I would very much like to resolve an issue that I have with what I consider as unreasonable US shipping charges being listed by the sellers. Is the issue with the US shipping calculator or are we looking at gouging practices? What gives?
thanks in advance
Dear adc,
Could you kindly explain to me your shipping. US $189.09 (approx. C $206.60) UPS Worldwide Saver | I find it somewhat excessive. Is this a shipping calculator error? I see that their other lgb sellers also having excessive shipping cost listed. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this phenomena as these prices make a negative impact from people who want to buy. thanks in advance.
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Would you kindly explain the shipping charge Shipping: US $85.00 (approx. C $92.87) USPS Priority Mail for a simple box of 12 tracks. You are not the only one, many other lgb auctions also have what I consider as excessive shipping charges. Is it because of the shipping calculator screwing up? I don't believe that it is the sellers trying to gouge the buyers. So would you maybe have a simple explanation? thanks in advance mike