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X-( This morning, i get an email from some ebay police member stating that i need to do more research into an item that i'm selling (250109717527)...that apparantly, the items i'm claiming to be silverplate, are NOT. she said epns is not sterling silver (thank you, please read the description), and not even silver. no, its silver plate, as i stated. i ignored her and deleted the email. i just got an email from ebay saying they've removed my listing due to 'misleading' title. 😮 do the POWERS at ebay know their stuff? or do they just get an email from someone who has nothing better to do, and remove my listing without even checking it? what the heck!!! man i'm pissed. i emailed my little friend who OBVIOUSLY was the one who ratted on me, and told her thank you very much, and to get a life, and learn how to read. i also emailed ebay asking them to show me exactly where my item description was misleading. i'm sure i'll get a prompt reply there...
Message 1 of 20
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do the POWERS at ebay know their stuff? or do they just get an email from someone who has nothing better to do, and remove my listing without even checking it?

I believe the second answer is correct.

ebay will review your appeal but it could take a few days to get your answer back.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 2 of 20
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Its okay-i relisted it, and put epns in the title and gave an actual definition of epns in my description, so there's no hiding or misleading or tricking or anything-not that there was in the beginning. i also sent my little ebay police friend some informative links. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Message 3 of 20
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eBay does NOT verify anything... shoot first and ask questions after. I am speaking from VERY recent experience.

Watch out with the relist too as it might just get pulled again if you used the Relist option. eBay keeps track of the original item and will 95% of the time pull the item again. I am in a mess with eBay currently regarding reported listings as there is no way to verify if you are under personal attack from competition/grief bidders.

eBay will not release the reporter's userID to you so if you find yourself with 5 yanked auctions in one day go to a lawyer as it is the only way you can get any info.
Message 4 of 20
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hi orbit...what are the chances of someone emailing me this morning questioning the accuracy of my description, and then hours later, it gets pulled by ebay?? what led ebay to check it? i'm sure i know who it was. besides, she emailed me back claiming she didn't know what i was talking about, so i resent her her original email to me this morning and she hasn't replied back. in my mind, there's no other person. here's the deal-i can totally understand if i was misleading...but imagine someone emails you about your blue glass that's listed saying it isn't blue-its orange. you know its blue-you have it pictured as blue and described as blue, and hours later, ebay pulls it saying its orange. its maddening that they would pull it without even verifying its accuracy, absolutely maddening!
funny too, i tried emailing her back after the listing was removed, and the 'respond' button wouldn't work, i had to contact her by going through her ebay member profile. i wonder if ebay did something to prevent me from contacting her?
Message 5 of 20
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Try selling ungraded sports cards or comic books pre-1990. If they aren't graded they will be pulled by eBay... and nowhere on their site do they state this nugget of information.

I would hate to have seen what would have happened if you listed multiples of your blue grass as you'd probably be suspended by now 😉
Message 6 of 20
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thankfully, only that one. the better side of my items is that they're all pretty much different...
keep fighting for yourself chris, if you know what you're selling is authentic, then fight the good fight...
Message 7 of 20
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That sucks Kat 😞 I'm sure someone told them, they don't have the time to check all.There are a lot of miserable people on ebay at times.
Message 8 of 20
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That is really a shame Kat! When I revised some items last night I got an alert on one saying that it is illegal to sell Native American jewellery under that name unless it is actually made by Native Americans. I was trying to list a lot of stuff last night (it didn't help when our power went out) and didn't have time to revise the multiple items I have listed that way. I guess I had better get at it before they pull those too. I have been listing them that way for 4 months so it must have been reported too.
And thanks for the info Orbit, I have old comics that I thought I might eventually sell on eBay. I guess I won't!
And I collect blue glass, Kat. Do you have any that is orange? lol
Message 9 of 20
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Oooo Kat... get use to it or... hym I did 😞
there is nothing you can do about it :_|

About a year ago they closed my entire store and cancelled my account because some SO..B send a report that I'm using some brand name... which I didn't... THERE IS NO SUCH A BRAND!!! no body even checked if there is such a brand the person referred to... after I called them they apologized... ooooo .... they can be very sweet... so they let me re-list everything for free... ya... thanks for nothing... do yo know how much time it took me to create every thing from scratch? weeks!!! and months to pick up with the sales- I didn't have any sale history beside my feedback ...

