I feel invisible!

Wow, last summer was slow, but this summer is dead.  I keep checking, I don't know what for.  This is just like watching paint dry, very demotivating.  

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Re: I feel invisible!

I hear ya!  I normally sell 30 to 40 items a month and, occasionally, during a slow month, perhaps 20.  But in May and June, only 8 to 10.  I'm seriously worried.

Message 2 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

one sale in 20 days     sad sad sad  this will be my llast month on ebay

Message 3 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Does anyone buy CD's anymore?

Message 4 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@jt-libra wrote:

But in May and June, only 8 to 10.  I'm seriously worried.

And you're selling things women need (or at least most of us think we do Smiley Happy).  I'm selling mostly discretionary, non-essentials, and June was a brutal month -- actually the worst I've had in the several years I've been selling on eBay.  Thankfully I have some other irons in the fire elsewhere, or I'd be rather panicky by now. 


I do think eBay could have done much more to help buyers feel confident in coming back to this site after the cyber attack fiasco, and to make it easier for them to re-set their passwords and/or set up a new ID.  That process was more like a quagmire, and I'm sure many people will have just given up and gone elsewhere to shop. 


Let's hope July looks better...

Message 5 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

I do think eBay could have done much more to help buyers feel confident in coming back to this site after the cyber attack fiasco


I do agree. Some advertising to ensure safety in the eBay market place would be prudent.


Since we the sellers are also suffering due to security breached to Ebay, it would be nice if they did some thing for us sellers as well. How about a little break in fees. Mind you I'm barely selling anything these days so what would I gain by getting a break on fees. Wouldn't be worth the bother.


This is got to be hurting Ebay as well. Their bottom line must be suffering. You think the big think tank in Ebay would come up with something!! Anything!!



Message 6 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Yes, I still do.  There are a few of us out there.   I used to buy records, then tapes and then CD's.  Downloaded music just doesn't sound the same.  


I don't know what the future holds for them (CD's).  They may be like records (LP's) and become collectible or may be like VHS where you can't give them away.   I just know that music from a stereo system sounds much better than coming from an ipod connected to speakers.



Message 7 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Have you tried price pointing? I see that you are using three digit prices plus three digit shipping amounts. Then, in my view, the customer has to get out a piece of paper and a pencil (I'm old), add things up, take a look, etc.

For the low value of shipping that you are using, have you considering "free" shipping? Quite a few of your listings are, to the USA, $7.97 plus $3.97, is, um, hang-on a second.

Basic principle of retailing, as in any other aspect of life, KISS.

Americans are big on free shipping and simplicity. Instead of 7.97 + 3.97, make it $11.99. I would even think of eating a dollar and making it $10.99. In retail, there is a big difference between 10 and 11.
Message 8 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@rose-dee wrote:

I do think eBay could have done much more to help buyers feel confident in coming back to this site after the cyber attack fiasco, and to make it easier for them to re-set their passwords and/or set up a new ID. 

I totally agree.  As well, how about some marketing in general.  I'm online off and on all day .... I never see big ads by eBay encouraging people to come and check it out.  Sure as buyers and sellers, we may get informational e-mails, but how about people who have never shopped on eBay, or even thought about it.  Make it attractive and worthwhile for them to do so.

Message 9 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@mr.elmwood wrote:

For the low value of shipping that you are using, have you considering "free" shipping?

For some sellers and certain items, this may work well but for others, not so much.  If lida researches prices for a specific CD and 90% of sellers are pricing it around the $8.00 mark, just as she is, as soon as she adds in the $4.00 shipping fee (light packet USA), she's priced herself right out of the "Price: lowest first" search.  And most people are not going to continue researching to see what it will cost with shipping.


I know this because a lot of the items I sell are under $15.00.  They're popular items and there are many, many listings for them.  If I incorporate the shipping cost, I'll get even less exposure than I do now when people search by lowest price.

