I'm pretty close to packing it in and relieving myself of the scourge of Canada Post. It is now, unbelievably,...cheaper to drive from Toronto to Niagara Falls, New York on a full tank of gas to mail an Expedited Shipping package over 2kg than it is to ship from home.
It is so ludicrous I can't help but laugh out loud every time I ask for a rate quote at the counter. I can't believe I'm still doing this! I've got to stop! I mean, I feel good that Canada Post is discouraging packages over 1.0 kg to the US so that their employees don't develop sciatica or something. What profit can you possibly make on an item after paying over. $30.00 in shipping? A 3D foam puzzle cost $30.00 to ship? Really? At least by driving it to Niagara Falls I can stop by the casino or the outlet malls. No...wait...What am I thinking?
I think I need help...I need to sell light stuff...thin stuff....Does Canada Post charge for shipping sub-atomic particles? Electrons? I'm sure they have a rate for that. Okay, seriously...maybe I can sell marbles......no too heavy....salt and pepper shakers?....salt and pepper?...plastic duckies? Yes...that's it...little, light, yellow plastic duckies. Everybody wants one of those...