That's Bislama (Vanuatu) for Happy Birthday. I'm not from Bislama (I dont even know where it is) but the language has a nice ring about it and that is exactly how they say Happy Birthday.
So here's hoping you have a "Yummie Celebration" and someone "Blong Bon Blongs, You" as a nitecap.
All my best
Know what you guys? This is GREAT!!!! It is so great. Not having any family around, it's so nice to have someone remember your day. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You are terrific people and you have been my absolute pleasure to know!!
It's still morning here! Am I too late to join in the good wishes and festivities? As soon as the sun's over the yardarm I'll pour us all a wine and we'll drink a Happy Birthday toast to Jackie.
Many Happy Returns, Glenda
PS - Do we have any ex-nautical types here? What time is the sun over the yard-arm? At least I'm sure it's earlier this time of year than it is in mid-summer!