10-01-2013 02:21 PM
Canada has a 24 hour amount allowed of $500 worth of goods - I do not need to pay import fees on used jeans - how do I use paypal and deduct that amount?
10-01-2013 03:30 PM
You are not paying duty.
You are paying taxes to the Canadian government and service charge to Pitney Bowes.
If they were sent by mail then you still would have to pay taxes and a service charge to Canada Customs.
Most things whether new or used (mpoerted to Canada with a value over $20.00 Canadian is subject to taxes and
service charges depending on the courier.
10-01-2013 04:36 PM
Canada has a 24 hour amount allowed of $500 worth of goods
That is only for in person cross border shopping.
Ordering over the internet or by phone it is only $20.00 Canadian
10-02-2013 09:30 PM
Write your MP and demand that Parliament raise the amount that can be imported using a third party shipper (like Canada Post or UPS) to match the value for bringing the items over the border yourself.
All the address you need is
Her Name MP
House of Commons
Ottawa ON K0A 0A6.
You don't even need to stamp the envelope. If you want to be fancy, put OHMS where the stamp would go.
By the way, the jeans may or may not have been made in a NAFTA country. If not, they may be dutiable. Also, that they are used is irrelevant for purposes both of tax and duty.