05-15-2013 11:07 PM
05-16-2013 07:37 AM
I also received the invitation and decided not to participate.
05-16-2013 08:00 AM
I used to get every promotion they had with the free listings. For some reason I did not get an invite for the last 3 or 4. I would be curious to know how they decide who gets an invite or not. Or even how they include you for a long time and then hit a switch to omit you. lol
05-16-2013 08:56 AM
I used to get all the promos as well but have not been included in the past 4. I am not happy at all. I have 100% positive feedback and great DSR's. Most of my inventory items are low value and a store costs too much - I have to sell a lot to just break even. I have a lot of inventory sitting around that I would like to unload and then rethink what I am doing.
05-16-2013 09:06 AM
Make sure to check both your email messages and eBay's "my messages'.
In the "good old days", eBay used to send me notices to both my email address and "my messages"
Lately, It seems to be one or the other - quite arbitrarily as I have never changed my settings.
Two invitations were received for this promotion on my two selling IDs. One by email and the other through "my messages'. Go figure!
05-16-2013 09:17 AM
05-16-2013 11:13 AM
Didn't get it again 😞 Oh Well. Ebays lose. I'll be listing the things I had ready on another site!!!
05-16-2013 11:51 AM
Same here...checked both email and messages. Not getting them has made me list a lot of items on a local garage sale site. Am pleasantly surprised with the results. : )
05-16-2013 12:04 PM
I wish eBay would let me give you one of my invitations. However, they won't. 😞
05-16-2013 12:15 PM
Thank You for the thought Pierre. You have a kind heart 🙂
05-16-2013 01:15 PM
Has anyone ever contacted ebay customer service and requested that they be included in a current promo?
05-16-2013 02:08 PM
Yes, I've thought about calling customer service about not getting invites lately. Never actually bothered though as I remember how useless they have always been at providing any useful help.
I used to get nearly all the free promos, but have not received any in the last 5 or 6. It might definitely be time to list my slow moving items on another site. Strange that ebay no longer wants my business. Oh well if I don't sell on ebay they don't make any money from me - their loss! ?:|
05-16-2013 09:34 PM
I just noticed that you can not list Store items for 3, 5, 7, 10 or 20 days. This is a turbo lister notice when doing an update tonight. I didn't even know there was a 20 day listing? For those who do not have a store and are listing during the promo it should still work for you? Interesting. So if you are a store owner and get a listing promo you have now lost the ability to list fixed price goods for shorter periods of days. I did not see this announced anywhere, any one else run into this?
05-16-2013 10:20 PM
"for up to 20,000 listings during the Promotion period as defined below. 3, 5, 7, 10 and 30-day listing durations are included in this Promotion"
"store items" as such no longer exists.
This promotion is for fixed price listings (same as store items), not auctions.
05-16-2013 10:58 PM
05-17-2013 09:02 AM
Didn't get this one either 😞 For the last 5 or 6 promos, I just got ONE invite. I guess I'm still lucky since many of you didn't get any. 😞
05-17-2013 01:28 PM
Didn't get this one either 😞 For the last 5 or 6 promos, I just got ONE invite. I guess I'm still lucky since many of you didn't get any. 😞
Hmmm, strange. I have gotten every promo for moths and did not get this one...
05-18-2013 01:01 PM
HI how many are store owners who received this offer and how many non- store members were offered? That is what I am interested in? I just wonder how random the selection really is! Some posts are stating they have not received a promotional offer the last several times, but have great FB.
I thought in one of the Wednesday discussions ebay stated everyone would be invited in promotional days? Was I dreaming this?
05-18-2013 01:39 PM
"I just wonder how random the selection really is! "
There is NOTHING RANDOM in how eBay selects sellers who receive invitations to their "free listing" promotions.
eBay changes its criteria from promotion to promotion based on what they want to do, what they want to test.
It is quite apparent that feedback and DSRs have nothing to do with the selection process unless a seller's DSRs are so low as to not qualify.
Having a store or not has often been a determinant factor, but not always.
eBay will NOT let sellers know how and why they select some sellers for promotional activities. However, when looking at the big picture, it would be best for most sellers not to obsess about promotions. Sellers who refuse to list their "stuff" because listing fees may cost them $0.05 to $0.30 demonstrate little confidence in their ability to sell the "stuff" for the price they want.
Use eBay to sell your "stuff" based on the current relatively low cost listing fee schedules. The real fees sellers pay are in FVF and PayPal, not listing fees.
05-18-2013 08:53 PM
Sellers who refuse to list their "stuff" because listing fees may cost them $0.05 to $0.30 demonstrate little confidence in their ability to sell the "stuff" for the price they want.
If you sell low value items that have to be listed many times before they sell the listing fees ARE a big deal.
A $5 item when sold has a FVF of 50 cents (non-store), if you list it 3 times that's 90 cents in insertion fees!