Don't wary :-x


Message 10 of 20
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don't worry... 😉


Message 11 of 20
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I once had a listing cancelled because of a supposedly misleading title. I had a piece of pottery, and I did not kno if it was Blue Mountain or CCC pottery. So I listed it as Pottery Rooster - Blue Mountain Pottery or CCC
I figured I knew who reported/complained about that too, and emailed her a thank you letter(you can imagine what that letter was like. I relisted it as Blue Mountain Pottery Rooster even though I wasn't sure it was. It sold, and when it did I emailed the tattletale the listing number.
We get tons of email from people who think they know more about our listings than they do. I always try and have an item verified on two different websites before I list it. The if the veracity of the item is questioned, I just direct them to the websites that verify what I'm selling.
Take er easy KAT.
Message 12 of 20
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We get tons of email from people who think they know more about our listings than they do

honestly, these emails from people really bug me man! that's why i didn't reply to hers yesterday for the first time (usually i do). i don't mind the helpful ones who are giving me good info to help me sell my product (which i do the same if i can), but those people that email and claim they know more about your product than you-man they need a life!!
i have her userid, and i'm watching her, and after awhile of looking through her feedback, (i thought she was just a buyer), discovered she's a seller too...of guess what....silver!!! competitor?
Message 13 of 20
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I always try and have an item verified on two different websites before I list it

do this too, and have done it, although i didn't really need to this time, as i've sold enough silver/silverplate to recognize. anyways, phil, if and when mine sells, i will email it to her too! you're too much man!! 😄
and i did get a link from the internet and emailed it to her too!!:-D
Message 14 of 20
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i just received an email from ebay saying they mistakenly removed my listing and that it does not violate misrepresentation, and that the title isn't misleading. also, that they will remove the incident from my record.
phil-should i forward this to the perp? ]:)
Message 15 of 20
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Hi all,
I had a similar circumstance happen but accused of spamming Key words. I sell after market guitar parts that are created for particular guitars. eg. Guitar Saddle for Fender Strat etc. I had a guy email me saying I was spamming the Taylor Guitar because the title had Saddle for Taylor Guitars. He asked me to stop or threatened to turn me in. I wrote him back saying that Bob Taylor from Taylor guitars actually helped the manufacturer design the parts, and that I was not spamming. He threatened some more and the next thing I knew my listings were pulled. I responded back to Ebay and they eventually reversed their decision and that I was not in violation of Keyword spamming.

Now this seems to be the way Ebay works somehow. There seems to be some over zealous uninformed Ebay Police that only give a knee-jerk response to a complaint from another Ebay member. Before Ebay pulls a listing they should at least get the other side of the story before doing so. We pay to much in fees to be treated like criminals because some sour grapes seller has a complaint.

- there I fell better now - GW

Message 16 of 20
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I would forward it, with a photocopy of my naked butt attached!!
Message 17 of 20
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I'm glad they reversed their decision Kat but I wouldn't do that. Tempting as it may be it will only pee the person off even more. Let it go. They may start to haunt your listings and hit report for everything and anything. eBay shoots first and asks questions later. It's not worth the hassle to you or your rep on here.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 18 of 20
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Kat - I hate to break this to you, but there is no silver in EPNS! It's electro-plated nickel-silver, and nickel-silver has been used quite commonly in coinage and in tokens where it's also called "german silver". The definition is: Nickel/German Silver is the generic name for any of a range of Non-Precious bright silver-grey alloys composed of copper, nickel and zinc. You can look the definition up - it's quite common knowledge among coin dealers!

Message 19 of 20
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glenda, i know the definition...off heart. i've done reading (now and previous) regarding epns...subject to interpretation...epns is electroplated nickel silver, it is stated in my auction as such. buyers reading my description and seeing the pics would know that
Message 20 of 20
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