I have been receiving a news-letter from one of the seller s. (Please be aware of the missing apostrophes. My keyboard has some sticky keys and this is one of them.) Trying to find instructions to accomplish this procedure has given me many possibilities but no solutions that worked.
If my selection under {Select Location] is incorrect, it was the only one that was close enough to be feasible.
I did contact the seller but she had no solution from her end. Her best guess was to contact Customer Service. This has become impossible, since I can not get to talk to someone there without picking a topic and nothing applies. It seems they only deal with Buying, Selling and Account issues which this question as I understand it does not fit into any of those categories.
For me, talking to someone makes the issue easier to solve by getting step by step instructions. I like to have the instructions so I know how to return to them if the issue arises again.
SARockiesgal_63 (Margaret)