for some sellers, going from non-store to store saw their sales drop severely. I do not know how or why or if it is just random chance for some non-store sellers to have poor sales with a store. So I would be cautions and pay the monthly store fee 2-3 months and see what happens to sales. At least you can opt out with no penalties.

Message 27 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

@toby**bleep**zu wrote:

Op is top rated so the discount for a store is only 0.8%

I did some math and can now see that it is 0.8% savings if a TRS seller.

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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

Nobody mentioned the extra free listings you get with a basic store, 150 vs 50 (now 100) and those free listings can be used for either FP or Auctions in any category. The extra 50 alone if you run Auctions essentially covers the cost of a store subscription.


As for "getting rid of small sellers", that myth has been floating on the boards for more than 10 years yet eBay continues to give perks to small sellers that they don't give to medium and large sellers (free listings, less stringent seller performance criteria, reduced requirements for TRS & PS status etc. etc. etc.).


It true that eBay wants to get rid of SOME Sellers, for better or worse there is no shortage of sellers that urgently need to be removed from the site. Some happen to be small volume sellers but there are plenty of not so small sellers that need to be given the boot. Hopefully in August it will start to happen.





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 29 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

If I subscribe to the store for a year, I wonder if ebay will not change unilaterally the rules of the store during the year as they currently do for free fixed price listings ?
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

eBay may but I would not worry about that.  Life is too short to worry about every eventuality.


However, I strongly suggest a monthly store at this time.  It is only $4 more a month but give you flexibility to change your mind in a few months.

Message 31 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

You could get hit by a bus tomorrow, that would really change things for your store!


Making decisions based on speculation of what minor changes might happen a few years down the road is no way to operate.


The new change for your monthly "free" listings is simply going back to the way it was only a short 12 months ago when the 50 free were ONLY for Auctions. For a year eBay let them be used for both and after that experiment they have gone back to the way it was (mostly) but doubled the number of free listings.





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 32 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

When you sign contracts, it does not bother you that the terms may change without your consent? Me I find it wrong especially if I have a big penalty to cancel.
Message 33 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

So far, store terms have not changed in the ten years I have had one.
Message 34 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

@mr.elmwood wrote:
So far, store terms have not changed in the ten years I have had one.

So you have always received 150 free listings in your store and your store items have always shown in core? You have always paid the same fvf that you pay now in your store?


Things change continually on this site although I do agree that there haven't been any major changes that would make me cancel my store. However, I don't think that as a new store seller I would sign any type of year long contract until I knew a store was going to benefit me.

Message 35 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

"especially if I have a big penalty to cancel."


avoid the potential penalty by signing for monthly fee.

Message 36 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

PJ, they have added to the store, never taken away. Store FVF has decreased over time.
Message 37 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

This discusion is very instructive. Thank you to all members who have answered me.

If one day I opt for a ebay store that will certainly on a monthly basis. I'll also take it at the right time (ie when the sales period is good as before Christmas). From my side, sales are currently depressed.

Is will the Summer is a highlight for sale?
Message 38 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

I have found that my sales are consistent and depend entirely on the effort I make. I do not believe in the seasonal influence.
Message 39 of 42
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Re: End of 50 free fixed price listing: Am I the only one that demotivate ?

I'm not sure why eBay do not want small sellers like me?  They still make money when I sell.  There are small sellers who are committed to what they do too 😞


And I think in most cases most people started out small - maybe even eBay....

You only fail when you don't try!
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