04-30-2014 12:27 PM
If I print 2 or more Lt. Pkt labels (at 3.79 each) on PayPal I am charged the 13% tax on each one. If I go to the Post Office and fill in my own CN22 then the total cost is over $5 and I don't have to pay the tax. Does anyone know, if I print my labels on the Canada Post site, if I am charged individually or if it totals my label purchases so that I don't pay the tax each day?
05-04-2014 11:25 PM
@canadareads wrote:And don't forget the new Customs Form to print off the CP site so you don't have to pay that new $2.00 fee that will be introduced sometime in May. You also have the option to scan it with your cell phone, and take it to the PO.
Concerning this new $2.00 fee. Where did you here or see about this?? I talked to a CP employee and he has not heard about this. He normally knows pretty much what is happening and this was something new to him
05-05-2014 12:30 PM
My post was in response to "poco" and his analysis of using discount postage vs printing PayPal labels. There have been other posts about the $2.00 fee - "ricarmic" began a recent one.
This will only apply at first to people who apply their own postage stamps and fill out the multi-copy forms for (I think) Expedited and Expresspost to certain countries, or people who buy these same services at the Post Office. It will later be expanded to other services. My tiny village Post Office got their info within the past 2 weeks, but don't know the starting date yet. I was shown the info they received. Anyone who prints labels from PayPal online has no worries - all the required info has already been incorporated into those labels, as well as the Small and Light Packet labels, although the requirement doesn't apply to those services yet.
If you use stamps, you can fill out the CN23, etc at home, and print out the form from the CP website to take along with you, so it can be scanned at the PO counter. If you plan to buy postage at the PO for any of the services that require that scan code, you can print it at home from the CP site and save yourself an extra $2.00 when you hand it over at the PO counter.