Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

OTTAWA — The Prime Minister's Office was dragged into the Senate housing allowance scandal Wednesday with the stunning development Stephen Harper's right-hand man cut a $90,000 cheque to help Sen. Mike Duffy.

A spokesman for the prime minister confirmed that Nigel Wright, Harper's chief of staff, wrote a cheque from his personal account to help his friend repay inappropriately claimed housing benefits.



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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Community Member

Its a simple fact that the Harper CPC has tried, and tried, and tried to reform the senate. only to be blocked at every turn by Libs.  Harper even offered to do an end run around the rules and voluntarily give up his right to pick senators if the provinces would put nominees on their provincial election ballots.   Now the CPC is trying to use the supreme court to get around Libs blocking senate reform. The Harper government has done everything possible to get elected, term limited senators, too bad the Libs have so far stopped it

Message 41 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Does the senate have the ability to actually stop legislation or only just slow it down?


Message 42 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Taxpayer Federation is petitioning for Accountability Act 2.0




* all expenses online for public review

* eliminate pension entitlements for Senators and MPs convicted of stealing from taxpayer



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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

That should include any Senator or MP putting in false claims on their expense accounts as well.


Message 45 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Then there would hardly be a Senator or MP left.

Message 46 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Community Member

"Does the senate have the ability to actually stop legislation or only just slow it down?"


In theory yes, in practice not really.  Mulroney did have yo use the provision to add extra senators to get the GST passed the lib controlled senate.  


Personally Im much more concerned about the revelation Mulcair kept quiet and then lied about being offered a bribe.  That guy wants to be pm?!  Dwarfs a few senators using grey rules to pad expense accounts

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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Do we need another level over paid and under worked beauracrats?


If we have elections every 4 years the way they do in the US and get rid of non-confidence votes we don't need the senate.

Instead of forcing an election. A non-confidence vote would send the politicians back to work and government agencies would work with the previous year's budget.


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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Harper's answer to the expense scandal......."no one is perfect"


He refused to take any questions.

Message 49 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

I would like to know why he refused to answer questions from the reporters after he spoke to caucus.

He claims to be the government of accountability.

That includes answering the questions of reporters.



Message 50 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Harper has always hated the media and there has been a lot of proof in the past that even when he gives comments the questions are scripted and pre-looked at by his people and in several occasions certain media people who have a reputation for asking the hard questions have been refused the right to be part of the question scrum.


Right now my guess is Harper is trying to find the right answers that will pacify as many voters as possible and at the same time not really answer any questions. I also believe that Harper (who is a control freak) knew full well about the 90 grand being given to Duffy and when that comes out (and it just may) he then has to find a way to make that sound reasonably acceptable.


When Harper is gone and has no control anymore, I think there might be a novel written about all the things the people of Canada did not know that happened behind Harper's curtain.


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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

"That includes answering the questions of reporters."


I certainly do not wish to appear to defend the actions or inactions of our Prime Minister but, really, what could he have said?


He cannot tell the ugly thruth and he wants to avoid telling a lie that would backfire eventually.


Just like Ford in Toronto.... say nothing and hope the storm passes 😞 .

Message 52 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

considering he NO authority to fire senators and has no Authority to tell his staff how to run their PERSONAL life, and since he has publicly stated (as well as many others have stated) he knew nothing of this. What exactly do you want him to say?

Message 53 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

"since he has publicly stated ... he knew nothing of this"


Be serious.  Nobody really believes that. Nobody.

Message 54 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

I bought $1,000 worth of new tires for my car yesterday. Wife drove it to work today. I guess she MUST know that there are new tires on the car and exactly how much they cost right? I mean she is driving the car!!!

not everybody pry's into everybody else's business at all times. Some people have a life of their own.

Message 55 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

it's nice to see how smart you think harper is since he knows EVERYTHING that is going on at all times and how Dumb all Liberals are as martin,Chretieen AND McGuinty knew nothing of any of the scandals the Liberals were involved in.

Message 56 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

I spent a little over 1300 on tires about a month ago and my wife not only knew there were new tires, but she also knew the cost, because we discuss things and it is her business. Not only that, but if she wanted to she could put the tires on rims and balance them and install them. She can also take a Harley motor apart and put it back together again. She can drive any tractor, ride an unbroken horse, drive a transport and lock and load and hit anything dead centre from at least 50 yards. My point being, she knows all that is going on around her in her life and she can do all as a totally independent woman...... and that's............ the type of woman I like. Some men like women they can keep in the dark, tell them it's none of their business and control them, because it strokes their ego.

Harper is a control freak, a company man and that's been said and stated by many people even in his own faux-Conservative group. So did he know about he 90grand? My best guess is yes, absolutely!    

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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Oh....and did Chretien and McGuinty know anything about the scandals the Liberals were involved in? Sure they did.


(one of these days someone is going to finally catch on that I am not a Liberal, Conservative or any '''''''''''''party''''''''''''' follower.)

Message 58 of 64
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Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

Harper gang helps fellow gang member after scam discovered

The order to sanitize an audit of Sen. Mike Duffy’s expenses came from two  key Conservatives on the Senate’s internal economy committee: chair David  Tkachuk and Carolyn Stewart Olsen, CTV News has learned.

The original version of the audit report said Duffy broke the rules when he  declared a Prince Edward Island cottage as his primary residence and noted that  the senator refused to co-operate with independent auditors.

Last Friday, CTV’s Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife reported that those  damning notes were removed from the public version of the report that was tabled  in the Senate.

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/two-conservative-senators-ordered-mike-duffy-s-audit-sanitized-1.1292...

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