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07-10-2008 08:17 AM
Last week I found more than 350 of my photos had been used by another Power Seller. I contacted the PS and asked her to change them because I considered it theft. She was extremely angry with me and told me that I should consider it a compliment that she was using my photos. I replied that I didn't consider it a compliment and wanted them down or I would turn it over to eBay. She took them all down.
Now early this morning......
Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from another seller on eBay suggesting that I take a look at a specific listing. (160250908233)
I did.
It was my photo. It was my write-up. It was the template that I have used from Seller Source Book to which I pay a yearly subscription.
The funny part about it is that this seller (different from the first one mentioned) when copying my entire listing ALSO included MY store search AND MY entire category list that you would see IF YOU WERE IN MY STORE.
How do I know? Well, silly me clicked on one of the categories and of course it took me right to the home page of my store where I saw OUR THREE BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS! *S*
Too bad my store is on holidays!
I went through 375 listings and found that 95 of them had been copied from my work. And a whole whack more from other sellers as well.
So, I went to Live Chat and they gave me a link to report this to Trust & Safety. I can only report 10 at a time. Is there another way to contact T & S?
In the meantime I've blocked all of my images...but my write-ups and SSB templates are still in use.
Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
Why do sellers do this to other sellers? I work hard at scanning, on my write-ups and listings in general. It's work.
And, to think that I'm on holidays!
Thanks in advance,
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07-10-2008 10:42 AM
Good luck with your pursuit in justice.
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07-10-2008 11:15 AM
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07-10-2008 03:42 PM
Yes, if you use Seller Source Book to host your photos, if you find a seller using your photo, you can take their listing number and put it in the IMAGE BLOCK section in your SSB account. This will block your image from being shown, but doesn't affect your own image in your own listing! IT'S A GREAT FEATURE!
It's definitely a BOLD sign that is put in place of the photo. Did you take a peek and see what it looks like in the auction number I provided?
Update: Haven't heard back from Trust and Safety, but one hour after sending my complaint to SSB because all of the templates had been stolen as well....they are well on their way in the VERO process and we should see that these listings are all down today/early tomorrow at the latest.
If you all have not checked out Seller Source's a great company with the bestest of customer service.
Have a good one!
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07-10-2008 03:43 PM
That's the funny thing...I DID have momoftwingles2 across most of the pictures that were stolen! The seller used them anyway! It obviously was not a big deal to them.
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07-10-2008 03:48 PM
If so- place a
PLEASE SHOP ELSEWHERE!" in big block text.
If the seller notices- it will be quite a shock to them!
And, it will serve as a warning to the formerly unknowing customers.
(We tag some of our auction's text copy with THIS IMAGE STOLEN FROM:....."in white". The problem with that is, when someone forwards this auction by TEXT only- those same "..STOLEN FROM..." words appear as regular text.)
COMPLAIN- and complain frequently through the Power Seller complaint form.
ONE for each auction if necessary.
Proving that the text, from a template is the same as yours- will be difficult. Who can say that they themselves don't pay to use those same templates? Information IN THAT TEMPLATE- when obviously yours, is another matter. KEEEP POINTING THIS OUT!
The pictures- if they lead to you, or are "watermarked" as yours, is more cut and dried.
Write ups may be easy to prove- because of first usage. FIND the OLDEST auction possible, listed by you- and attach it to the recent listing of offending seller- when complaining. EARLY PRIOR use is important, not the absolute best proof- but very important.
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07-10-2008 03:57 PM
Actually, it's easy to see that the photo, write-ups and templates are mine AND from Seller Source Book. When clicked number comes up.
All of the pics at this time that she stole from me have been replaced with the following in BIG BOLD RED LETTERS:
Then there is a big red circle with a red line going through it.
This now appears on all 95 of the listings.
I'm sure when the seller looks at their listings today that she'll realize that she's been caught.
And, as for seeing that it's my write-ups she's some of them she left my e-mail address! And, as I mentioned in the one listing number I provided...she even copied MY store search box and list of my store when you click on any of the takes you to my store front! *LOL*
Great advertising for me!
SSB has verified this seller does not have an SSB account. Also...when I looked through all of her other listings I was able to write down the other SSB account holders subscription numbers that she has stolen from. SSB is contacting those members as well.
Thanks for your is very much appreciated!
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07-10-2008 04:54 PM
I can't believe that some sellers have done this. I am so totally stunned. I also belong to SSB and would be extremely upset if some had stolen my listings. I also use Activia at times and they also block the pics. But this is the first I have heard of someone stealing listings as well. Please keep us updated and my thoughts are with you.
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07-10-2008 08:18 PM
"You cannot access this item because the seller is currently away. Please try again later. If you are the buyer or seller, please sign in with the correct User ID." Is this an error?