Message 10 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

I do not disagree there JT. I was looking at our OP's FB. With 100 in the last year, I double that for all the sales that do not leave FB. That is 200 sales in a year, A whole 4 a week. At 4 per week, I would be looking at a lot of options.
Message 11 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

I've never searched lowest price first but always use price plus shipping lowest first.

I wonder which way the average ebayer does choose to search.

Message 12 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

ha agreed, gorgeous stuff there!  I'll be spending some time browsing. 


I sell similar items jt-libra (as for the OP, I have 3 huge rubbermade containers of CDs which are slated to go to the Lions Club in my town, I have no passion for them and I fear no one will buy them).  But, perfume, makeup, purses and clothing oh my!  Is your shipping calculator borked or do you really not set shipping?  Says you May ship to Canada.  Thanks eBay, because the seller is in Canada.  XD  If the system though is saying that, it means you at least aren't shipping free when I think that's really the way to go.  People like it, you can just add $10 into the auction/BiN start/total and go from there.  You might not make as much per sale but things aren't selling, what are you making now?  🙂


As for you items, I love your pics, everything looks great.  We are though competing with so many of the same items out of the US and the biggest market is also the US, so that makes it tricky.  Okay, I've talked long enough, time to go look at your lootz.

Message 13 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Holy revelation batman, I didn't even KNOW that was an option....Wow, the time I can now save.  I searched "ending soonest" because I have no patience.  But, I would rather find the cheapest for sure heh.

Message 14 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@mr.elmwood wrote:
I do not disagree there JT. I was looking at our OP's FB. With 100 in the last year, I double that for all the sales that do not leave FB. That is 200 sales in a year, A whole 4 a week. At 4 per week, I would be looking at a lot of options.

Of course, I understand what you're saying.  I too have examined all sorts of options.  Although I sell more than lida, I don't sell on a large scale.  I have to be careful because cosmetics have a "best before" date so I've often had to group them together to sell them while they're still fresh.


All in all, I think my best avenue is combining 2 or more like items, each of which would require a parcel rate, into one listing which can be shipped for one expedited parcel rate (or Small Packet).  Of course that inevitably leads to questions like :  Can I just buy one of them?  Smiley Happy

Message 15 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Ah, there we go, shipping is calculating now.  🙂

Message 16 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Then you just say, "I'm sorry, no. :)"


Looking at your auctions, I would love a lot for sure, also, the eye shadows need more description, are they matte/metallic/satin etc.  These are things I want to know.   http://www.ebay.ca/itm/QUO-CELEBRATION-BEAUTY-PALETTE-14-EYE-SHADOWS-1-BLUSH-/251573508489?pt=US_Mak...

Message 17 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@hocotatefreight2 wrote:
Says you May ship to Canada. 

I'm not sure who you're referring to.  rose-dee, lida, me?  I don't see any listings that say "May ship to Canada".  Are you looking from eBay.com?  If it's me, I'd like to know.  Thanks.

Message 18 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

Hi, sorry, I addressed you in a response to rose-dee I think, above, there's a whole couple paragraphs.  :s.  The shipping trouble was an eBay glitch from .ca, it happens.  Sorry to have bothered you.

Message 19 of 30
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Re: I feel invisible!

@hocotatefreight2 wrote:

Then you just say, "I'm sorry, no. :)"


Looking at your auctions, I would love a lot for sure, also, the eye shadows need more description, are they matte/metallic/satin etc.  These are things I want to know.   http://www.ebay.ca/itm/QUO-CELEBRATION-BEAUTY-PALETTE-14-EYE-SHADOWS-1-BLUSH-/251573508489?pt=US_Mak...

I usually am more detailed than that.  I honestly don't know why this description is so brief.  I may simply have been too tired.  When you're listing a whole bunch of items and each one requires a different and detailed description, sometimes you take short cuts, particularly if it's a low-priced item like the one you mentioned.

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