02-28-2013 07:05 AM
I hope these fellas achieve their goals,and the culprits hang
02-28-2013 12:46 PM
This group has no real power. To begin with the web address is incorrect, it's not .com it's .org.
Their 'International Tribunal' seems to be made up of citizens and doesn't seem to have any real legal jurisdiction. Virtually there is no 'real' information about them that I can find after a half hour of looking. They would have to go to and through the World Court to get any bite to their growl.
02-28-2013 01:17 PM
Yes I undestand Deac.
Is why I am hopeful for them.
They have many valid points.
All natives are very angry for what happened to our children and their families.
Harper thinks a appology and a hockey bag full of money will make it go away.
Were hurtin Deac, and want to see many hang for this,as any person would, to lose a child in such a manner. In this case 10's of thousands of beatiful innocent native children.
Makes you want to vomit,like the fella states.
To think a man of the cloth]:) to preach heaven and hell in one breath than to sodomize a child in another.
Would that make him go to hell,and against everthing they preach.
He is not only a slimy murderer and pedophile,but also a fraud artist. Not believing one word he preaches.
02-28-2013 01:24 PM
The next time the christian thread comes to top of page I will confront them with a question.
How does a priest preach god, heaven and hell, then assault a child,be caught them hiddden by his superiors??????????????
These are not a few isolated incidents, for heavens sake
02-28-2013 01:33 PM
We all know the abuses of the power of the 'church' and not just the Catholic but many, many others who have control over society. The Catholics weren't the only ones running residential schools in Canada.....they should all be brought up on the carpet.
But the abuse does not stop with children, their power wanders in many halls and they have great power over many things from politics, to banking, to wars.
Power is what it is all about, be it a church or a bank or a government. POWER corrupts. MONEY corrupts. To add to the injustices the powerful control the media and they control the legal system. Democracy? pfffffft that's a joke. It has been a struggle from the dawn of humankind to stand up to power and the powerful and the greedy and seek justice and balance in so, so many areas.
All one can do is fight the good fight. Stick to what you believe. Educate the next generation to understand and to stay the course and never sell themselves off for the famous 30 pieces of silver.
Never give an inch or they'll take a country mile.
02-28-2013 01:37 PM
02-28-2013 02:33 PM
The next time the christian thread comes to top of page I will confront them with a question.
Why wait, just scroll down and locate it and post an it will come to the top
02-28-2013 02:35 PM
02-28-2013 04:49 PM
"one should never beat a drum when they go hunting" What are native circle dancers hunting for?
02-28-2013 05:10 PM