I dont think GTC works- when I select it in fixed price format for the 35 cents, it shows up as counting down from 30 days. (Unless it renews itself after the 30 days are up).
Yes I also see both of those options, but when I select the GTC, and check on the listing after posting it, it shows that it is counting down from 30 days. Will it renew automatically anyway do you think?
I was not able to edit the listings that I uploaded from TL late last night/early morning, but I did manage to edit one that I uploaded a couple hours ago. (Changed it to 30 day about 20 minutes ago with no problems.) Still can't change the other listings that I uploaded earlier even though I did get the 35-cent insertion fee on them.
I see it now. I was listing very late at night and it was not available then. I am completely burned out, I am taking some time off. Hopefully all the bugs will be worked out by the time I come back.