05-08-2016 12:21 PM
Someone or some ones in Japan buying up US and Canadian guitars and selling them back to Canada and US at inflated prices, often with 'free shipping' they are trying to change the market, buying up large quantities and reselling at inflated prices and reap a lot of money, while average guys can't find instruments at average guy prices. I see too many Japan items in the guitar sections I'm looking at, and I would rather be able to block all items from that country. No offense, I just ain't buying it.
05-08-2016 01:56 PM
On the left side of your page you can refine your search by "Item Location". Choose "Worldwide" or "North America" or "Canada".
Hope this helps you.
05-09-2016 03:13 AM - last edited on 05-09-2016 11:33 AM by lizzier-ca
Search Lowest Price First excluding Lowest Price plus Shipping.
That will flood you with Chinese but....
I don't really understand your problem.
Is it that possible resellers are bidding and winning at prices higher than you are willing to pay?
While experienced sellers discourage newbies from buying and selling under the same IDs, sourcing product on eBay for re-sale on eBay started around October 1995.
And before that "arbitrage" was a common way to make a profit when an item was in demand in one location while there were large low priced supplies elsewhere.
Is it that some guitars have apparently found a 'cult' following and suddenly increased in price beyond your budget?
If the prices being asked are too high, the resellers will not find buyers and will go away.
02:11 PM
- last edited on
12:33 AM
Here is a screenshot of "Canada only" items on the left side of all searches on the classic site as just described. You can also do this on the eBay mobile app in the search results filter button.
Sometimes, items from other countries are still not filtered out, but the majority are. Lots of eBay Canadian sellers price items extremely competitively for any market/country. For example, my store, like a lot of Canadian sellers, has very competitive pricing, and you don't have to worry about the logistics of international shipping