If you want to contact POWER SELLER central quickly-
I believe simply writing to should help.
I am a POWER SELLER- please help me. (I am not kidding- it gets a response)
This way you can list hundreds of numbers- and detail your complaint more thoroughly.
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07-10-2008 08:29 PM
It appears the individual is in OHIO, and still active, with 1000+ items listed!
ONE- still has your e-mail address in it.
So hunting it down shouldn't be too much of a problem for you.
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07-11-2008 01:15 AM
Thanks for the info. Yes! That listing with my e-mail address in it amongst many others has been submitted by me to T & S. I've also written a lengthy letter to directly to Power Sellers. And, Seller Source Book has submitted the paperwork to have more than 120 of the original power seller shut down via VERO. Seller Source Book is also reporting this seller that you mentioned as well.
I found a total of 4 POWER SELLERS TODAY ALONE copying my listings.
I don't know what will happen to any of them. The one who has more than 120 of mine copied...should be gone forever, but who knows.
And, here I'm trying to get my e-mail out of listings and others are using it! Toooooo funny.
Have a good one!
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07-11-2008 09:05 AM
I don't contact the sellers that copy my listings/photos. It takes too much time and the negative energy drains me. I report them to eBay and they take care of it.
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07-11-2008 11:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your troubles Susan.
I am also a scrapbooking retailer who just became a powerseller and I never thought in a million years that I would need to watermark my images or look for copy cats.
I don't sell brand name items and there are only a few sellers on ebay using the same supplier but do you think I should start protecting my listings regardless?
thanks so much, hope you are having a lovely July with your girls.
Justine 🙂
Love Bug Universe
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07-13-2008 10:24 PM
I haven't looked in on the board too much lately and just noticed this thread.
Someone should compile a list of the "dumbest sellers on eBay". I think this one would top the list!!
You can do your best to protect your descriptions but there always some sellers out there who steal all of it or bits and pieces of it because they are either too lazy or too stupid to come up with their own ideas.
It is sad that you have to constantly "police" listings on eBay to prevent plagiarism. Sadder still are the people who plagiarize someone else's hard work.
I wish you luck with having their listings pulled. Go get 'em!!!
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07-14-2008 01:57 PM
119 listings have been pulled from the one seller. One is left to go and that will be pulled today. Seller Source Book overlooked biggie.
Isn't it amazing though that this seller has been reported by TWO sellers for theft which amounted to more than 140 of her listings and NOTHING has outwardly happened to her.
I wonder how many listings you have to steal before one actually gets suspended. I'm thinking that a hand slap is not going to cut it here!
In looking through her other listings, it's easy to see where she has stolen other images from other sellers who use Photobucket or Auctiva.
Hopefully they will report her and put a stop to this seller making her money off of the backs of others.
I know we can't get them all...but one at a time, perhaps the dishonest sellers will disappear.
Thanks for your encouragement!
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07-14-2008 01:59 PM
Congratulations on your new Power Seller status!
I wanted to mention that my photos had my name plastered across most of them. It didn't seem to matter with this seller one way or another!
Have a great day!
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07-14-2008 03:56 PM
I am glad that the listings have been pulled for you. It amazes me that someone can get away with this, that nothing happens to them. I guess losing all the listing fees is all that happens.
I am curious why neither company has done nothing more. At the very least Ebay should suspend the seller for a time period. I'm not sure what SSB can do or how much time they would want to spend on this. They should bill her at the very
I know this has cost you some time as far as working on your listings and spending time with your daughters; however, I and I'm sure everyone who has been following this thread appreciate that you took the time to warn and inform us.
Have a Wonderful Day and I hope the listing faeries come to your aid.
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07-14-2008 04:37 PM
Just received an e-mail from the seller who had 119 + one more to go listings pulled for copying my photos, write-ups and templates. (This is the seller who also had my store search engine and categories.)
How hilarious that she is FURIOUS with me for having her listings pulled.
Go figure.
Most definitely...she's not learned a lesson.
And, as I mentioned before, I find it odd that nothing has happened to her. I'm the SECOND SELLER to report listings being lifted in one week's time....
Guess it doesn't matter.
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07-14-2008 07:26 PM
Just when I thought that seller couldn't stun me anymore. I can't believe that she would be FURIOUS...LOL. I can't help it I just find that so funny.
She steals, she gets caught, gets her fingers tapped and blames
Yep, some people just don't get it. Fortunately most of us do.
Have a Good One!
And thanks for the giggle. :^O
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07-15-2008 10:25 PM
Perhaps you can see that as free advertising!
On serious note, thats is tough one to beat, as you file clams one by one...